
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Searching My Home For Treasures

I love getting involved in different blogging days such as Shopping the House Sunday. Because today was my first Spiritual Sunday post and I had tons of  downsizing around the house to do afterward I am very late posting. But I did take a few shots of some of my favorite treasures and wanted to share them here.

I was going to save this for Pink Saturday but this is my $3 Family Dollar find. You either love or hate the pink quilted purse but I bought it because I like pink and it came with a cute little coin purse attached. I guess it could be used as a cosmetic bag too. But it is such a cute little treasure, I thought I would share because I am trying to downsize my life and I carry a really big heavy purse. So this lightens the load and even has a cell phone pocket inside!

This is a cute little "bear chair". I originally found it for a doll I had in the sitting position but it now belongs to an "old friend" and you will meet him in a minute. This little chair is wooden and painted green with a strawberry for a back. I have had it for a really long time and just recycled it for "Old Friend".

This is "old Friend". He is a bear with a tattered sweather that I bought about 5 years ago from a book vendor. He was designed by Teresa Kogut. She always dreamed  of becoming an artist and never was without a pencil or crayons as a child. At the end of the third grade her teacher Miss Garsney wrote on Teresa's report card, Teresa, I hope you have aa really nice summer! I'll bet you  will do a lot of drawing  under a shade tree. Maybe someday you will be a famous artist. I will be able to buy your  drawings!  This teachers words of encouragement stayed with Teresa as she worked to achieve her dream.. Little did either one of them know how true they would become!
Today, Teresa's delightful watercolors have a devoted following. Teddy bears are among her most beloved.
Teddy's little hang tag says "Tattered and torn My Old Friend May Be, But Life's Greatest Treasure He Is To Me."

This little guy is a favorite of my hubby's because he belongs to him! This is a blue whale salt & pepper set. His tail is actually a piece of the set! He belongs to my husband because about 20 years ago he had a conversation with a very dear friend of mine, Sharon and they had a discussion about blue whales. It is a very silly story but since that time Sharon will randomly send him a blue whale and when he opens the package we both crack up! The story behind this little guy (no pun intended) is one of those private jokes so I will not go into great detail. I just hope you like looking at him.

This is my mom's cedar chest. It is worn with age but I love it and I keep our sheets for our master bedroom in it. The furniture company is Abernathy Furniture Co. Here is a little info I found about them.

Abernathy Furniture Company opened in 1856 as Abernathy Brothers. By the 1870's the company reserved the back section of the city directory to illustrate their extensive line of furniture, including chairs, bedsteads, chamber sets, bureaus and mirrors. For a time in 1876, Abernathy Brothers also produced coffins and coffin trimmings. The building is now used for lofts. It is in Leavenworth, Kansas.

I am currently using my mom's cedar chest as a coffee table. The top is worn but the key & lock still work like a charm. It is the most vintage piece I own.


My final item I found shopping in my house was some pretty tiny print fabric, it is a creamy light coffee with flecks of turquoise. My friend Alyn is the seamstress and she is going to help me make a full apron with a pocket. I found the pattern for the dress with jacket at the A.R.C. a while back and she is going to help me make a cute Spring/Summer outfit. I will keep you all posted.

So please hop over to Finesse Your Nest and thank our gracious hostess  Kendall after she returns from her kids free skiing vacation at Lake Tahoe.

I am not as crafty as most of you gals out there but I have a thing about dreaming and one day I will surprise all of you.

A Prayer for Chile

Thanks first to Ginger & Charlotte  at  for letting me participate here. If there is a linking problem it is probably me because I have such a time linking up !

I would like to ask for prayer for Chile. After the devastating earthquake the death toll continues to rise and the country is in disarray.

My middle daughter Rebekah has a friend, Alyssa who just arrived in Chile to study abroad for one year She  has contacted Rebekah already to tell her that she is fine. She is 10 hours away from Santiago but they felt the quake on the 11th floor of her dorm.

These natural disasters often make me reflect on my own life. It is hard to say why they occur but I truly believe that God has His hand in everything we do worldwide! Isn't that amazing? He is so incredible! He has the whole world in His hand. I loved that song as a child and as a mother I often sang it to my own children. It gives you a tiny glimpse into God's vast world.

This is Chile

Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that everything comes--
both calamity and blessings?”

Lamentations 3:38

I hope you will pray. I hope you will continue to follow Spiritual Sunday .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prayers for Linda

Please stop by my sweet friend Linda's blog Prairies Flower Farm and express your sympathy to her for the loss of her dad. We  have all been praying but the Lord wanted him instead so let Linda & her family know you are thinking of them during this difficult time. Pray that her sister Shannon arrives in Kansas safely.

Fathers are wonderful people
too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
as often as we should...
For, somehow, Father seems to be
the man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
and nurses all our ills...
And Father struggles daily
to live up to "his image"
As protector and provider
and "hero of the scrimmage"...
And perhaps that is the reason
we sometimes get the notion
That Fathers are not subject
to the thing we call emotion,
But if you look inside Dad's heart,
where no one else can see,
You'll find he's sentimental
and as "soft" as he can be...
But he's too busy every day
in the gruelling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
to his partner and his wife...
But Fathers are just wonderful
in a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
and accolades of praise,
For the only reason Dad aspires
to fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
and to bring them happiness...
And like Our Heavenly Father,
he's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
to be always on our side.
Helen Steiner Rice 

The Postcard Exchange

Please stop by The Fairfield House and check out the cool exchange going on. We are exchanging postcards. All you have to do to participate is send a postcard from the area where you live and tell the recipient something about where you live. These handwritten gems will be so much fun to collect. So far Rhonda at Blue Creek Home is participating along with Dana, Olivia and Deborah at the Fairfield House. Please everyone, if you have a blog make sure to include that info along with your full name, address and city state and zip. Oh, there is a giveaway involved!

Voila! It is easy as one two three!

Please check with Deborah because I want to give the credit to these ladies who started all this. It will be fun!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pink Saturday Equals Anne Geddes Babies

Hello to you from me and welcome to Pink Saturday! I am sometimes at a loss for pink ideas although I am surrounded by pink and today I decided to share some cute images of Anne Geddes babies.

Being the mother of a large brood of kids I always miss the tender touch of a newborn and the smell of their sweet little baby heads and their pretty pink skin! However, I do not miss the 2 A.M. feedings and all the mishaps of being a new parent. But I do love the memories and I wanted to share some of the cutest Geddes babies with you.

Let's thank Beverly over at How Sweet The Sound for hosting this wonderful Pink Saturday each week and even taking time with her health on the line to make sure we all posted last week and the week before. I know she is feeling better and getting stronger but I am amazed at what a true leader she is. Make sure you stop by her place to say hello and thank her.

The babies are here...

I don't want to overwhelm you with babies but I thought they were awfully cute!

Now you should remember to check out some of your Pink Saturday neighbors like Miss Rhea's Sweet n Shabby Roses. This delightful PS participate has the sweetest swap going on for all you crafty girls out there! Just sign up with her at with all your info so she can partner you up with someone by midnight PST tonight. You need to create 2 mini baskets out of standard size yogurt cartons. Check her blog for all the cool details.

Then hop over to Cottage Dreamer to check out Sandra's very pretty blog. I wish I had time to stop by and see every single one of the blogs that participate in Pink Saturday. Ah...I can dream can't I? I enjoy meeting all of you and I feel like I have made so many wonderful friends. Please remember to stop by and wish the PS participates a HPS!

You will note my previous post highlights another great Pink Saturday participate  Pink In The City

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I Keep Six Honest Serving Men,
(They Taught Me Alll I Knew);
Their Names Are What And Why And When
And How And Where And Who.
I Send Them Over Land And Sea ,
I Send Them East And West,
But After They Have Worked For Me,
I Give Them All A Rest.

I Let Them Rest From Nine To Five,
For I Am Busy Then,
As Well As Breakfast,Lunch and Tea,
For They Are Hungry Men.
But Different Folk Have Different Views,
I know a person small-
She keeps ten million serving men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends 'em abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes,
One million Hows, two million wheres
And seven million whys.

The Elephants Child

Sometime I get in a mood, and I need poetry. This is a favorite of mine.

This is Bridal Veil Falls located in Colorful Colorado

I thought you might enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Who would have dreamed that I would use McLinky correctly for once and link up to Jenny Matlock &  all her friends at Alphabet Thursday? To join this fun learning day go toJenny Matlock

This is my 100th post!

F is for Fantastic, Fun and Fabulous!

Now Webster says
Main Entry: 1fan·tas·tic
Pronunciation: \fan-ˈtas-tik, fən-\
Variant(s): also fan·tas·ti·cal \-ti-kəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English fantastic, fantastical, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French fantastique, from Late Latin phantasticus, from Greek phantastikos producing mental images, from phantazein to present to the mind — more at fancy
Date: 14th century
1 a : based on fantasy : not real b : conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy c : so extreme as to challenge belief : unbelievable; broadly : exceedingly large or great
2 : marked by extravagant fantasy or extreme individuality : eccentric
3 fantastic : excellent, superlative
synonyms fantastic, bizarre, grotesque mean conceived, made, or carried out without adherence to truth or reality. fantastic may connote unrestrained extravagance in conception or merely ingenuity of decorative invention fantastic rumors to spread>. bizarre applies to the sensationally queer or strange and implies violence of contrast or incongruity of combination bizarre medieval castle built in the heart of a modern city>. grotesque may apply to what is conventionally ugly but artistically effective or it may connote ludicrous awkwardness or incongruity often with sinister or tragic overtones <grotesque statues adorn the cathedral> grotesque attempt at a smile>.
synonyms see in addition imaginary
Main Entry: 1fun
Pronunciation: \ˈfən\
Function: noun
Etymology: English dial. fun to hoax, perhaps alteration of Middle English fonnen, from fonne dupe
Date: 1727
1 : what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech
2 : a mood for finding or making amusement
3 a : amusement, enjoyment b : derisive jest : sport, ridicule
4 : violent or excited activity or argument
synonyms fun, jest, sport, game, play mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter. fun usually implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose fun>. jest implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing jest>. sport applies especially to the arousing of laughter against someone sport led to anger>. game is close to sport, and often stresses mischievous or malicious fun game of their poor relations>. play stresses the opposition to earnest without implying any malice or mischief play>.

Main Entry: fab·u·lous
Pronunciation: \ˈfa-byə-ləs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin fabulosus, from fabula
Date: 15th century
1 a : resembling or suggesting a fable : of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature b : wonderful, marvelous
2 : told in or based on fable
synonyms see fictitious
fab·u·lous·ly adverb
fab·u·lous·ness noun

Have I bored you yet? Ah....I think we all could use a spelling lesson along with a definition lesson. I use to work with a Dr. who attended McGill University, a very prestigious learning place in Canada. He was a native of our Olympic host country and the most excellent speller I ever met!  There were no words he could not spell He claims it was due to being an only child of a mother who gave up her teaching position to raise him! My hat is off to you Mrs. Cohen, mother of J. John Cohen, M.D. Ph.D.

But to complete my very first Alphabet Thursday post here are some fantastic, fun and fabulous things to enjoy!
Fur is fabulous    Diamonds are fantastic  Disneyland is Fun 

Tink: An Update & Random Thoughts About Life & People in General

I started this blog because my daughter Rebekah's little poodle Tinkerbell was diagnosed with liver disease. The other night she was lying on the sofa and I tried to move her onto her little blanket! I went to lift her up and nearly tossed her over my shoulder! She is so tiny and thin. I felt so sad I started to cry.  They had a vet appointment at a new place today. She has cataracts. They said she is dying but if we could afford the $260 ultrasound they could determine what exactly is wrong with her. They can not clean her teeth because she might not  survive. It would be best to get the ultrasound but that cost is much more then we can afford.  The dental work with anesthesia is $200 additional. They said if she continues to eat, pee, try to run away (she has gypsy blood, I swear she does) and jump on the bed or sofa. If she stops, they said she would not want to continue living much longer. Rebekah is beside herself but we know this little pooch lived a very nice life for a long time. We just hate to think of the inevitable. I know it sounds silly to some but pray for this little dog and her precious owner. My daughter is struggling with this.

Now I must say all the other animals revere her. Even my big boy, kitty, Boots. He is a very finicky old chap and would make a fine ole bachelor Englishman if he were human. He has that look about him, "Don't bother me!! Sigh! Exasperated! Smokey and Stella have been spending many days in their "box", the kennel but living here again, they have more freedoms and they are very well mannered. They are very careful around Tink and the "horse" as we affectionately call Smokey daintily prances around her. Stella has taken to lie close to her and gently set her paw on the "old girl". Rose is skittish and steers clear of the mess of dogs! She is a weird little cat and likes her privacy and quiet times. Bandit is much more relaxed since Jeremy returned home. He is a funny little ole dog and he even steps back from the water bowl if he sees Tink approaching.

I look at this collection of furry friends and I think, wouldn't  life be perfect if people could act this same way. If everyone stepped back and smiled or made a kind instead of curt remark to someone else.

Today, a psych hospital called us, needing to speak to my doc about one of our patients. Due to Hippa, the privacy act, I will choose my words carefully. I will call this lovely patient "Lou". I took the phone call the day this patient called to ask if we accepted new patients and then how quickly she could be seen. She was chatty & flighty & very nervous, She asked me my name and a bounty of questions. Later she connected with one of our M.A.'s, Monica. Then between myself & Monica this patient called numerous times asking to speak to one or the other. We laughed about it and when she would call we would wonder who she would ask for. I took that call today and my heart sank when the doctor said her name. She said she was admitted for suicidal tendencies. I thought of the numerous times I spoke with this lovely person and I started to pray for her. Monica and I talked and we both felt she was reaching out to us. I think perhaps because of our kindness she was hanging on to a single thread. We aren't sure. We don't know how many other doctor offices she contacted seeking some type of relief but we both agreed we were glad we treated her with the respect and kindness and dignity everyone deserves.

I am not blowing my own horn or asking you to pat me on the back. But I am so grateful to have been raised the way I was and I also will thank my Catholic school upbringing .  Those three "R's" came in handy many times in my life. Religion,Respect, Responsibility. I am not a religious person per se. I am rather a child of God. I am  a believer in my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and I wish I could be a better example of His Christian values many times during the day. But I never lose that respect for others and I always try to be a responsible person.

My husband and I have have had a group of kids planted at our home many weekends through the years. Last night Rebekah's dear friend Alyssa stopped by one last time before she left today for Chile. She is a student at the University of Wyoming and will attend classes in Chile for the next year. When she left, she said "I have to go tell my mom bye". We all said in unison "NO!". This little gal spent many many nights with my girls because her mom & dad, both divorced and into "other relationships had no where else to turn. My home has always been a safe haven for these kids with broken families, broken hearts and broken dreams. I look at her and I think all the things we said and did for this girl through the years paid off! Her parents probably will never change, being into the "Me" scene. But we can smile when we think of the memories we shared with this beautiful girl and we wish her much success and much love! Please pray for her that her trip to Chile is a safe one and she has a wonderful learning experience. Because of all the tears that were being shed, they would not let me use my camera! Drat!

I just want to end my post with this thought, a kind word is worth so much more then a cross one. Keep those in your life close and always pay attention to them no matter how busy you get. Give a stranger an extra smile or simply say a kind word.

Have a great Thursday!

Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts.
Blaise Pascal

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal  

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

M O N D A Y S !

Is Monday REALLY over yet!? Since I am working for the long haul I have to say Monday's are not the best days! Last night I barely stumbled through my door with a blinding migraine and dizziness so severe I had to rest before I could begin any Monday food prep. But thanks to my sweetie Avery who cooked like a madman on Sunday afternoon we had plenty of food to share. Sloppy Joe's, Potato Cheese Soup and Cheese Enchilada Casserole. My contribution hard boiled eggs for snacking and salads! LOL!

My phamily is prone to sinus infections and fortunately you know I work for the ENT guy! My doc is fabulous though. He can diagnosis and treat so quickly I am always amazed at his precision.

We were slammed yesterday with new patients galore but I think of it as a blessing rather then a chore! I am grateful to be working, Amen!

Just keep the phamily in your prayers. Hannah is struggling with wicked headaches. I have a history of neuro surgery in bulk and both of my boys suffer migraines. We are getting her to the doctor this week. Nick has another raging sinus infection and Dr. Peller feels like he may need a CT Scan if it does not get better. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers and let me shuffle off to the workplace.

Have a great Tuesday!

Don't forget to comment on both of my giveaways! I want to give stuff away and I am in a generous mood!

Blessings to all!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shop the House Sunday

I am linked, at least I hope I am to Finesse your nest over in Texas! I am posting some things I found while shopping in my own home!

This is a pretty pretty turquoise colored pillow I found at Big Lots. retail $25 Super Sale $5!

This is my poor lil sewing basket. But there is more to it then meets the eye!

My sweet Auntie Ang was a whiz with a sewing machine and created the most beautiful clothes. But she also was thrifty and smart with left over bits of this & that. She traced a hand and made a pin cushion. It is worn with age but it once sported a pretty pink lacy bow! Any volunteers to update this for me? I can send you the supplies! :)

This cute strawberry pin cushion my aunt made for me but Linda over at Prairie Flower Farm has the pattern. I "borrowed" her idea to display it in my new egg cup. Isn't it sweet?

My daughter Rebekah had this absolutely cute bag in the giveaway pile! I think someone hand crafted this. It says Bella Nimmer on it and the heart detailing is exquisite. I plan to recycle it to me! Am I awful?!

My daughter, the college woman, was dumping this treasure too! I recycled it back to myself! Who can resist Cinderella? I could kick myself for passing on an Audrey Hepburn chic handbag at the ARC a few weeks ago! Even clueless craftless me could have added new bling to her ears because the little stones fell out. Drat!

With Lent here and Easter on the way this crucifix collection is a reminder of my Catholic childhood. The first one is from a funeral. The second one I purchased at a Catholic Religious store. The third one, the colorful one, was my son Jeremy's that he received after completing a weekend retreat! The tiny blue one belonged to one of my brothers I am sure but I found it in my mom's cedar chest. I thought they had a nice message that we should remember and wanted to share.

Tea tins which I think are so cute. Earl Gray, one of my favorites, English breakfast and green tea.

I am crafty! I remember now! In the old Princess House days when I did lots of home shows we played a game called the "box game." I purchased and decorated each little box and added some bling! They each contained a slip of paper which said "You won a free gift" or "You won a free gift plus a Princess House party". People loved it and at time I was so good at it without becoming a stalker or driving people to disconnect or change their phone numbers!  I kept these through the years and they are still as pretty as ever.

More Giveaway For My 100th Post!

I am jumping the gun but I am going to give away another prize for helping me celebrate my one hundredth post. It will be coming up this week I am sure so here is the gift:

This is a Princess House Orchard Medley Soap and/or Lotion dispenser. I forgot to take a pic of the pump dispenser too but it comes with 2 kinds of dispensers and it is a collectible piece having been retired for several years. If you like the fruit pattern this is a great item to add to your collection.

All I ask of you is to become a follower if you aren't already. I will give you an entry for following me. Another 2 for finding more friends to join and you can get unlimited entries depending on how many new followers come over and mention you sent them! I will give this item away on March 5th when I draw the first giveaway the sugar packet holder in the Vintage Garden pattern. The VG item comes with the honey sticks, some Serado Valley jelly and Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time Tea. This item will come with a $10 gift card from the Bath & Body Works store. It will also have a few other bath time surprises with it so don't hesitate come over and help me celebrate my 100th post early!

Regarding Saying Goodbye

Please be kind and stop by my sweet friend Beth's blog The Stories of A to Z and encourage her. She just lost a very important person in her life. Please pray for her.

Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd,
I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

My parents have the 23rd Psalm on their headstone at the local hometown cemetery and it brings me great comfort and always has. When I go home some weekend I will get some pics at the cemetery. The history is incredible and even as a child I was never fearful in the cemetery. In fact, my mama taught me to drive my daddy's big ole truck in that cemetery with its tight corners and narrow little roads. My uncle Louie use to throw money on the ground and when we were very small we thought God was throwing money at us! LOL! We also picked the very best mulberries in that Roselawn cemetery. Lots of my phamily members are  buried there and I love to wander around and look at the old graves and see the different people buried there and think about how their lives must have played out.

My unborn daughter Rachel Lee is buried at the Mount Olivet cemetery in Wheatridge, CO. It is a Catholic cemetery and in the Spring and Summer you can see the beautiful swans swimming in the pond and  watch them from the little bridge that crosses that pond. She is in a grave in Baby Land and I am always sad to see so many little lives that were lost before they even had a chance to know their phamilies better! But it is also a place of great comfort because I know my beautiful child is with her Maker and she is at peace and in perfect form. My sweet little baby does not have any fancy grave marker as we never could afford to place one on her grave but I know our darling daughter is enjoying the perks of Heaven with someone far better then a fancy marble marker.

These days I do not get so sad about the loss of Rachel because I know God had a different plan for my life and it included Rebekah, Hannah and Nicholas. I do believe God knows all things and He had my life in a different place 23 years ago. I believe I will be able to embrace my daughter in heaven one day and therefore I have been able to deal with her loss through the years. I will never forget my lil angel as long as I have life in me but I believe God's plan is always the way He intends for us to go on.

Please say hello to Beth as she is one of the kindest people I know here in blog land. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Am Planning Another Giveaway

Just a quick FYI! I am planning a giveaway leading up to another giveaway! I am going to giveaway a Vintage Garden sugar packet holder pictured here.  It is a collectible little item that Princess house use to sell. I am very sad they discontinued most of the pieces. I have a lot of Vintage Garden and wish they had added other pieces to the collection. But I have one to giveaway. It will come with a few other little surprises so if you follow me please leave a comment. That will get you 1 entry. If you recommend my blog to someone new you will get 2 more entries if they decide to follow me. If you blog about my giveaway you will earn another entry and if you stop by and decide to follow me you will earn another entry. It is easy and I love hearing from you so come join me for a little tea time phun!  I will draw the lucky winner before 8 P.M. MDT or MST (where ever we are with the time zone thing) on Saturday March 6, 2010! This will be the first of my Vintage Garden collection giveaway so if you like what you see please do join me!

I like to promote my home state of Colorado where I still reside so the Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time Tea and the Madhava Honey Sticks are made right here in Colorful Colorado. I may add a jar of Serado Valley Jelly too. It is also from my home state.

"Live in each season  as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each." Henry David Thoreau

Thinking About College

Yesterday my son Nick bugged me to leave school early. He is always complaining of headaches like his older brother Jeremy and myself. It must be contagious because Hannah has it now. But to make a long story short I told him no. Stay in school! I feel crummy 4 out of 5 days and I still manage to trudge off to work!

It is a good thing he stayed there because.....

He got a letter! He is only a sophomore so recruiters can't talk to him yet but they can watch him and they can tell him about their schools so....

He received his first official letter from Cornell College in Iowa! They have an excellent Cross Country team as well as Track & Field.

We were very excited for him and I planned to post the letter here. But instead I will show off my baby boy because the darn letter would not post!

So....Ta Da.....

 Nick and Mrs.Hammerschmidt the CC Coach at his high school.

This is my baby after State CC Competition this past October 2009.

Finishing his race at the State Competition. Go Nick!

Nick is a good kid and I am hopeful he will continue to succeed at his God-given talent which is running really fast and really far!

One of his heroes happens to be a guy from my generation and I am quoting "Pre" here.

"To give anything less than your best is to  sacrifice the gift." Steve Prefontaine  1951-1975

Prayers for Shauna

In my effort to catch up on my blog reading I came across this lovely blog. Since I am struggling to learn all the blogging protocol I decided to try to paste the button on a post. Please pray and help in any other ways.

I appreciate your actions. May God Bless Shauna and her family and May He keep them safe in His Care.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I want to say that I wish Beverly, our gracious host for Pink Saturdays well. She has been under the weather and we need to continue to pray that she gets stronger each day. Thank you Beverly for being such an awesome lady and helping all of us interact through this genius idea of Pink Saturdays! Please stop over to say hello at   How Sweet the Sound.

I have some Pink finds this week that include
"The most expense gift I ever bought." according to my oldest daughter Noelle who purchased these cute oven mitts for me at the M & M Store in Las Vegas, Nevada! Thank you Noelle!

This is purple I know but Hannah received this beautiful live flower lei for Valentine's Day from her employer at Sonic Drive In. Unfortunately one of her managers is of Arab descent and since he does not celebrate any holiday these were put in the fridge and given out the next day by another manager!

Here is a snapshot of Hannah wearing her pretty Hawaiian lei.

Next here is some Orbit bubble gum I bought. See the pretty pink decal on the wrapper?

I also have a pretty pink Family Dollar Store Valentine coffee mug! It has all the cute heart me sayings on it! Cost: $1!

I am jumping ahead to Easter, my absolute favorite holiday, but here are two cute Easter treats, two egg cups, one pale pink and one white with polka dots and a pink inside to it!

Here is my absolute favorite Easter candy, next to chocolate bunnies and Cadbury hard coated eggs! Peeps or in this case Hot Pink Peep Bunnies. Yummy! My friend Sharon sends me a package of Peeps in the mail every Easter.Although she lives about half an hour away this special package always makes my day and I would know Sharon didn't love me anymore if I did not get those peeps from her. I got white ghosts peeps for Halloween this year! I have had pink and purple and green and blue peeps through the years! Thanks Sharon, my favorite "sis".


Finally here is my retro Vegas coffee/tea mug from Hannah. She is so cute, she loves the old school Vegas and Fremont Street. Thanks Hannah for my cool mug!

I hope you have enjoyed some of my treasures and I hope you will visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound and check our some of the new and old participates. I like Apron Senorita and her very lovely blog as well as Tiffanee at One Crazy Cookie. She has some yummy recipes to share. Enjoy the weekend and have a wonderful week as well! See you next time at Pink Saturday!


I have been thinking....that is scary because  I was thinking about  Monday and Monday is always a wild ride for me! I work for an ENT doctor and Monday's are bad! This past Monday we had  three emergency patients all with nose bleds out of control! I think it is the dryness in the air but I hate to think after a long day at the crazy place!

But I was thinking I always wanted the closet Big gave to Carrie with the super apartment in NYC to match and I posted a piece about it. But my friend Barb over at dogmom diva said our parents did fine without extra storage and what is wrong with us?

I think we are pack rats. I think no one admits it but we are!  My folks did not have all the stuff I have and I have stuff! I own three washing machines and matching dryers!  The problem is only the dryers work and one only of my  three washers work! DUH! I kept them because my nephew Ed in Kentucky is appliance repair wizard and I thought maybe he'd come visit and fix 'em all for me and I could sell them! Well, 7 years have come and gone since we moved here and no Ed and no repaired appliances so...


Those 2 non working washers are going to go bye bye and if I am lucky enough to make a few dollars I will sell those dryers.

What is most pathetic is that we pay for a storage place to store this stuff?!?! But the appliances are not alone. I have 15 full size Princess House large packing boxes full to the brim of Princess House! Four of these boxes belong to my lovely children still living here but the rest is all mine!

I have a doll collection to revival anyone's doll collection but these babies are tucked into the storage too! Then there are the Barbie dolls. The boxes of collectible Barbies are ok. I own them with Rebekah and Hannah but the second hand Barbies I have downstairs in three different Barbie houses- yikes! A Mayflower moving van would be needed to relocate these dolls! LOL!

Now I will tell you, I saw a guy walking in downtown Denver without a coat, no jacket, no sweater, nothing just 2 weeks ago! I am the kind of person that would have given him the coat I had if I could have gotten out of the flow of traffic! I did that once many years ago. I saw a guy walking in a snowstorm without a coat. I was headed to the ARC with a mini van full of stuff! I pulled over and tossed that good jacket to that kid! He looked as if I had just given him the winning Lotto jackpot!

I have boxes and bags of gently used clothing. My son Nick, all 5'7", 128 pounds of him, had an entire closet full of size 8 boys t shirts that were in near perfect condition. He had a pair of "I think I worn those khaki dress pants once" nice pants three sizes too small for him! My grandson Colton, about the same weight & height as Nick seriously tried to wear a jacket I think he had in the 1st grade! Double DUH! I took it away from him and placed it in my giveaway bag!

The hubby and I will be making a pit stop at the local ARC and the local Goodwill Saturday morning. By that time I will have gone through every closet in this house and confiscated all the things that no one has used since John Travolta wore that leisure suit in Saturday Night Fever!

I just think sometime we hang on to memories and we forget the really important stuff. We need to be content in the here and now! We need to take care of today. We can not change yesterday and we can not predict tomorrow.

We love the ones we have lost and remember them fondly but we are not going to bring them back to this earth by hanging on to things that we have no place for. You can not bring someone back with old memories. I like my pictures and I will journal and write important things down. That way keeping a pair of "clown pants" as my girls refer to a pair of burnt orange and cream striped pants that are hideous looking not to mention out of date and dry clean only. Who knows, someone else may need a nifty clown outfit next Halloween.