
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hi everyone! I had the worst Monday. I was sick with a migraine and went to bed at eight o'clock last night! Of course, the stress of the housing situation is not helping!

But the owners are anxious to sell and they have made the repairs that were needed. Please keep praying until the loan process is complete. They like to drag their feet!
 So welcome to Tuesday's Show and Tail. I am late as always but my heart is happy to participate in this fun meme. So tonight I want to post a few internet images of reindeer! These are interesting creatures and they remind us of the holiday season that is quickly approaching. As a child my aunt and uncle use to take us to the   Santa's Work Shop at the base of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs. We could buy crackers for 25 cents then and fed the reindeer. Oh what fun times those days were! These sturdy animals help Santa pull that sleigh full of Christmas cheer. I loved the reindeer that were in the  Santa Clause. What fun this post is and you can head over to Angela's and join us for this fun weekly post.

We are getting some badly needed moisture here with a mixture of rain and snow. The evening reminded me of these creatures and I thought I would them with you. Enjoy the evening.


  1. love the reindeer! I love reindeer. They are such awesome animals. Santa sure needs them!

  2. Hope you feel better. And those reindeer - awesome. sandie

  3. I hope you are feeling better Anne! Just wanted to let you know that sometimes it can take up to 3 months for all of the paperwork for a loan to go through. That was before the banking and housing crisis stuff that has been going on lately. So hang in there. It will happen.

    I love reindeer! Especially Rudolph! hehehe How cool to have grown up gong to Santa's workshop and feeding the reindeer crackers! I'm sure that was a magical time!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  4. We saw some reindeer at a sport store. They were brought in for the little kids but my husband and I enjoyed them too.
    Rudolph has been around a long time. ..

  5. My mom and I took Sarah to The North Pole when she was little and I loved it as much as she did. Female reindeer have antlers! I'd love to have some, but don't have any corrals or money to start a herd. Hope that headache stays away-mine usually hang on for three days. Take care. ♥♫

  6. Hope you feel better today...
    and the house is soon to be your new home..

