
Monday, November 19, 2018


I am trying to continue the Alphabet post and I find that fun is always a good option. I use to watch my greatest grandboy Harrison and he was fun! He is smart and silly and kind and loving. I miss my days with him but I always find time to think about him.
I am always grateful. There are days that drag us all down. I like to think about the good in people, the kindness in simple things. I feel thankful and grateful and most of all blessed each day I live. The holidays can be so difficult for some folks so I try to be extra kind and grateful. I thought G for grateful fit perfectly here. List all the things you are grateful for. I bet they will outweigh the things that make you unhappy.
Harrison tells me this is my dance. I LOVE dancing but this Mickey Mouse Clubhouse "Hot dog Dance" is a favorite because Harrison and I would dance together everyday. That child has so much energy. We have hot dogs on the grill in the summertime so it is a big win for me! I figured Hot Dog was a great H word and reminded me of my childhood where you'd go to the drive in movies and the food commercials featured the hot dog jumping in and out of the bun! I love good memories.
Oh Maxine, you are a tough old bird! We have both ham and turkey for our Thanksgiving Day celebration. This year we have a smaller group. Only 18 of us including the hubby and I, Rebekah and Zach, our gracious hosts, Hannah, Nick, Noelle, Roger, , Jeremy, Brittany, Addy and Brody with Alexis and Jake. Everyone is pitching in for a favorite dish or two.
MY friend Carole wrote a social media post stating clearly , "PUT DOWN YOUR DAMN PHONES". Harsh, I don't think so. I think we all need to learn to respect those we are with and  put those phones away. We aren't going to perish without them.

 This is another pet peeve of mine. I feel when people use this they are just trying to get away from you. I am a Chatty Cathy but if you have other things to do, speak up! This is just plain R U D E! I have a friend who is so up front I imagine some folks would find her rude. She lives in another state and when we chat on the phone and she has to use the bathroom, she speaks her mind! Ha Ha Ha! I love it! She's just like her mom, an upfront kinda gal. I love her so much!
I need to dig out old Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas photos.  My folks always hosted the best dinners and we had such fun times with remarkable people we called our loved ones. Do you have traditions each year or do you like surprises? I know lots of Italian phamilies who eat a full Italian menu. I may be repeating myself but when I was a young woman my neighbor Annie made all the fresh pasta for her sisters Italian restaurant  . She taught me how to make all those great pastas. I love all the dishes and enjoy them today.
We like to include wine at our dinner. One for turkey and one for ham. I worked with a doctor years ago who was a wine connoisseur. There is wine for every food.
I love Jan Karon and read all her books, this one is on my list. Do you love to read? I love holding a real book in my hands. Not into all the electronic options for reading, just not my thing. But this title is lovely and on the subject of prayer, would you remember my hubby's co worker? Geraldine had some heart issues and was hospitalized for a procedure . She won't be back for a while so my honey and his co worker Tony are splitting her hours. She is a lovely person and I am praying for her health to be restored. Always remember the homeless and the hungry in this season. SO many I pray for for each day.
Or eat a healthy meal on this blessed and beautiful THANKSgiving Day. See you here again soon.


  1. Hi there, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Phamily! I am going to get this book shown in this post. LOVE Maxine, she says what we all think:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. What a lovely post and I linked it to Happy Tuesday. I love Maxine too and I really agree with the phone thing. Most everyone keeps their phones out of sight at our house. I couldn't agree with you more.

    Have a fabulous and blessed Thanksgiving, my friend. ♥

  3. Oh man, I love coming over here for a dose of Feel.Good.Deal.With.It.Truisms! You and Sean Dietrich are like two peas in a pod. Happy Thanksgiving blessings, my friend!

  4. Wishing you a phone-free thanksgiving!

  5. I also agree about the phones. I'm wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. May you dance many more years with Harrison. You are so blessed my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
