
Thursday, May 20, 2021


 Everyday there is much to be Thankful for. Thankful Thursday have the good life when  you are allowed to take your nap on a Minky Couture blanket. I have not even had the opportunity to use this! These blankets are so soft and comfy. I have a smaller one that I like at night to help me fall asleep. This feline thinks he is the owner of this place he calls home! He says I should be thankful he is here! I think he may have been mad that I snapped his photo. He thinks he is too good to take a nice photo for me.

Thankful Colton stopped by with Shea yesterday.  She turned a whole one year old! She is a character, so fearless, so happy, so excited around all the pets. She has no fear and loves life. They will have a birthday party for her on Saturday. What a joyful year this has been with her in our lives. I often heard grumbling about 2020 and you know, I never had fear about anything. I trust the highest power there is and will not change my mind about that.  I do ask for prayer for Lex, she is the  twin sister of my SIL Zach. She was diagnosed with the virus and she is 3 months pregnant. Prayers for Amanda too. Also due in November 2021 but with natural triplets. My grandmother always said, God has the say if he wants babies in this world. I am excited for both of these sweet mom's. I ask God to put a protection over them and their loved ones. 

13 And they were bringing children to Him so that He would touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Allow the children to come to Me; do not [a]forbid them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” 16 And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them. the Book of Mark Chapter 10

A favorite photo of Nick from May 18, 2015 when Colton graduated from high school. Always so many good memories. I remember my own high school graduation. My father was a steel worker and he was not able to attend most school functions but he was able to attend my high school graduation. What a wonderful memory. I need to find and sort more photos as I know I have some with my dad that day.
Colton's graduation and Avery with his favorite girls. 2015 seems like yesterday for me.

This was true in Casey's day. Today....not so much. I see some pro catchers that can not seem to hang on to a baseball! 

Ellen and Lorianne co host this sweet blog hop.  Here are this week's fill in's:

1. Lately, I've been ________________.

2. I find _____________fascinating.

3. If I had known______________,I would have_____________.

4. I can't help but ______________when I'm nervous.

I will show my answers here tomorrow. Come join the fun.

Hoping your night is filled with sweet dreams. 


  1. Happy First Birthday to sweet little Shea. May she have a wonderful birthday with many many more to follow. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday to sweet Shea from all of us. Yep, the kitty is in charge fur sure! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Shea is adorable and I'm sure she had a very Happy Birthday.

    I love how cats rule the house and dogs just want to make you happy.

    I hope you had a fabulous Thankful Thursday, honey.

    Have a blessed day and weekend. ♥

  4. Happy Birthday to Shea-Shea! I can't believe she's going to be one y/o already!
    Funny expression on Mr. Kitty's face. Gumpy Cat, move over!

    I'm having fun mentally answering the Fill-Ins and laughing about #4. At the time it wasn't funny, but I was sooooo stressed last night I began munching on everything bad -- chocolate, Taco Bell, popcorn. 😝

  5. Wishing shea many happy returns of the day!
