
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wordless Wednesday and Life in Turmoil


September 4, 2024, the sunrise this Wednesday morning from my back yard.

Life in Turmoil 

The dictionary says turmoil means a state of  extreme confusion, agitation or commotion. 

I had my identity stolen. I do not when this happened. But I do know not only am I in a state of extreme confusion but everywhere I go to seek help is as well.  I was contacted a few weeks ago by a District Attorneys office. They had someone in custody who committed 24 acts of cyber fraud, identify theft, ,criminal intent to commit cyber fraud and second degree forgery. It sounded so serious, yet here I sit, one day after the "supposed" sentencing of this person without a shred of information to help myself rebuild what this person stole from me. I am beaten down and at a breaking point. Because when I called the phone number provided, they patched up through to someone, who was on vacation, out of the office, away. When I heard from this person they listened to my story and dumped me on someone else who still has made no effort to contact me. I contacted all three credit bureau agencies. One allowed me to speak to a live agent! He immediately sent off my credit report. He said I should have it in 7 to 10 days depending on the USPS! The other two, stick you in a que, no one cares, no one live will speak to you and now they are sending me text messages, we need further info. There is absolutely no justice in the so called judicial system! So wasting to very expensive postage stamps to request these reports via USPS!

My credit is destroyed, I can not even begin to find out when and how and why I was attacked. So when I am told that jury duty is a right we must take seriously, I have to  disagree. I am sitting here with a broken credit history and this person is probably getting community service. No information that she possibly sold my information to others. I Know this because my credit card which was brand spanking new as a result of the old card was  getting ready to be expired . It was hit twice in two days with smaller charges. They closed the account and sent me a brand new card. Before I had finished activating this card it was hit twice. Hmmmm....... she sat in custody, receiving three free meals a day while someone was enjoying the luxury of using my two cards, same account, new and old credit card numbers in a matter of days. 

It is sad time in our country. I can not speak for others elsewhere. But this is a nightmare and it is not going away. You can hire a pricey attorney. No, can not do it! I am ruined. My husband has worked at a major law firm for over 30 years. They do not practice this type of law. If they did, I would be set as the attorneys there are excellent in winning many historic cases.

I've been here contemplating this life we live. It is a sad one when there is not much hope for a better tomorrow. The only hope I have is with God. He has been my comfort. I have stayed as close to Him as I can.  I am circling the drain and as I look at what is happening to America, it is to.

These words were powerful and hit me between the eyes.  Such a truth in our ever unknown world. 

Someone I knew had this verse on their desk.  It is something I rely on as the darkness of the world tempts me with despair. Only Christ can save me so I choose HIM!

I appreciate everyone coming over with kindness and comfort during this loss of my boy Tiger a/k/a Mr. Kitty. To those of you that created mem buttons for me a huge THANK YOU as you blessed my heart with such caring. To everyone who prayed for Avery has he navigated the unknown thinking he was having a major asthma attack and  a very unusual eczema breakout . When a doctor can not figure it out it seemed so frightening but the doctor, the nurse and the gentleman who had to walk my husband around before he would be released were kind, caring and compassion. THANK YOU!

This broken credit of mine is not going to save me. But I will search and see what I can find out. It is sad no one can tell you dates, times, places so I would have a clue as to what to look for. I am doing the best I can with nothing to go forward with.

A third person called me today from the Victim's Advocate office. She could not help me either. Said the person Lori from  Restitution would call. Waiting waiting waiting!!