
Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Snowing!

This is a good day to stay inside and enjoy watching the snow fall! There is a lot of snow and my son-in-law was stuck in Blackhawk as the highway was closed. Took him several hours but he made it home safely. My daughter Noelle and grandson Colton barely made it home in this mess yesterday. My grandson Andrew hopped on a plane before the snow fell yesterday A.M. and flew to Las Vegas to see his other grandparents. Jeremy is tucked in his place safely with his room mate Ivan, recovering from knee surgery. Jeremy has been a blessing to Ivan helping him get to therapy sessions. Rebekah is stuck with Giggles & gang. Hannah and Nick are here with us. It is a blessing no one has to work today.

Last night Nick & Hannah climbing into our bed and the four of us watched movies until I conked out at 10. They braved one last movie before hiting the sheets!

Avery just cleaned the walks outside It is freezing, at 28 degrees we are grateful to have a roof over our heads!

Tink is curled up next to me on the sofa. She went out early and the snow came all the way up her little skinny legs. She hurried in! She is messing with the cats trying to eat their breakfast! Too tired to get downstairs for her own. I am going to replace the water bowl up here with some food as well. She misses Rebekah. They usually sleep together. I noticed Tink spent the night on the sofa but I keep a soft blanket there for her and Bandit.

Avery is cooking our breakfast. Old fashioned Potatoes O'Brien with scrambled eggs for Nick & Avery and two over medium eggs for me! Yummy!

I have two new magazines to catch up my reading. My new BH&G and Women's Day. I have a stack by my bed plus two books, the Joe DiMaggio biography and the book Noelle also lent me on autisum. I forgot the name of it. I also have several Nicholas Sparks novels to catch up!

I am trying to watch Keith Urban on Sunday Morning. He is a very incredible performer. I hear lots of good things about him and next time the tour comes to Denver, I may check him out. He has had a life that could be deemed a number one country song! I am always impressed by famous people who were down and out and came back fighting.

Take "The Birdman" on the Denver Nuggets NBA basketball team.He is such an eccentric guy but he made it back from drug addiction and he is such a community supporter. I love that guy!

I always believe in second chances. If people don't reach out to each other what would happen? Tragedy that is for sure!

I am going to tune in to KYGO C/W radio. They are giving away Taylor Swift tickets for her upcoming April 2010 concert. My kiddos saw her in Cheyenne this summer and she gives her fans a show! She is such a people person. All the controversy over her recent music awards wins makes me sad. She writes most of her own music and she loves her family. That is such a rarity in teens today. She is a blessed musical talent and as I said before about her win up against my sweet Strait, nobody can twang like George!

The hubby wants to venture out for bread. Or we can not have toast! Wish us well. It is like Christmas out there! I gue4ss an extra gallon of milk and some fixings for a nice put of chili will be welcoming too.

Pray for little Tink. She is certainly a trooper!

Signing off....

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