
Sunday, December 27, 2009


Before I begin the New Year which will be filled with promises made and some broken I want to review the wonderful December 2009 I had.

I turned 56 on December 3rd and my wonderful daughter Noelle & her phamily gave me an 8 bottle wine cooler. Now I can stroll the wine aisle at Total Beverage and find wonderful new wines to try.I was treated to wonderful lunches and dinners with my phamily and given more gifts then I should talk about! All the wonderful cards and wishes made me feel so loved and appreciated!

Noelle and her husband Roger celebrated dual birthdays on December 13th. My baby girl is 34 and her hubby just twelve birthdays ahead of her. We still owe them a birthday breakfast, we are early risers they enjoy sleeping in so our schedules often don't mesh.

Noelle and Roger hosted our Christmas dinner which included prime rib, ham and an assortment of side dishes and delectable desserts. It was a beautiful snowy day with phamily. Andrew brought his girl Tarrah and Jeremy had buddy Nick Fender. The twelve of us enjoyed a feast fit for royalty!

I received a wonderful array of gifts including the 2009 Barbie Holiday Doll and Hannah our youngest daughter asked for a purity ring. Books and fragrances and new clothing for all. It was a wonderful Christmas.

My boss gave me a tidy little bonus plus a gift certificate for Honey Baked Hams. I guess we have New Year's covered for dinner too!

Last night we celebrated yet another Christmas dinner with a beautiful Jenni-O  17.9 lb. turkey that my brother-in-law Mike & his phamily provided for us when we attended their Christmas party last weekend. Jeremy invited Nick F and his good friend John V to share in this wonderful feast which included more salad,sides and desserts then we should be able to digest! Our grandson Colton joined Nick,Hannah and Rebekah as well as Avery and myself and we enjoyed  sharing this bounty of good eats with good folks!

My son Jeremy got a brand new crock pot courtesy of his favorite mom. I figured when he decides to move back home this February when his rental lease is up he and I can whip up a batch or two of his favorite stuffed peppers. Cooking with my kids is fun and we enjoy spending time together.

Colton and Hannah's beau Markus got cocoa making machines from us and I purchased a bottle of Peppermint Schnapps in case they want to share.

God has given us so many wonderful blessings that I want to ask your help. My nieces Karla and Holly would appreciate your prayers as their dad Bob is going to have major heart surgery tomorrow. My girlfriend Sharon would appreciate prayers for her younger brother Gary who needs a new kidney. Keep our phamily's in your prayers daily as well. We could all use the Grace of God in daily doses.

Finally please check out the Princess House specials coming up for the New Year. You can buy any item and get a second one of equal or lesser value for 1/2 off. Also there are tons of specials you can add to your collection or purchase for a special gift in the coming new year. You would be helping some wonderful PH folks including Alyn who lost her jobs three years ago and could really use the extra income.  You could help Rebekah restart her PH career and help her little dog Tinkerbell enjoy her golden years pain free. You could also help Sandy and myself because Sandy has always generously helped me to  extra PH savings on her "Anne Robinson life long layaway plan".

May God richly bless you and keep you and yours safely in HIS care.

"May grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:7-10


  1. Now, that is a beautiful post. May the new year bring more blessings than you can stand! Love you!

  2. Hi again Anne,
    I've read some more of your blog and just love it..and have become a follower. I hope you decide to follow me as well.I will be back soo to visit more..Again, Happy New Year and many blessings.
