
Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year 2010 New Pink Saturday

I am probably the most clueless blogger in cyberspace! LOL!  But today I came acrosss an awesome blog I would hope everyone would check out. I am always trying to find myself on my own blog site and googled myself but I got The Phamily Blog instead. This wonderful California mom of 2 has the most precious daughter Gabby with Down's Syndrome. I am certain the Good Lord Himself put me there to find this blog. My whole life I have been a "Right To Life" fighter and I guess it goes along with what my late mother use to say to me. She always told me that God blessed me with five incredibly beautiful and H E A L T H Y children. I know how often I take for granted these precious people God entrusted into my care so I can not imagine what kind of super special mom you would have to be to have Him choose you to be the mom of someone as wonderful as Gabby. I have always believed that God, in His infinite wisdom would never allow one of these precious children to be given to a mom other then one who is dedicated and caring as well as compassionate and full of so much love. I know one thing, I would not want to be any of the mom's who choose to destroy these precious lives. I truly believe God has a plan for each one of us and I had to share this with everyone.

I am trying to get my daughter Hannah to help me with my blog and post my pics for the Pink Saturday I somehow missed with Beverly! Ah! Ugh! Urgghhh...But my baby girl is resting with her super crummy ear infection. I am going to blog about my mold house I live in and why I think my precious daughter has been sick with these awful infections sometimes 2 and 3 times a year! I have lots of plans for the 2010 year with my blog and I hope and pray that I will be more  getting blogging buddies.

I am planning a giveaway when I hit 10! Help me out and join me please! I usually add chocolate to my giveaways!

As for Pink Saturday I am trying to show you my pretty hot pink New Years Top hat and my cute lil porcelain pink mini jewelry box I found for one dollar at my local Dollar Tree Store. I am also trying to show a pic of the wonderful Christmas cards my friend Sherrie in Santa Maria, California sent me to recycle for my collage project that I actually found out that I found on Beverly's page!

I can't sew  but I can put together a decent scrapbook and I also love to get postcards and prints of more expensive art work (i.e. R C Gorman or other noted artists and frame them in my dollar store frames that work wonderfully.

I am going to wind down for now and I wish everyone a Blessed and Healthy and Happy New Year 2010! May God richly bless each one of you.

I want to thanks Barb at dogmom diva, Beverly at howsweetthesound and Linda at Prairier Flower Farm for keeping me sane on a daily basis. Thanks ladies!

I want to mention Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for keeping me creative with decorating and also just for being a solid Christian woman giving me uplifting moments when I check on her blog. Thanks Rhoda!

I want to mention Blue Creek Home and the Old Parsonage. You gals have made me so happy because you stopped by and commented on my blog. Plus your blogs are great and very cheerful for me to stop by and visit. I feel like all of you are old friends. I have a great blogging idea to blog about friendship in the coming months.

Let me close with Happy New Year to All and to All a Grand 2010!


  1. Happy New Year to you!!! I hope 2010 brings lots of blessings and new blogging friends!!

    I am touched that you mentioned me in your post...thanks much!


  2. Thank you, Anne! Happy New Year to you, I wish you the best in 2010.

  3. Happy Blogging to you, Anne. I accidentally "followed" myself, too and had to undo it ;)
    Blessings to you and your family~
