
Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Giveaway Debut

Ta Da! At long last I am posting a pic of my giveaway! I had to use my short but sweet daughter Rebekah to model the cute brown polka dotted apron(half) my friend Alyn whipped up for me in record time! Thanks Alyn! You are a doll! I am also including a box of Good Earth Chai Tea and a package of Honey Sticks (made in Colorado, of course =). I also have a bag of Dark Dove Chocolate to share (or not!.:)
Just remember to have everyone post a comment and join my blog before 7:30 P.M. Sunday 1-10-2010. I will have another surprise giveaway soon because I want to grow my blog and get lot's of new friends to join in!

I am learning so much from all the wonderful blogger friends out there in cyberspace. I read one blog lady say she met people who lived nearby and has made many new friends.

See my pics posted below. I hope you like the giveaway and you will get the word out!

Well still trouble posting pictures. Help!

I have lots of great Princess House items I can incorporate into my giveaways so keep blogging.


  1. I love the apron! and the treats look wonderful, what are honey sticks..yum! Hope you get a lot of entries, will post on my blog for you...xoxox

  2. You have made the cutest apron and the treats....... mmmmmm good! I just love it when you come over and encourage me at my blog. You always make me smile! I feel like I am going to make it!!!Thank you bunches.

    Hugs, Linda

  3. oops realized your friend made the apron. What ever....... it is cute and would be so fun to wear!

    Me again....... Linda

  4. Lovely giveaway. Please enter me. Your blog is developing very nicely☺

  5. Thanks to everyone leaving comments! I am sewing disabled and my friend Alyn is a real gem. She has had many difficulties in the past few years, job loss, having to sell her home and move in with her sister who has a very different personality from Alyn!. Life has not been easy and yet she is a warrior for the Lord. I tease her telling her I know she has a direct line to Our Maker! Whenever she prays lots of good things happen! Now I want she to have her turn! She deserves tons of blessings! But I did not want to offend anyone about my sewing disability comment. It is the truth. I was able to help cut the pattern and did the ironing of the seams and such. Plus I did all the shopping for thread and fabric!LOL!

  6. What a nice giveaway! I sure wish I could sew! I watch my daughter sew and she is so good at it. It has been hard for me to learn. I even took a class!
    Carla in California!

  7. I love the apron and the treats. I signed up as a follower! Looks like a cute blog to follow! Good luck!

  8. cute apron!Isn't blogging fun, I'm new at all this too. I've been blogging for 3 weeks.
