
Friday, January 22, 2010

The Phamily

I just love my phamily! We are currently ten plus eight! Avery, my sweet hubby, myself, Jeremy our 24 year old kindhearted(currently  brokenhearted) college boy, Rebekah our Shakespeare expert college girl. Hannah our 18 year old college girl with photography & musical skill and Nick our cross country super runner (16). There is Noelle our beautiful married daughter with hubby Roger and sons Andrew (21) and Colton (13). Plus eight? Phil, Rebekah's current sweetheart. Markus, Hannah's honey and Tarrah, Andrew's pretty girlfriend. There is Christal and Alex, Roger's daughter and her hubby and their three kiddos, Jazlin(6), Alexis(4) and Devin(2). We are having phun and enjoying life to the fullest. We have all had our struggles and we probably never will attain tremendous financial success or own expensive homes or cars but we have something so many lack today. We have good, old fashioned love for each other. We are silly and sometimes loud! We pitch in and help each other out.We know that no matter what happens one of us will be there to catch the other one who is falling. We believe in God and we love our country. We have fears and we have faith. We have triumphs and we have disappointment. We remain intact today in a society that is unraveling. We act as if we are all pieces of a puzzle. We can not be complete until each piece is snugly fit into its place. We enjoy each others company. We all have individual friends we socialize with.We love causes, we like to lend a helping hand and we love our neighbors near and far. We cook together, we watch sports together. We talk about war and peace and politics and the rising cost of everything. We pray and we comfort each other. We are so intertwined we would like to remain that way until we come individually into the presence of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. We make memories everyday. We compile scrap books of our time together. We share the cost of caring for our pets and we have plenty! Four currently at the Robinson house on Mildred Drive and 2 at Jeremy's apartment a few miles away. Two more at Noelle's place in Littleton. We will come together Sunday with food and laughter and shouts of joy when our team scores in the final two play off games before Super Bowl Sunday! We will continue to hold on to each other and all of us will hold dear the truth we learned as small school children, "Everything in this world that is good comes from God."

I wanted to share a brief glimpse into my phamily. I apologize that I do not have pictures of Phil and Alex in my collections. I will be updating more soon.

Thank you for letting me share!

"And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart."  NASB Ecclesiastics 4:12


  1. You have a beautiful phamily Anne. It is so refreshing to read your blog.

    Hope you have a wonderful day. Terry

  2. G'morn, Anne ~
    Phamily time, phamily, fun, phamily love ... beautiful pics. TY for sharing.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. There is nothing better in the whole world than family, or in your case, Phamily, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  4. Wonderful pictures of your precious Phamily! Thanks so much for sharing and have a Happy PINK Saturday!

  5. Hi Anne, What a beautiful and wonderful family you have. Family and love are the greatest treasures this world can offer.. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday and a great weekend.

  6. Anne,
    What a beautiful family you have! The bigger the family the more love.
    Blessings always!

  7. You have a wonderful phamily Anne! I enjoyed "meeting"' all of them this way! :-)
