
Friday, February 12, 2010


 This is my fantasy to own the closet that Big gives to Carrie in  Sex In The City, the Movie. That huge closet and the romance. Sigh....

You would truly understand if you moved into your very own closet last weekend only to find out that your son is moving back home and taking your closet away from you!  We live in a really old house and the closet space stinks! My husband and I had shared a tiny closet for all these years and then I moved my clothes in Hannah's old bedroom last weekend. Then Jeremy decided to come home! Rats! So I lost my office/closet space! Darn! But on the bright side I am glad my son will back in the phamily with us.


  1. Thank for lovely comments. I too would love a closet like that too,
    but alas I will have to do with the one I have too.

    Have a great day.
    Tin and sparkle

  2. Anne, thanks for visiting my Shadow Shot Sunday post! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  3. hehe I wish all your dreams come true! I wish the same thing! lol Happy Pink Saturday. Gracexoxox

  4. Oh Ann how bitter sweet! thanks for stopping by it's always a pleasure to hear from you! Hmm maybe he only gets half a room and you keep half :)HAve a Valentine's Day full and LOVE and laughter.
    luvs and glitter

  5. Hi girl..sorry to hear you are losing your new closet..but glad Jeremy is coming home:)

    We never have enough closet OR storage space..Our parents generation did fine, what's wrong with us??

  6. OMG!! My two sons just moved out and I have taken over their rooms including one closet just for me!!! Yikes! I think I would have a heart attack if they had to come back!!! LOL!!!

  7. Ohh I loved that part of the movie!!! Well, we can dream cant we?


  8. Well, maybe you should convert a bedroom to it. Home Depot can probably tell you how!

  9. I have never seen the movie...or the show when it was on tv.... but I do dream of a big walk in closet... not going to happen at this home though.

  10. First, you are so lucky to have your son home. I know I shouldn't feel that way, that my own 20 year old needs to leave the nest (he's at college). HOWEVER!

    My closet in Dallas was the size of a room. And, then came...dun dun dun...Vermont! Nothing is normal here, anywhere, so of course, the closet is minute! The good thing is we have lots of closets, but the master is very small.
