
Saturday, March 27, 2010

It Is An Anniversary Day Today Part I

This is a bittersweet day for me. My precious oldest sister was taken out of this life in February of 2001. She would have had a birthday today. My big sis was a gem. You all would have loved her. She could sew like a dream and I tortured her as a youngster (she was 16 years older then me)! She made me Barbie clothes fit for a princess! She was a wonderful role model and the mother of five boys. She always wanted a daughter but after her fifth son was born she always said "I'll probably get a grand daughter someday." When she got sick she said "I would not trade one of these beautiful young men that I raised for all the girls in the whole world." My sister traveled the world. She was a young bride (19) and traveled with her late husband everywhere. He was in the U.S. Army. She raised a houseful of wonderful young men, She would sew and cook and garden like a dream! She got her grand daughters and grandsons too. My sister never smoked or drank. She was the clean cut girl next door. She loved her family and she loved the Lord. Living in the South she often commented that you had to know your bible because Southerners know theirs and you don't want to be unprepared. When she knew the end was moving closer she called me. I spent a long time talking with her and she told me not to be sad. She said she knew daddy was waiting for her. She was chatting about our grandparents and all our relatives who left this life before her. She was ready to meet her maker. My sis worked in a men's pant factory. Lots of younger women there were dying from strange types of cancer. My sister always felt her illness was related to a drug she took for arthritis. Years taking it took a toll on her liver. She died valiently so strong, so full of faith. I miss her terribly and today and I want to tell my sis Happy Birthday cause I know she is sharing it with our parents and many others in God's gracious heavenly home.


  1. Man I read your first one first and now this one - you lost a sister too. I am sorry. I lost my older brother. It hurts and there is always a sense of loss.


  2. A beautiful tribute to your sister. You are so blessed to have had her in your life.

  3. Anne I did not know it was that long ago that your sis passed sorry on this anniversary, I know how much you loved to travel to visit her..
