
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

K Is For King!

I was cruising around blog land and I came across some new blogs! I am amazed at the wonderful talents I find over here!  But when I stopped by my new fave blog I saw her profile and her admission to being a Christian woman! She had a lovely photo of Christ on her blog and my light lite up my brain! So please stop by and say hello .

I am always grateful to Mrs. Matlock for Alphabe Thursday and please link up with her at

My Alphabe Thursday post is "K" is "King"! Christ is my King and since Easter is Sunday and we celebrate His life, His death and His Resurrection I want to share my favorite photo of Jesus. This picture is called a Hook Head. It was painted by the artist Richard Hook who had a wife named Frances Hook and together they created many beautiful pieces of art is various forms. My high school friend Randy Pape worked at the Scripture Supply Store in our hometown of Pueblo and he bought this for me. I have carried it everywhere with me and today it hangs in my bedroom.

Richard Hook (1914-1975) painted this beautiful portrait of Christ which is titled "Head of Christ. This painting as been attributed to his wife Frances but Richard was the artist here. Richard was a well established illustrator for such magazines as "The Saturday Evening Post" and "Colliers" before Lillian Brune, the first art director of CPH "discovered him  on a visit while he was working with his wife, Frances also a talented artist in her own right. He created many religious works for many publishers over the years,  including Concordia  Publishing House.

Frances Hook was quite famous for her art work for Northern tissue in the 1950s titled "American Beauties". My mother purchased a set of those prints for me as a child and I still have some of them tucked away. Frances also created beautiful figurines of children and I own a few of her treasures as well.

I like to add a bio to my research and I hope you enjoyed this.

One of my favorite bible verses says
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”- Isaiah 53:5-6  from the New International Version

This is another verse I love "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."Isaiah 9:6.

If you stop by you tube you can watch a beautiful rendition of Handel's Messiah. Since this is the Easter Season I think you will enjoy the similarities here. Thanks for sharing with me today.

I hope you will remember the King of King's on Sunday, April, 2010!  I also hope that if you ever feel sad or unloved you will turn to Him because He will never let you down.

Please check the other particiapates of Alphabe Thursday and look at all the different kinds of creative genius out there!


  1. K is for King! Wonderful post. I loved that movie King of Kings! Easter Blessings to you.

  2. That's a beatiful painting of Christ. I was reading about your health problems after the accident too. Very inspiring. Have a wonderful Easter!

  3. Oh, I just love that painting of Jesus. and so glad to find your blog. Thanksfor coming by and joining in for the giveaway. Have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

  4. I love that painting of Jesus - I have one in my family room - not exactly that one - but similar. K is for Kings.


  5. Greatest KING ever..good K post!

  6. I also like France Hook's artwork and didn't realize that her husband was an artist as well.

    Lovely post.We have so much, life for one thing, to be grateful for.

    I really like this drawing by Katherine Brown

  7. Perfect K!!

    Both artists - so talented!

    I have a small nail I wear around my neck that is inscribed simply: Isaiah 53:5

    Which reads -
    But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

  8. Anne, amazing that you wrote about the Hooks..I have many of Frances' figurines children, packed away for many years, and a I also have a set of the Northern tissue prints that I have never known what to do with.. and a few plates..her daughter lives or lived in Bar Harbor Maine, her name is Barbara and she and I wrote back and forth a few times in the late 1980's. Small world..lovely Art and I remember that picture of Jesus, always one of my favorites..I can still see it in your lavender bedroom at home.

  9. Wonderful post! Your KING is perfect for Easter! Have a happy K-Day!

  10. i am humbled by the reminder that Christ is, indeed, our King. Your bible verses...perfect!

  11. That was a beautiful post! Thank you so much for inviting me over to share this with you! God indeed is my King too through everything I go thru!

    Oh I especially love those darling babies! Such talent!

    Have a blessed Easter!

  12. He is indeed the King of Kings!
    Blessing to you this Easter,
    Catherine :)

  13. I was debating over on another site the holy shroud of Turin and what Jesus actually looked like . I think people are silly for not accepting these beautiful renditions we have of the face of Christ . there are some really beautiful ones , so thanks for sharing with us today .

  14. Appropriate post for this time of year. Happy Easter!

  15. There can be no better K-word than that one!
    Happy Easter to you too!

  16. Anne,

    What a great picture of Jesus! Just the eyes alone draws you deeper. The letter of the day perfect as we draw close to Easter as well.

    Hope you stop by as I am hosting weekly giveaways now on my blog.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  17. That is an amazing pictyure of Jesus, there is something about the eyes that makes you think he is looking and speaking directly with you when you look at it.

  18. I'm always glad to see artists getting their due credit. Wonderful!

  19. Must be the right timing. Good choice. We have that photo somewhere. We just moved to a new house and so many stuffs shattered everywhere, but we have a different one hanging in our hallway. Have a nice Easter. Nancy

  20. I saw that painting for the first time in 1986 at a Walk to Emmaus weekend! That's when the head-to-heart move happened in my life. That pictures holds a very special place in my heart. Thanks for your rendition of it.

  21. Great post! I love that painting as well!

  22. Happy Easter! Love your post!
