
Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Blog Makeover

I hope you will enjoy the previous post my Alphabe Thursday  featuring the letter "J".

But I am so tickled! I got a blog makeover! I have been following Cat over at for quite a while and I got some help with this cool blog design. I used a couple of vintage pics in b/w of my sweet mamma and one of them features her cousin Hedwig. I will blog about them later and I have a story to tell of Hedwig's only son who was killed in Vietnam. In fact, once I started blogging I started compiling a list of things to blog about. I am very proud of who I am and what I came from so I need to showcase the people that made me the person I am today.

I know, I know, I tend to get off the subject or the track! In any case, I hope you will all stop over at Cat's blog! She is an amazing woman , a true artist and she is a wonderful friend. Something brought the two of us together and I am so grateful that I know her. Her antique phones that I looked over today are so cool! There really isn't much on her site that I personally would not love for my own blog! But this new vintage look blog she designed for me is dreamy. Even my hubby loved it!

You know that I tend to be  clue-less with the technical end of blogging but between Cat and the many other folks over here who helped me out I just can not thank you enough.

Barb over at really got me into blogging so to her I will be forever grateful.

I am meeting the most amazing folks over here and I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you who has stopped by and those who follow me. You are a great bunch of collective talents. Everyone over here has something important to add to this mix. Brad Paisley sings a song called  "American Saturday Night". He says "it's like we're all livin in a big ol cup, just fire up the blender and mix it all up."  I feel like that over here at blogger. We are so many different people with different talents and personalities and charming wonderful blogs and we write with passion about all the things we love. Thanks for sharing part of yourself with me. I love the whole bunch of you more then you will know!

God Bless You!

Prayer warriors out there, it is going to be a tough day at work for me. Just please pray and pray really hard. Thanks again!


  1. LOVE your new look! I enjoy your blog very much!

  2. Your new look is wonderful!!!! I love the romantic, vintage feel. Great job! Don't we just love our blogging buddies who are there to help out?

  3. Bonjour Anne,
    Your new design looks wonderful, really it is so professional and the vintage header really sets it off. I'm very impressed, I need some help with the technical stuff too. After seeing this I think my blog could use a little pick-me-up!
    Anxious to hear about all your family stories, its wonderful you are proud of your family and who you are!
    The postcard went out yesterday, sorry I'm so late, I'm embarassed after you sent yours out so quickly!
    Godd day to you Anne,

  4. Oop I meant Good day...I'm getting a bit creaky. Mimi

  5. Your blog looks beautiful! The pictures you added in the header look so good, too. Very well done :D
    Hope your week is going well.

  6. Wow!!!The new look is fantastic and my FAV color purple. Wonderful header and post! Love your blog and the phamily theme. You should be proud of your heritage and sharing it is very special...I'm happy to be a follower...Sue

  7. Thank you so much for your nice comment about my paper flowers. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.

    I am in love with all the wonderful women I have met blogging. It is a wonderful, helpful, fun, and inspiring group of women. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  8. Love, love, love the new blog. And that song quote was just spot on! Great post...great new look! I'm off to read your J post now!!

  9. Hi Anne - nice to meet you and thanks for your visit to my blog! I'm entering you in my giveaway so check back with me on Sunday afternoon -

    Your blog is lovely and I am really impressed with your banner & your mom's pic. Cat did a beautiful job! We must have alot of the same tastes - vintage ANYTHING is right up my alley!

    Have a wonderful day!
