
Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Winner of The First of Two Giveaways! is drum roll time....Rooooolllll that drum.... the hubby has just reached in to the deep pink sea of names for the first giveaway the Vintage Garden sugar packet holder and Sleepy Time Tea by Celestial Seasoning with honey sticks and a surprise jar of Serado Valley Jelly!

The winner is Mary over at  Mary please contact me ASAP so I can send you your presents!

I am tickled that everyone who participated was so excited and all of you helped me grow my following of bloggers. Many of you including Mary posted my giveaway on your sidebar!

Let me give a great big hug and super thank you to Nan over at She helped me with the easy instructions to post the url correctly! I was missing a step that is why it never worked! 

It may take a while to change the lettering colors but by golly I am feeling better already! I am going to get brave and try to post a button! Look out!

So now that the first giveaway is complete I will await word from Mary so her items can be rushed out to her this week!

Thanks and please help me keep spreading the word. I have another Vintage Garden giveaway coming up and I want to keep adding to my following because it is the only way I have to keep meeting the greatest bloggers ever!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the winners. Your give-aways were wonderful. I sure had fun with my give-aways and I know you did too.
