
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You and I by Henry Alford

My hand is lonely for your clasping dear;
My ear is tired waiting for your call.
I want your strength to help, your laugh to cheer;
Heart, soul and senses need you one and all.
I droop without your full frank sympathy
We ought to be together- you  and I ;
We want each other so ,to comprehend
The dream, the hope, things planned or seen or wrought .
Companion, comforter, guide and friend,
As much as love asks love, does thought ask thought.
Life is so short, so fast the lone hours fly,
We ought to be together, you  and I.

This is a favorite poem of mine. I use to make a lot of collage posters when I was a teen and I had one with this poem and a beautiful photo in black and white of holding hands. This poem reminded me of my husband when we were on again off again, in a relationship many,many years ago!

The author of this poem Henry Alford (1810-1871) was an English churchman, a theologian, textual critic,scholar, poet, hymnodist, and  writer. He was also a  very talented artist. I wanted to give you a little bio on this talented man and this lovely poem that he wrote and I keep in my heart as one of my all time favorite poems.


  1. What a lovely poem..and such sweet pictures to go with it. You write the best things....I love them.

  2. Hi Anne!
    So glad you stopped in for a visit and I am so happy to *meet* you! What a sweet comment you left me and how nice that you are now a follower!
    What a dear poem!
    I am off to check around and see your little place in blogland! ;~}

  3. Sweet & melancholy poem. And your St. Paddys Day page is SO cheery!!! Love them both. And yes, I will be sending you a postcard from CT. :)
    Dee xoxo

  4. Nice poem...makes you think. I'll be sending a post card today...
    Have a great rest of the week (o:

  5. Both the poem and the pictures go hand in hand with one another.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat
