
Friday, April 30, 2010

Cameos For Pink Saturday's Second Birthday!

Welcome to Pink Saturday and Happy Birthday! Two years have passed since Beverly had this brainstorm to start Pink Saturday's! I am sure glad she did! I am sad :( because I am still having trouble with my camera and lots of giveway's pics are locked inside of it!

But stop by Beverly's place and thank her for hosting these great Pink Saturdays! She is such a gracious hostess always thinking of us and coordinating this weekly event.

I love cameos and I own a few. My late Aunt Ang gave me beautiful post black and white cameo earrings. She also gave me a set of black cameo earrings with a matching ring that is rather large and very chic for a formal evening out. But I don't own any pink cameos and I thought I would show you a few that are making me absolutely dizzy! I love this classic piece of Vintage jewelry. I hope you will enjoy it too.

I thought I would throw in a cameo flower for your viewing pleasure!

I am going to showcase a few Pink Saturday participates. Please stop by
Join Peggy at her delightful blog with lovely pinks!
Next stop by Natasha! She is new to Pink Saturday as well and she is down under! Her blog is equally delightful and I enjoyed visiting my new friends today!

Thursday, April 29, 2010



  • 1 cup masa harina (instant corn masa mix)
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon shortening
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 cup oil for frying


  1. In a large bowl, stir together the masa harina, salt and hot water. Gradually mix in the shortening and flour. If the dough seems dry, add a little more hot water. Form the dough into balls that will fit into the palm of your hand.
  2. Line a work surface with waxed paper or plastic. Sprinkle with water. Flatten balls on the wet surface until about 1/4 inch thick.
  3. Heat a griddle over medium heat. Cook the gordit's on each side until they are cooked through.
  4. Heat oil in a large heavy skillet over medium to medium-high heat until hot. Fry each gordita until puffed, pressing it down into the oil occasionally with a spatula. Drain briefly on paper towels, cut the tips off and stuff full of your favorite foods.

Nutritional Information open nutritional information

Amount Per Serving  Calories: 196 | Total Fat: 6.7g | Cholesterol: 0mg

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As a child I always admired my father.,He enjoyed a wide range of music, everything from  Enrico Caruso to Jim Reeves, the country western sensation. I took after my father. Now I doubt that I could drag my hubby to the opera but it something I have always longed to do. If I could see one opera in my lifetime I think I would choose the Phantom of the Opera. As a young girl I was fascinated by the story and I thought it was such a beautiful romantic, yet tragic opera.

So today as I welcome you to Alphabe Thursday I say "O" is for Opera!  Here are some pics I googled from the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.

These are a few photos of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in the Denver Center for the Performing Arts Complex.  Currently, " Tosca" is currently playing at the opera house. Also at the DCPA is "Othello", ah, another "O" word!

The Ellie Caulkins Opera Housed on September 10,  2005.  It seats 2,225. The Caulkins family donated 7 million dollars toward the enhancement of the lyric opera house and adjacent public spaces which were constructed  inside of the Newton Auditorium. The Municipal Auditorium the largest in the US next to Madison Square Gardens in New York., was completed in time to host the Democratic National Convention in 1908. Mayor Speer and the Chamber of Commerce raised 100,000.00 dollars to celebrate the July 7th grand opening of the Auditorium and the first political convention for Denver. It was closed for remodleling in 1955 and at one time seated 12,000. In the 1980s and 90s the city continued renovations and additons were added. The historic shell of the old Auditorium Theatre was rebuilt and renamed for the first lady of Colorado Opera , Elli Caulkins.

Architect Peter Lucking created the performance space, described as three tiers of balconies curves like lyres ; uninterrupted  sight lines from every seat focus viewers onto a deep wide stage...Sleek staircases and flying bridges pull patrons into the hall. Ellie Caulkins herself is quoted as saying "They say it was like building a ship in a bottle."

Now that you have learned a little about my Denver opera house won't you please link up to and join the fun.

Pay It Forward

Good morning! I am in a tough financial spot currently. A few more months and we will be able to breathe again! Whew! So since everyone is talking about Pay It Forward I want to share an experience I had yesterday at work. While watering the plants and straightening up our lobby I was chatting with two women of Mexican decent who came to accompany their mother who was having a series of tests with our Audiologist. The one woman spoke both Spanish and English and we chatted away for a few minutes. Her sister smiled at us. The older sister told me that her sister was from Chihuahua  Mexico . She said her sister told me to come visit her! The only sounds we would hear would be the river running and the birds singing. They said Mexican people rarely have asthma because they breathe better air! We talked about lots of things and later that day when the older sister had to bring her mother back to go over her tests with the doctor, she brought us a plate of homemade gordita's! Oh My Goodness! They were delicious. She felt we had been so very kind to her mother (spoke no English) and her sister that we deserved a little break. She proceeded to tell us how to make these little gems. I felt very blessed.

Now anyone who knows moi will tell you if there is a political opinion to be had I will always lay my thoughts out on the table! But I started this blog in honor of my daughters little dog with liver disease and I like to keep it light. So go pray about this out of control illegal immigration problem! Anyone who knows me also knows that I come from a long line of hard working people. I think that sums up my feelings exactly. If you want something, work for it! If I choose to travel the world, by goodness, I am going to learn enough of your language wherever you are to get by! Enough said!

So today go out and Pay It Forward. Do something nice for someone. No matter how small the act of kindness is as Nike says "Just Do It!"

Come back here and share your thoughts with me!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Postcard Exchange

Please please please send me a postcard! If I get 100 from Texas and 1 from Oregon so be it! I love all of you and want to collect these postcards from all over everywhere! In fact, think how much fun we could have swapping postcards and having one state have the winning number of postcards! We could see who is the friendliest. Who pays the most attention!

I am here to tell you I learned lots of great facts about these little treasures. I saw the birthplace of a former president Dwight D. Eisenhower in Texas. I got a yummy Florida Key Lime Pie postcard! Recipe was included! I have received personal handmade cards because some areas of our country do not have local cards available. I have received so many wonderful handwritten notes and that alone is a treasure. I want this to be a great success because then once I have all of our great US states included in the swap then I can send out my goody box from Colorado. I am enjoying finding lots of wonderful Colorado made items! You will be surprised.
I am having so much fun doing this! I love my blog and am grateful to so many wonderful people for helping me along this journey and helping me learn and grow as I go! We are never too old to learn new things and many of you have pulled me out of my ten thumb lack of creativity mode. Instead I am excited to try new things and learn by trial and error. Many of you have sent me e mails because I asked specific questions! I am so honored that although you are busy with your own lives that you would stop and be kind to this sometime clueless girl!
Hey Colorado ladies and folks where are you? Do you think because I am a native of this wonderful state I am not interested in receiving any postcards from anyone else who lives here?! It would not be fair to send myself a postcard unless, by goodness, I have to fill in that last piece of the missing postcard puzzle!
Come join me. You can send me a quick e mail as my e mail address is listed on the blog and I will respond as quickly as possible so we may exchange addresses.  you need to send me your address because your postcard did not reflect one. I still have a postcard sitting here waiting to be sent to you! Thank you!

Remember anyone from out of the USA who wants to participate please join the fun! I have cards from Chile and France but the more the absolute merrier!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Postcard Exchange

Although everyone knows that I stink with buttons on my sidebar I want to encourage those of you who have not sent a postcard my way to do so! I can't seem to post a button showing my exchange. I have participated with Parsely at I joined Deborah over at the Fairfield House and I decided I could put together a goodie box from my home state of Colorado! I already have postcards from Chile and France so I am off to a good start of other countries start but for the good ole USA here is my current postcard list::

Arizona   2
Maine    1
Florida   2
Texas     1
North Carolina   1
California     2
New Jersey  1
Oklahoma    1
Utah           2
Georgia      1
Alabama     1
Mexico       1
France        1
Chile           1
Japan          1

Please email me so we may exchange addresses. If I missed anyone the first two times around with the NJ and the Oklahoma exchange please forgive me and send me your address.  I would be tickled to collect all our of glorious states so I may send out a Colorado goody box. Please participate with me. I love knowing all of you!

I am also looking forward to my 100th post and my 100th follower! Please come join me if you haven't already! I am planning two huge giveaways! I will not disappoint you!

I Am A Kept Woman: I Feel The Need To Laugh Out Loud

I Am a 'Kept' Woman

You see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind,
But GOD kept me sane. (Isa. 26:3)

There were times when I thought I could  no longer go on,
But the LORD kept me moving. (Gen  28:15)

At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong, 
But the LORD kept my mouth shut. (Ps. 13)

Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough,
But GOD has helped me to keep the lights on, the water on, the car paid, the house paid, etc.., (Matt. 6:25 -34)

When I thought I would fall, HE kept me up. (Ps. 91:12)

When I thought I was weak, HE kept me strong! (I Pet. 5:7, Matt. 11:28-30)

I could go on and on and on, but I'm sure you hear me! I'm blessed to be 'kept.'

Are you...or do you know a 'kept' woman?
If so pass it on to her to let her know she is  'Kept'

I'm Kept by the Love and Grace of God!

I am indeed a 'kept' woman and praise God for it!

Hope you can share this with other kept women! 

Now please go over to Spiritual Sundays and thank Charlotte and Ginger for hosting.

I thought this sweet little reminder of being a "kept" woman would make you laugh out loud but also you would remember that the Lord is always in  control and we never need to worry. I admit it, I am one who tends too worry, so I need to practice what I preach! Amen!

Happy Pink Champagne Cupcakes

I want to welcome you to Pink Saturday and thank Beverly at Website: She always is very kind to host this wonderful day! Thanks Beverly!

Today I want to share a recipe that is very pretty and pink! It is a recipe for Pink Champagne Cupcakes that I plan to make for my tea party. Since I do not have my  own picture to share here is an image from google that I think you may enjoy
Here is my recipe to share with you today:
1 box Betty Crocker Super Moist White Cake Mix
1 1/4 cup Champagne
1/3 cup oil
3 egg whites
4 to 5 drops of red food coloring
Heat the oven to 350 degrees (325 for dark or nonstick pan). Place paper liners in each of the 24 regular size muffin tins.

In a large bowl mix the dry cake mix with the champagne. Add oil,egg whites and food coloring. Beat with electric mixer on medium speed for two minutes. Divide batter evenly among tins.

Bake 17 to 22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Remove from pan to cooling rack and cool for another 30 minutes before frosting.

Champagne Frosting

1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 Champagne
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 t 5 drops of red food coloring

Pink decorator sugar crystals
Edible Pink Pearls

Mix all frosting ingredients in mixing bowl on medium speed until smooth.

Sprinkle with decorations after frosting. Have fun with this recipe. Champagne can be very expensive so find a reasonably priced bottle (or your favorite) and make these cupcakes. Remember to use the high altitude directions on your cake mix package if, like me, you live where it is a Mile High! Make sure your champagne is at room temperature while making this mix.

Go to for some great decorating ideas!

After you make these delectable cupcakes go visit some new Pinks! Today I am going to showcase a new participate and a  Pink Pro!

Stop by Olivia at  Olivia's Romantic Home. Her link is above.  She is having a giveaway and her blog is wonderfully vintage and fun! Please stop by and say hello!

Next stop by

Thoughts From Memes' Corner is a delightful blog and she is a wonderful lady and a good friend. She will always make you feel so welcome at her place. Please stop by soon.

Happy Pink Saturday to all! Go visit some old and new friends and enjoy your weekend where ever you are!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

N Is For Unusual N Words

Hello and welcome to Alphabe Thursdays! I stink posting buttons so here goes my post button

I thought about lots of great "N" words like Noelle and Nick my oldest and youngest children! Nest for birds, Nature for, well, Nature! Nice and Naughty. Nerdy. Nickels. No. Notre Dame. Oh the list goes on. But I know some of you like to learn a little something with some educational value so here goes my choice in unusual "N" words.

noddypeak which means fool; imbecile

noetics which is  laws or rules of logic

nodated  = knotted

nomographer writer of laws

numismatics  study of coins

nummamorous lover of money

nunciative bearing messages

numquid an inquisitive person

nuque nap of the neck

nutrice nurse

nyctalopia night blindness

nyctophobia  fear of the night or darkness

  Please follow the link

I am enjoying posting Thursdays so this really made me smile! I hope you will smile too!

Great Giveaway

Please come over to
There is a very awesome triple giveaway over there! Plus the blog is sweet and precious!
 I stink at grabibng buttons so here goes!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Oklahoma City Bombing Memories of Yesterday

 I wrote this post yesterday but I forgot to publish it. I compiled a list of all the victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing wanted to print it here so you may look at these names and never forget that these innocent people were going about their daily business when their lives were taken away in such a horrific way. Fifteen years later I still have trouble comprehending it. But the copyright said I could not reprint the list so I will just write my post. Initially when this tragedy occurred I was watching a doll show on HSN. My son Nick was a little tyke and he was taking his nap so I was enjoying all the lovely dolls when my phone rang. It was my dear friend Sharon and she asked what I was doing. In my cheerful voice I told her! Then she hit me with this bad news. I went around for a couple of years feeling so guilty as if I had known about it sooner I could have done something to stop it! Then I realized that God is in control. He is always in control and He says that He will never give us anymore then we can handle. This tragedy struck me so personally because I know so many personal stories. Heather lost her sister-in-law. Vickie lost her cousin, my niece lost her college roommate. These victims were everyday people, I know because I saw those families here in Denver during the duration of the trial at our own federal building.  I felt so personally attached for those families and I prayed. I still pray, I never stop praying. I know the devil hates it, because the second my feet hit the floor he knows I am going to talk to God and there is absolutely nothing he can do to stop me! When he gets in my path, and lately he is looking for a head on collision with me, I shoo him away by shooting out "Jesus Christ is My Lord and Savior. Get behind me Satan."  I just wanted to take a moment to tell you never stop praying for these families. The loss of life, including the children is absolutely surreal. I keep thinking we will all wake up and everything will be ok. I am so sorry that that post did not get put up yesterday . Tink came home after a journey of five days wandering the neighborhood. Nick had a flu bug and I had him on my mind. My workplace was chaotic and busy. Excuses. I have many but I am truly sorry and I hope you will read this post and remember these incredible lives that were cut too short.
The Armor of God
 10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.  19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Final Greetings
 21Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing. 22I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you.  23Peace to the brothers, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Ephesians 6:10-24

Columbine Never Forget

If I sat here tonight and told you individual little stories of many of the victims of the Columbine High School tragedy I would not be able to write this simple dedication. But I will tell you that a friend of mine knew Rachel Scott, my brother was good friends with Dave Sanders, the teacher and John Tomlin built houses with his father for Habitat for Humanity that last year of his life. Each one of these beautiful souls had so much to give and so much to live for. But by the evils of this wicked world their lives were cut short. Please never forget them. Please keep their families in your prayers. They need those prayers today as much as they needed them on that fateful day eleven years ago.

Rachel Scott
Daniel Rohrbough
William David "Dave" Sanders
Cassie Bernall
Steven Curnow
Corey DePooter
Kelly Fleming
Matthew Kechter
Daniel Mauser
Isaiah Shoels
John Tomlin
Lauren Townsend
Kyle Velasquez

"Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's."

2Chronicles 20:15 NAS

Monday, April 19, 2010


You want to talk about the power of prayer, oh my goodness, God is so good, He is so very good! I am home early today to take Nick to the doctor, as he has some awful flu bug and Rebekah was sitting at the kitchen table with Tink in her lap! This little dog is absolutely amazing! She is blind and going deaf and has liver disease with the tumors all over her head and back to prove it! But she is such a survivor She came home just in the past hour with a bad sunburn and scratches all over her back! We figured she must have tangled with a cat but while two other pets met their doom in the little park half a block from my home, Tink survived! She was picked up by a neighbor a few blocks away. I am unsure of the entire story but the lady works at night so she just saw the flyer! She had Tink since Friday. Friday is the day it was cold and dreary and I worried most about her. I am posting two pics one you can see where she got sunburned and she has a bunch of scratches! The good Samaritan would not accept Rebekah's reward money! The other pic shows how happy she and Rebekah are together even if Smokey had to give her one more sniff!. I am off to cooksome rice for her dinner as Rebekah started making her own food!

You can not imagine how much your prayers and wonderful kind thoughts mean to me and my family! You are the best bunch of bloggettes and bloggers ever! Thank you again for all your kindnesses! Now go hug your pet!

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Mother Teresa

Sunday, April 18, 2010


"For to you it has been granted unto Christ,
Not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. Phllippians 1:29

Hast thou no scar?
No hidden scar on foot,or side or hand?
I hear thee sung as mighty in the land;
I hear them hail thy bright ascendant star.
Hast thou no scar?

Hast thou no wound?
Yet I was wounded by the archers;spent,
Leaned me against a tree to die, and rent
By ravening beasts that compassed me, I swooned.
Thou hast no wound?

No wound, no scar?
Yet, as the Master  shall the  servant  be?
And pierced are the feet that follow me.
But thine are whole; Can he have followed far?
Who hast no wound or scar?

Back in the 1920s, Amy rescued hundreds of orphaned children.especially little girls  that would be dedicated to Hindu gods for use in sexual temple rituals. By Gods wonderful grace, some had miraculousy escaped  from such pagan slavery ad were led to the Irish "mother" who lovingly cared for each child God sent her.

In 1931 she prayed, "God, please do with me whatever you want. Do anything that will help me to serve you better."

That same day she fell,  suffering fractures  that would cripple her the rest of her life. Not one to be discouraged or bitter when faced with pain or persecution, now Amy had the opportunity to demonstrate God's faithfulness before a much larger "host" of witnesses. While her growing children had continual freedom to enter her bedroom and share their hearts with their beloved "mother", she now had the quiet times that allowed her to write books and poems and letters that were translated and shared around the world

I wanted to share something a little different for Spiritual Sunday and someone else already wrote about Corrie ten Boom another marvelous Christian woman. So I decided to write a small post about Amy Carmichael. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you will stop by and thank Charlotte and Ginger at .

A Dog's Poem

An Owner's Plea

Please, God, if You should hear a scratch on Eden's Gate tonight,
A gentle whine, a muffled bark; have Peter take a light
And open up the Pearly Gates and call her Spirit in,
For I think she lived in Heaven once; please take her back again.

She may have been a mongrell, without a pedigree,
Yet she was noble, kind and good; I think You will agree:
That she'll be very useful where the souls of children play.
She'll romp with them, and see; Dear God; they do not go astray.

Just tell her that we're sorry that we could not pat her head,
And whisper how we loved here 'ere her Spirit fled.
I pray that when death beckons, and my soul surmounts life's fog,
I'll rate a place in Heaven, Dear God, beside our dog...

Author Unknown 

I found this lovely poem and just thought I would share it today. 

I found this unknown author poem on a website called Cherished Memories. 

Spats The First Dog Chapter

Spats was the hubby's dog. He acquired him from his grandfather George B who cared for that pup until we took him home with us. Spats was an incredible little half lab. His mother had been a show dog. Bright Eyes was a beautiful AKC registered pup until she got mixed up with the "wrong kind" of dog at the farm in Holly, Colorado. She had a beautiful litter of 7 puppies, five females died shortly after birth and only Spats and
his brother Bubba remained. Bubba died many years before Spats and we raised that dog for nearly 17 years before his untimely death.

That little dog loved the Denver Bronco's and sat with the hubby each weekend when they played football. He also had a penchant for beer and would knock over your can or bottle "accidentally" so he could have a sip or two! Our daughter Noelle had a party one time when we were out of town and she said her friends brought rot gut beer. Black Label to be exact. She said it was so gross that they poured it in the dogs dish! He kindly walked over to that dish, sniffed it and pushed it aside! He was a high end beer drinking dog!

Our daughter Rebekah would sit with him and rock him in her arms and she would lay in his kennel and sing to him and rub his ears. When he got old and sickly she took to caring for him as if he were her only real friend..

When he was a young pup we had a mean neighbor behind us who had two German Shepherds that he abused.He was a police officer. Once before the common fence between went up he cut those dogs loose they came charging our dog across the yard. Now you need to know we were law abiding citizens and we put the pup on his chain attached to his dog house when he was outside so he would not accidentally get away and be hit by a car. My father-in-law built that little dog house and it was built strong and tough. That dog took that house with him when those dogs charged him and he grated the entire backyard with that house on his back! Those dogs never troubled him again.

He always rode shot gun with the hubby and I obliged him. He was the last gift from my hubby's grandfather whom my hubby adored so I indulged him. When we got hi neutered he hopped into the front seat and stared out the window the whole way home. He was mad that we took his manhood away from him and he never let my husband forget it.
He was so gentle and once our oldest son tried to stick a pencil in his rear quarters! I caught him just in time, J was a little tyke learning to walk and talk. That dog had the most antimated face and he looked like "Whew, that was a close call!".

He loved those Broncos and when they won their first Superbowl he went parading up and down our street like a puppy with a crown on his head and his favorite blue blanket tied around his neck like a cape! He had waited 16 plus years for those darn Broncos to win a pennant and six weeks later he fell down the basement stairs and it was then that we had to have him put down. He had a series of health aliments including hip dysplasia. When he fell and the hubby ran to him he snapped at him. Not once in his entire life did he ever get mean or onry with us or the kids.

No news today about Tink but we will always have hope.

Here are a couple shots of Spats in his glory days. We called him Spars because his feet had white markings on them and it looked like he was wearing old fashioned "spats".

History Made With the Colorado Rockies

Now I did not come here to rub my Rockies win in any Brave fans face! We all love our teams and before the Rockies my heart strictly belonged to the NY Yankees! My dad played the game in the semi pros and he was an excellent catcher! But he loved the Yankees! He always said go with your home team unless of course you don't have one and for many years Colorado did not have a home team to root for! But I love Ubaldo Jimenez and watching him pitch that no hitter tonight touched my heart! If anyone was deserving of this, to set the record for the Rockies, with their first ever no hitter in their history, he was! He is a quiet man, always giving the glory to God first! I know he had some great help out there tonight including Dexter playing with his folks watching in the stands! But Ubaldo is a great guy, he works so hard and one of our announcers tonight said "I bet Ubaldo is walkin in high cotton!" I have not heard that expression for many years and it was a great feeling to laugh and to smile and just have some fun after the harrowing past three days we have had with our missing pup!

So here's  to you Ubaldo Jimenez! I hope you pitch many more no hitters in your career!

Congrats to the entire Colorado Rockies! Great job guys, great job!