
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As a child I always admired my father.,He enjoyed a wide range of music, everything from  Enrico Caruso to Jim Reeves, the country western sensation. I took after my father. Now I doubt that I could drag my hubby to the opera but it something I have always longed to do. If I could see one opera in my lifetime I think I would choose the Phantom of the Opera. As a young girl I was fascinated by the story and I thought it was such a beautiful romantic, yet tragic opera.

So today as I welcome you to Alphabe Thursday I say "O" is for Opera!  Here are some pics I googled from the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.

These are a few photos of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in the Denver Center for the Performing Arts Complex.  Currently, " Tosca" is currently playing at the opera house. Also at the DCPA is "Othello", ah, another "O" word!

The Ellie Caulkins Opera Housed on September 10,  2005.  It seats 2,225. The Caulkins family donated 7 million dollars toward the enhancement of the lyric opera house and adjacent public spaces which were constructed  inside of the Newton Auditorium. The Municipal Auditorium the largest in the US next to Madison Square Gardens in New York., was completed in time to host the Democratic National Convention in 1908. Mayor Speer and the Chamber of Commerce raised 100,000.00 dollars to celebrate the July 7th grand opening of the Auditorium and the first political convention for Denver. It was closed for remodleling in 1955 and at one time seated 12,000. In the 1980s and 90s the city continued renovations and additons were added. The historic shell of the old Auditorium Theatre was rebuilt and renamed for the first lady of Colorado Opera , Elli Caulkins.

Architect Peter Lucking created the performance space, described as three tiers of balconies curves like lyres ; uninterrupted  sight lines from every seat focus viewers onto a deep wide stage...Sleek staircases and flying bridges pull patrons into the hall. Ellie Caulkins herself is quoted as saying "They say it was like building a ship in a bottle."

Now that you have learned a little about my Denver opera house won't you please link up to and join the fun.


  1. That opera house is amazing! Sandie

  2. I have seen the Phantom of the Opera, in Canada, many years ago. I was in my 20's and I recall it gave me the chills, it was amazing! THanks for sharing your thoughts

  3. I have never been to the opera, but I would love to get all dressed up and go!

  4. I absolutely adored Phantom of the Opera. Thanks for sharing the Denver Opera House.

  5. I have been to a few Opera's and they are amazing. Phantom is truly beautiful music of the night!

  6. I've seen Phantom of the Opera three times. Once in Canada and two times here. I just love it. I also have the DVD. Phantom of the Opera is my weakness LOL.

  7. I saw the Phantom of the Opera in London many years ago. It is truly amazing.

  8. WOW.. I love the Opera.
    thank you so much for sharing.
    Happy Thursday!
    Mine is here

  9. What a beautiful Opera house.

    This was a very interesting post...I really know nothing about opera.

    Thanks for a cultural and Outstanding stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "O"!


  10. Thank you for all the information and photos on the opera house. I have seen Phantom and it is amazing. If I am ever near Denver I will have to come and see this lovely place.

  11. My GF and I went to Toronto to see the PHantom of the Opera. That was over 15 yrs ago. Glad we went though.Ever since she wouldn't able to go now. Take care! Nancy

  12. Your photos of the opera house are sensational! I'm sure you've seen the musical, Phantom of the Opera, which rates as one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing such a lovely post.

  13. What a gorgeous looking building, especially the inside. I did see the phantom ... many many years ago ... it was spine tingling good!

  14. Amazing construction for this building.

    Have a great eve.
    TTFN ~ Hugs in love, Marydon

  15. Thank you for sharing! What amazing architecture! I love the pictures of the opera house. I never saw PofO but I would love to one day. My dad also had a varied taste in I can appreciate many styles of music as an adult:)

  16. Very interesting learning about your opera house.

  17. I'd love to see an opera there someday Anne, The Denver Performing Arts Center is really a wonderful complex.

    I saw Phantom on Broadway many years ago when it first opened and Michael Crawford was the lead. He is the one who sings on the CD..fabulous voice!

  18. Opera is fascinating and the stories are quite compelling and moving even when I don't understand the words. My teenage son who really likes metal and synthetic music also enjoys opera. Interesting combo, huh? I hope you get to go inside the opera house for a performance.

    Oh, you made me think of the scene in the Winona Ryder Little Women movie when professor Bhaer takes her to the opera house.

  19. Good Morning,

    Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit and THANKS for sharing your Opera House with us. I am with you--I would love to see the Phantom on stage--I loved the movie and the music is so good!!

    Have a great weekend!

  20. Imagine having a building dedicated to opera! Up here we have to make use of an old turn of the century theatre - not the same at all!

  21. I'm in Longmont! How nice to meet a neighbor! I hope you get to see Phantom one day, it's a great show! And thanks for the advice about National Jewish. We have indeed contacted them and are waiting for a reply. You fill out a 10 page form at their website, and then they get in touch. So far it's been a week...
