
Thursday, April 8, 2010

L is for Love, Laughter,Luck and Lamps!

I am late getting my Alphabe Thursday post up! First my kids kidnapped my laptop, always needing it for school work, blah,blah,blah! Then I nearly forgot that my dear friend Alyn was coming over and we were going to look at the new lay away plan Princess House has! Time gets away from you when you are drinking tea and gabbing with a girlfriend! So...

Here I am a day late, but never too short on words!

L is for Love...ain't it grand? Spring is in the air and so is Love!

"For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son , that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 (NASB)

Laughter! I love to laugh! They say the more you laugh the greater your chances of a healthy, happy life! Life is tough sometimes but laughing can decrease stress and even lower your blood pressure! I love laughter and I particularly love to listen to babies and toddlers laugh! We have two babies in our office today, one a cute 8 month old boy with recurrent ear infections! He smiled from ear to ear even though the little kid was suffering with yet another ear infection! Then the cutest little blonde-haired blue eyed girl about 1! She smiled and waved back at me and really made my day! It was a terribly busy half clinic day with 16, count 'em 16 patients from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.! Wow!

Do you ever feel lucky? My hubby participates in a lotto drawing every Wedesday and Saturday with a group of people that he works with! They started out with 20 and are down to 8 souls hanging in there! Perhaps one day they will win! In the mean time we work hard and pay our bills and feed our family! But mostly I feel lucky to be alive! I am grateful to wake up daily and have my feet hit the floor before the devil can stake his claim to me!

L is for lamps! My daughter has the weirdest little lamp. It is a wannabe lava lamp with an alien inside! She went through a period in her life where she had aliens all over her room! Here is a google image but Hannah's lamp has green alien goo inside!

Here is a lovely Victorian style lamp.

I like this animal print lamp!

I own this cute little touch lamp. It is great by your bedside when you wake in the middle of the night! No fumbling for switches.

I hope you loved this post and felt lucky to be able to read it and I hope you enjoyed my lamp collection! One last "L" lamp..

A lamppost!

Please go over over to and link up with McLinky for AlphaBe Thursday!


  1. Great L words! And I do not think anyone else used Laughter. How can that be. It ranks right up there with Love.

  2. Good choices.Have a good week. Nancy

  3. Love the L words!! Great lamps and the alien one made me laugh!

  4. That alien lamp is pretty funny looking! I love your post on laughter ... why didn't I think of that??? wonderful words!

  5. Great L words. So far we haven't been too lucky. When my husband worked he and a bunch of guys always played mega ball but they never won. Now that he's retired he still plays it occasionally but only if it's a really large amount.

  6. Great L Post, glad you turned up for class late or not!

  7. Glad you were able to kidnap your laptop back because your post was Lovely! I really like the alien lamp! Don't you just love those kids with the unusual decorating ideas!!

  8. Love is grand! the lamp of your daughter's is funny. aliens in my room would scare me at night! I love street lamp posts.. the old fashioned kind.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Lovely L post :o) Everyone needs love and laughter for sure! Oh how awesome to be picked for a lotto! And...I love all types of lamps and lighting not too sure about an alien in a lava lamp! haha

    Blessings & Aloha!

  10. Oh, what a lovely post on my journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "L"!

    16 patients! Wow. That seems like so many. But that must have felt rewarding.

    Thanks for sharing all your "L's" with us and thanks for being such an important part of Alphabe-Thursday!


  11. Great choices for L - I love the sound of a child laughing too. To me, it the sound of pure joy and love of life. Great post! Kathy

  12. I think I might be right, but I'm 64 and the memory isn't as sharp as it once was, but I believe you're the first person to use laughter as an L word. And yes, I feel very, very lucky.

  13. Really great L words. I love baby/ toddler laughter too. I can also relate to a kidnapped laptop; and the joy of time spent with good friends. To me, lampposts are romantic and magical.
