
Monday, April 5, 2010

My Happy Memories of a Sad Anniversary


I had a blasted headache all day today! It could be the wind or allergies and possibly the beautiful live Easter lily my friend Alyn brought me! Then again it could be this sad day. Twenty five years ago today I lost my dad. I remember it well sitting in my office at the UCHSC department of Microbiology/Immunology. I was pregnant with my second child and first son. My sister Mary called me. She was so quiet that I knew what had happened. We had lost our precious father.  I was stunned. My dad had been ill but you never want to expect to get this call. I was crushed and yet I still had to tell my daughter who was in the third grade! She would be devastated as they adored each other!

That is a tough loss to handle and today all these years later I will still miss him as if he left a moment ago. He had such an impact on my life that I will never forget my incredible dad.

He was a quiet man, a steel worker. My father was a head roller at the CF and I steel corporation for forty seven years. He adored my mother and he doted on her. He loved his family, all five of us. All the grand children and great grand children. Had he lived he would have been blessed with so many new great grand children it would make him smile. He loved the little ones.

My dad had a sixth grade education yet he was one of the smartest men I have ever known. He read everything and could easily carry on a conversation. He had the most beautiful hand writing . He had a strong beautiful voice and my oldest daughter still has a cassette tape that my nephew Brian converted into a CD. On that tape that girl recorded my father and mother and various other family members with her Fisher Price tape recorder! I am here to tell you I do not believe the CIA has used such a high quality mechanical device! I can listen to that tape and hear my dad's voice as if he were here now.

But he is not, he is sharing in his eternal glory with my Savior Christ and His holy father in heaven tonight. My dad loved baseball. We all were born with a love for the New York Yankees stamped on our foreheads! I love them still today! My dad played semi pro baseball long before I was born and there is nothing he did not know of the sport. He was a catcher and he once caught behind the plate of the great Babe Ruth! My nephew in Pennsylvania was given the honor of holding on to that baseball! My dad loved his Bronco football. He loved Notre Dame college football. We once saw a game together with Joe Montana heading up Notre Dame's Fighting Irish! My dad was buried with his favorite Notre Dame necktie!

My dad had a nick name. It was "Spike" and that was because of the job he had. But he preferred people to use his given name of Edward and he was a kind, caring and loving man. He had the bible sitting on his nightstand and years later all the things he said to me, I realized he knew them because he knew God's word so beautifully. One of his favorite things to say was, "If we go here or there, God willing, hopefully we can get there safely, ma". Check that reference in your bible under the book of James 4:15. He loved my mother with a passion. He said many times she made him angry during their marriage but he would never harm her. He always said a real man would never hurt a woman.

When my father became ill a few years before his untimely death I always left me with a kiss on the forehead and we would say to each other, "I love you, see you next time." I know one day I will see my dad again.

Those of you that are fortunate to have parents still living, treasure them. Bless them and care for them. They are irreplaceable.

I will stop here and say, "I miss you tonight dad. I love you and I will see you again."

My family before me!


  1. Hugs for you dear Anne. I know how much you miss your dad, because I know how each day,I still miss mine.
    My dad was my hero..and still is. He instilled in us love,and faith and trust..and we were loved beyond measure. I know your dear father was your hero too..and how you looked up to him. And I know that surely we will one day,see our fathers again..
    and that they watch over us as they always did.

  2. Oh, Anne! I have lost both my parents and know your pain.I am so sorry that you are hurting.He sounds like a wonderful man...well, he must've been to have turned out such a sweet daughter.He would not want you to spend your day sad,though.Try to smile and remember him with happiness.You have surely honored him with this post.

  3. Such a lovely tribute to your Dad.. We are soo blessed to have loving parents.. My Dad was much like yours, he adored my Mama and his family.. And he loved his football.. College and Pro.. I look forward to the day I'll get to hold him close once again..

    Hugs for you, my friend..

  4. Thank you for sharing this story with us. You bring your dad to life beautifully! Always hold on to his memory.

    I still have my parents, but almost lost my dad in Feb. 2008. He had a massive heart attack at the age of 58 that required an emergency quad-bypass. I have been living on the scared side of each day since then (even though he is fine now). I did lose the woman who played a big part in raising me, my maternal grandma. And I am like you feeling that it was just yesterday when she passed when she has been gone since May 1993.


  5. What a wonderful tribute to your father. I just know he has a big smile on his face. I lost my mom after a lengthy illness. Even knowing that she would not recover, her death was painful and left me with a sadness that did not abate for a long time. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Please join me for Crock Pot Wednesday whenever you can.

  6. Anne,

    What a beautiful and heart warming tribute to your father. One day we will all get the chance to meet him in person but for now you did a great job sharing his life with us.

    Please stop by my blog today to meet a blogger in need of help!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. Anne, this is such a beautiful tribute to your Dad! He sounds so much like my Dad who I lost 38 years ago. May they both rest in peace, and may we meet them again one day in God's glory!

  8. Holidays are sad time when someone you loved isn't in the very same room. I lost one of my sister and everytime I see my nieces, I think of her. They both are carrying the same genes of their mother. BR hair and eyes. Perhap, I think the eldest is more hazel br/gr. Like her father's. Have a good week.

  9. Thanks for sharing those beautiful memories about your father. It made me think of my parents, who I need to show more gratitude for. Your father sounds like a wonderful person.
