
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hello and welcome to Mrs. Matlock's class. Don't be late! The teacher does not like anyone to be tardy! Just check out Jenny Matlock's blog at and join the fun. Thanks Mrs. M for hosting this fun meme each week! I am x-cited to share my x-cellent idea with you today.

Today I choose "Xanadu". The 1980 movie was a box office bomb but the whole Xanadu thing is really quite interesting and complicated. I am going to share a bit with you here. Olivia Newton John starred in this movie directed by Robert Greenwald along with Michael Beck and Gene Kelly. The title of the film is a reference to the poem Kubla Khan" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It is also called 'A Vision in a Dream: "A Fragment" '. Xanadu is the name of the Chinese province where Khan  established his pleasure garden in the poem.

The movie was released on DVD in June 2008 and was turned into a Broadway show in 2007 that ran until 2008.

Xanadu Island Resort is an actual place in San Pedro, Belize.

I hope you enjoyed my little post today and you remember seeing this B rated movie in Olivia Newton John's acting heyday.


  1. I remember going to see this movie when it first came out. It was fun, but a little confusing.

  2. Seriously, my husband joked that this was the only musical he ever liked!

    Would you like to join me in a recipe exchange? Check out my blog for details.

  3. It was terrible but a fun movie. Glad you posted on this!!! Xanadu! I hear the song in my mind! Yikes!

  4. I know I never saw it. For some reason, it never appealed to me. I might have to give it a try though. Great X post.

  5. I remember when this movie was out but I do not think I ever watched it completely.

  6. Great minds think post is also about Xanadu!

  7. I actually love LOVE that movie! Thanks for sharing...

    Yeah, I know! I'm a dork!!



  8. Wow! Such an interesting choice for "X"..I love all the info you have offered...very cool:-) Belize looks like a place I would like...Peace and blessings

  9. I never saw that movie, but what a good thing for x. sandie

  10. I remember liking that movie, but I thought Olivia was adorable in anything. Joni

  11. I've never seen the film...but sure come with great things for every letter of the alphabet :) :) :) Hugs,Heather :)

  12.'s late and I can't type..I meant to say "you come up with great things for every letter of the alphabet!!" Hugs, Heather :)

  13. We saw Olivia N,J in Vegas and she sang Xanadu - it was great!

  14. Yes, that movie was a bomb but that girl could belt out a song couldn't she!

  15. Something scary happened when I read your post.

    This popped into my mind:

    In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
    A stately pleasure-dome decree
    Where (something) the sacred river ran
    Through caverns measureless to man
    Down to a sunless sea.

    And it has been approximately 100 years since I learned this poem.

    I guess now I can only use short-term memory loss as an excuse even though I did forget the word "Alph" in the poem.

    I never saw that movie, but I love the way she sings!

    Thanks for a fun and memory provoking post!

    This was X-cellent!


  16. there was a little bit of this on my blog post too! Xcellent X post!

  17. You must still be hearing a low hum of "Xanadu" from your commenters! eXtending a happy X day to you!

  18. Oh my...I never knew this movie existed! Thanks for introducing me to bigger and brighter things ;^)

    Great "X" post!

  19. I remember when this movie came out but don't remember if I saw it! I think "Gease" came out about the same time period, maybe just before this movie.

    I do remember hearing the song "Xanadu" on the radio (almost endlessly) and just loving Olivia Newton John's voice. She could/can really sing.

  20. Didn't like the movie, but your post was great! The resort looks very inviting.

  21. I never got around to seeing this movie either.

  22. I never did see the movie, although I hard it was bad.
    The music wasn't bad to do aerobics to though.
    Those were the days, my friend!

  23. I feel old....LOL...
    But in a most sage and delightfully tongue in cheek way!

    Ah memories!!! :)
    Happy x day and Happy 4th!

    please come visit me at:
    Where I too joined in the X-
    Isn't Ms Jenny's class the most fun?

  24. I remember that film!!! Son was in HS and had a thing for Olivia. I drove he and I, to see it, in a diff city, 'cause it wasn't playing here, or some such. Great memory!!! Thank you.


  25. I never cared for ONJ so never saw this. I hear I'm lucky! I do love the images the word Xanadu evokes.
