
Sunday, July 11, 2010


These are two of my favorite Scriptures:

"Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. JAMES 1:22

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify God." MATTHEW 5:16

Welcome to Charlotte and Ginger 

I hope you will visit both of these lovely ladies and thank them for hosting this weekly post.

When our children were younger they attended Catholic school for the most part. I say that because our youngest attended three preschools at one time. He went to the public school in the morning so he would get some Speech Therapy. He attended the Lutheran school in the afternoon and he went to those school three days a week and the Catholic school two days a week. All of our children learned to be spiritual God fearing people. If you lived with my husband you would understand. He has this love for the Lord that is rare. You don't see it a lot. He loves the Lord with a pure passion. So much that he studied New Testament Greek for two years at Bellview Bible College. That is a sad story for another time why he never finished his schooling but he knows so much about the bible that he passed it on to our kids. There was a time at the Catholic school teachers would ask him for his resources. He made charts and books and wrote papers about various gospels and old testament stories. When I first met him he had maps and geneaology charts and all sorts of everything about the bible. We learned to know the bible well.

I feel that I am a very poor example of a Christian because I find it so difficult to deal with the condition of the world. But we still keep spreading the gospel even sometime when we don't realize it. A few years ago the Lord put it on my heart that I needed to give away bibles. I was giving away bibles that I purchase through for pennies. When ever someone told me that they had a problem I gave them a bible. You will never need another book because this book is it! It gives you all the basic info that you need to live.

I am not pushy and I never push my belief system on anyone but I worry, I know I shouldn't, that many will not be saved because they choose to turn to alternative methods of so called "spirituality". In fact I could not attend the funerals of two women that I had known for years because I knew in my heart that they were not believers and I could not not put on a facade and act as if now they were at peace. I have to learn to leave that up to God Himself but if I can turn just one person in the right direction I think I am helping to shine His light and  be more than just a hearer of His word.

I tend to get long winded, I know but I want to share just one quick story with you. Many years ago we were at home on a Saturday and  there was a knock at our door. It was the new pastor from the Lutheran church a few blocks away.He was planning to visit a new church member and they were not at home. Unfortunately, he locked his keys in the car and needed to call his wife. As we waited for the pastors wife to arrive, we chatted. We ended up attending his church for a while and one Sunday morning as he sat on the floor with the children around the altar he told his story about how he came to be a pastor. He was a small kid sitting at the foot of the altar too singing that old beloved children's bible song "This Little Light Of Mine". He said he sat there and he knew his calling. My husband, who was raised a Baptist and a Nazarene has a really good friend who is a Catholic priest. He told us his story. He said he was about 8 years old and getting ready for school when he heard what sounded like whispering in his parents bedroom. He peeked in the doorway and saw his father on his knees praising God and praying. He said it was a major turning point in his life. He decided that he would serve God. All these years later he is a wonderful God fearing man and retired for about 10 years.

Please spread the word of God today. You never know who you might meet and help turn on the right path to eternal glory with Christ Jesus in heaven forever.

Prayers today for Ron,Sherry,Reid,Heather,Sarah,Steve,Holly,Sean,Mary,Bob,Rita. Your heartfelt prayers are so graciously appreciated.


  1. What a wonderful Sunday morning testimony from you. Thanks for the heart warming stories.


  2. hi saw your blog name on at home in arizona cong. on your sunshine award. i too received an award. read some of your posts will follow. rose at have a good sunday

  3. Good Morning Anne Sweetie...
    What a beautiful testimony this morning. I loved the history behind your sweet husband. I also thought it was quite interesting how the Catholic teachers even asked him for his resources. You two have led a beautiful Christian life together I can see that. I can also see you buying bibles and handing them out. What a beautiful Christian shine around you sweet friend. I know your church home is so blessed to have you two.

    I just had to share the following: When we got married. DH was Catholic and I was Baptist. We were married in my parents home by my Baptist minister Uncle. I did attend Catholic classes for the church, did not convert, but after Father Levin had met me, and I him and attending his classes, the questions I asked during the classes. He married us in the Catholic Church and told me he would have been disappointed in me if I had converted. He told me I was the most beautiful Christian he had met in a long time, I would raise my family right, and he was marrying us. He did.

    To this day we have attended many churches, it doesn't matter whether it is Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, whatever. We just believe that you should enter with a happy heart, and when you leave you should feel better than when you came in. We are all striving for the same goal. To be good faithful servants, so when we do pass, God will say, " Well done my good and faithful servant. Welcome home."

    Anne sweet friend, you bring out the best in me. This morning you have so touched my heart.

    Thank you sweet friend. Many country hugs and so much love, Sherry

  4. What a lovely testimony and wonderful spiritual legacy passed down from parents on to you and then on to all the others you are sharing with! I'm with you - giving away Bibles is AWESOME. I also love to give away interesting Christian novels with God's Word used wisely. Some people would never take the Bible, but they will love these and then I leave it to God to use His Words as He will! And HE IS AWESOME to do that. :)

    Thank you again for a lovely visit and the inspirational Bible verses and devotional.

  5. This is lovely and so glad that I was able to stop by and read it today.
    Sites like yours help others in blog land so much and especially me.

  6. Anne, Thanks for sharing are such a sweetheart..and yeah, I feel like I fail at my Christian walk sometimes too...but God is always there to pick me up again...and that's all you can do...get back up again and move forward :) :) :) You keep it real and that's a good thing...and so refreshingly honest!!! I loved the stories you shared here...Extra love and hugs for you today, Heather :) :) :)

  7. It is amazing the power of God's word and witness. I would encourage you to visit the funerals of even those you believe do not know the Lord. You may never know What God does the last minutes in someone's life. No, you do't want to give false assurance to relatives, but then again I have seen some amazing things happen as a person is dying, so I would not assume anything. Your testimony of love can accomplish much by just being at the funeral, telling those who have lost a loved when that you are there for them.

  8. Thank you for sharing from your heart today. Happy Spiritual Sunday!

  9. You have a such a warm, giving, heart - I can tell by your Post. May God's richest blessings be on you today...Very nice to meet you!

  10. I love your honest sharing...and your heart.

  11. Church denominations are man's idea. God has one church. If we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came to earth, lived a sinless life, died to take our place, and rose again to intercede and prepare a place for us to be with Him, we belong to His Church. I believe. It sounds like you do too. Glad to meet you sister. God bless, Bobbi

  12. Hi Anne! I still find myself singing or humming the song, "This little light of mine" every now and then. I think it's a very good song for everyone to remember, no matter how old you are! ~tina

  13. Anne, loved your stories. Precious! So thankful that you love Jesus! I do too!

    Blessings and have a wonderful week! Love you, Linda

  14. I think that there are a lot of us who feel like were not a good example, we are are worst enemy.
    God Bless,

  15. Hi Anne, Love you post today. My Punkin Darlin says to throw your shoes under the bed at night so the first thing in the morning you must kneel to retrieve them and this way you will always remember to start your day on your knees. Love you sister, Mollye

  16. *hugs*

    This is an awe-inspiring post.

    I remember my Grandmother who was a "sunny skool" teacher teaching us to sing "This little light of mine" and "Sunday School is over, and we are going home, goodbye! goodbye! Be always kind and true!"


  17. Oh Annie - what a sweet sweet story.sandie
