
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Antique Doll Postcards

Hi and welcome to the Vintage Thingy Thursday. I am having some difficulty loading my antique postcard reproductions but I managed to capture two of the twelve. The first one is (L) a French Limoges doll created circa 1915 by A. Lanternier and Cie. (R) a German G and S Special doll produced circa 1880.

The second postcard is (L) a German Daisy doll created circa 1892 by Kestner and Co. (R) a SPBH doll produced in 1906 by Schoenau and Hoffmeister.

Here is a cute Vintage pink and blue fabric elephant pajama bag! Does anyone remember these? My oldest daughter in her thirties had this one!

Finally a sweet baby dress I found in my mother's cedar chest. Memories....

Now go thank Suzanne at Colorado Lady Here

She is hosting this fun meme and it is my first post. Thank you Suzanne!


  1. HI Anne, these are really nice postcards...and a pajama bag? I'm in my 30s....probably around the same age as your daughter. I don't think I ever had one. I'll have to ask my mom.

    Oh what I really loved was the really long rectangular doily table runner...that was really nice!!!!

    Love and hugs, Heather :)

  2. Oh, I think my daughter had a bag almost like that one, so cute! And adorable doll postcards, those are rather unique. Have a great VTT!

  3. Hi Anne,
    Love the postcards...great treasure! Very cute pajama bag. Have a great day!

  4. Love your treasures! So glad to have you following our group over at The Motivation Station. Hope you'll visit often - oh and good luck on the giveaway :-)

  5. Those are great post cards. I loved all of them. Nice post for today.

  6. You're getting a nice collection of post cards. And my daughter had a pajama bag!

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  10. I never had a pajama bag, but I wish I had. They are so cute.

  11. I can't even delete all these - something must be wrong with the computer. Sorry. sandie

  12. I love your postcards! I remember a pajama bag!

  13. I love old dolls although I find that the old German dolls have a slightly odd look about them.

  14. The pajama bag looks so fun! Did it get a lot of use?

    I hope you are doing well. I think the children are becoming a little stir crazy around here. I need to find some interesting stuff to do. I am terrible at that kind of thing, though.

    I like your recipe exchange button. That is really cute.

    May the Lord bless your day.

  15. I love the postcards!

    Hope you are doing well and keeping cool :)


  16. pretty postcards. love the colors.

  17.'d love my MIL's house. Full of dolls and antique things. She's a collector of similar things.

    BIG HUGS for spreading the word about my giveaway. Good luck.

  18. O, I love your vintage things. So so sweet and the memories are always so sweet, too.
    You are such a loving lady and i am so glad to be friends with you.
    xo bj

  19. Hi Anne, The postcards are some of my favorite things to collect too. I have an award for you at my blog. Love you, Mollye

  20. Hoping you are feeling really good and ready for a weekend!!

  21. Hello. I was Google 'ing my Doll and found this site. It is a 24" Limoges c 1915 just as in the postcard. The doll originally belonged to my grandma. She told me, when she was about 8 yo, she saw the doll in a shop window, in Manteca, CA. She saved her money and bought it. Late in life my grandma began to fix doll up by buying a new wig, stockings and shoes and buying a pattern to make a dress. She never finished the dress. I have the whole lot. I'm not interested in selling, just telling the story of a little girl in 1915 that bought a doll. Thanks for "listening".
