
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Y" is for YOU!

Hello and welcome to Alphabe Thursday! Please stop by Mrs. Matlock's blog and thank her for hosting this awesome post! Just go to  Mrs. Matlock . Tonight I am giving you the letter "Y" and you are the star of my blog show!

I love you all so much! You stop and you look and then you read and listen! I love it! You are all number one in my book!

You all deserve a crown for being such good friends. You never let each other down. You are always around to lift us up!

I do not even know where to begin. I don't want to hurt any feelings so let me say this, you know you are the one who sent me the coolest vintage postcard for my exchange. You know you gave me super instructions on how to post a picture and make a button. You believed I could learn some of this blogging stuff. You stuck by me when the hacker/scammer/spammers attacked me! You taught me cool new stuff from your posts. You helped me realize I do have potential to craft and learn new stuff. You extended the kindest hand of sympathy to me over the loss of our little dog and the illnesses of my Mother-In-Law. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You share your faith, you share your talent. You make me a better person and you make my life a little bit happier just by being Y O U !

I want you in my life. I like knowing you. I like the things you write about. I like the things you create. I like you and I want to keep you around for a really long time.


  1. Anne all that you say about us we say about you! I am so happy to call you friend!!

  2. This is exactly how I feel about blogging. Thanks for your post!

  3. Awesome appreciative and kind to let everyone know we do care and think of them:) You rock too! Debbie

  4. Stopping by from Alphabe-Thursday. I feel the same way about blogging. Love your graphics!

  5. An awesome 'Y’ post – so cute & enjoyable!

    Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


    PS Mine this week is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  6. What a nice post! Thanks for all the kind words.

  7. And there I thought you haven't even visited my blog yet... ;)

    Funnily enough we both chose YOU this week -- great minds think alike, huh?

    Greetings from Munich,

  8. Love the feeling that the Y was truly just for me...YOU are special. Thanks for the post. Debbie

  9. that was a wonderful Y post!

  10. This is a great way to change a "Y" to a "U".

    :) I'm sure the feelings YOU express are mutual. YOU have always made me feel welcomed here. I hope YOU are feeling good today and that YOU enjoy YOUr week.

  11. Great Post and blessings and peace on your recent loss of Grandpa Carl...bkm

  12. Thanks so much for the kind words, and I say those words are right back at you! Blogging friends are great and I learn so much for each one!

  13. fabulous y post. so sweet of YOU!

  14. You are so sweet, Anne! I love how you let your heart out on your blog. Fabulous "Y" post!

  15. You summed up what it means to blog very well. Very good Y post.

  16. Blogs are like gateways to different worlds. I love to find out about people and places on blogs and I appreciate when people come visit me and read what I have to share :)

  17. You did an awesome Y post. I think many of us are blessed by our bloggie friends!

  18. What a thoughtful Y post. Great job.

  19. What a totally sweet stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y"!

    Y ou are amazing. You always have a kind word to say or an encouragement to offer.

    I enjoy my visits here each week!

    Although I'm sad to see our first A-T come to an end I hope we see each other on many more memes for years and years to come!

    Thank you for being you!

