
Friday, July 30, 2010


Welcome to Pink Saturday. I hope you will stop by Beverly's so you can thank her for hosting these Pink Saturdays.I enjoy these posts and look forward to them each week. I am amazed at the creative talent I meet over here and always enjoy visiting so many bloggers.

Since we had a sad week with the loss of my mother-in-law I wanted to talk about her for a moment and then show you my pink treasures. My mother-in-law loved to wear pink and she loved to wear red! At her memorial service, my niece Leah put together an amazing video of her life. I noticed most of her outfits were red or pink and she was always holding a baby or cooking! She was a remarkable Christian woman and she will be missed by many.

I am sharing a few photos from our road trip to the funeral and burial. My mother-in-law's service was held in Pueblo and then we drove 3 hours to Lamar for the grave site service.As a youngster I did not like car trips a lot. I thought the scenery was boring and the ride too long. Although the ride has not changed much in all these years my love of open spaces has! I love the rolling hills and the amber waves of grain and other scenery along the way. If I could afford it, I would retire in one of those tiny farming communities and live my life in calm and quiet. There is no pollution and people are friendly. I would live in a house like this.
This is the cutest pink and white house located on Main Street in Lamar, Colorado. I just smiled when I saw it on the way to the grave site. Isn't it precious?

Then I saw this cool windmill.
This windmill was outside the county building but I can not remember which small town we passed through. Isn't it so sweet?

We ran into rain outside of Limon, Colorado on the way home (three hours away) . I was grateful that the Good Lord washed all the bugs off our windshield. He was pleased with my roadside prayers because look what he provided for us.
Here is the sky before the rain poured down on us.
Then He allowed the Son to Shine Through.

Finally here is my favorite thing about small towns.
An old fashioned movie theater and it is trimmed in pink. Happy Pink Saturday to all!
Go visit someone new this weekend or an old friend you have not seen lately. I am stopping by both!

Valerie has a sweet blog! Istopped there today to say hello and welcome her to PS as well as offered her to come say hi to me also! She is one of those crafty, quilty talented gals. Please go say hello.

Yvonne  is a bad influence. She has all sorts of wonderful delectable foods on her blog. She is one of those incredibly talented domestic godesses! You will love stopping by.

I love all of you over here at Pink Saturdays! One day I am going to meet every single person. I am not sure how some of you do it but I know I will find a way.

Make sure you stop by my postcard exchange and giveaway so you can send me a postcard! I love duplicates and I will send you a postcard as well if you give me your address.

Check out my giveaway participation here and enter to win the fun little mini's I am giving away August 7th as well as some not so mini items!

Finally go to my tea for one post and follow me, leave a comment and you could win the Princess House Vintage Garden tea for one teapot! I am a giver and anyone who has won over here knows I am always good for the prize!

Tomorrow my hubby is going to spend the day with his sis and they are doing lunch together so I am meeting my sis at the thrift store. She is the ultimate thrifting queen and I am a thrifting princess! My sissy waits for the doors to open at 8:00 A.M. and she has her coffee and her shopping cart ready to roll! Last week despite the sad occasion of traveling home, she found a pair of Crazy Horse jean capri's for me! If you know Liz Claiborne, you know Crazy Horse is a division of her fashion empire. My sister is a fashion fanatic and can find things other only wish they could find! Wish us luck!

Thanks  for sharing with me today.


  1. Happy Pink Saturday to you. I love that little pink house - don't think I'd want to live in it, but it was cute.


  2. Oh my goodness look at that gorgeous PINK House! You need to live there and we need to have a Pink Saturday reunion there! lol Beautiful rainbow thank you for posting such lovely pictures and thank you for your sweet visit. Grace xoxoxo

  3. Anne, sweet friend, my heart goes out to you & your family in Mother's passing over to Jesus. Love the rainbow ... Heaven opening its door.

    Have a lovely PINK summer's weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs & prayers, Marydon

  4. Anne, such a sad day and such beauty too. It's hard to be sad when the Lord above is graceing you with such beauty. Love the house my friend, but the windmill reminds me of Holland. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  5. Anne, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. God bless all of you with His comfort!
    Thank you for featuring me on PS.
    You are such a gracious lady.
    I said a prayer for you and your family.

  6. Happy Pink Saturday Anne Sweetie...
    I have been holding you and your sweet husband up in prayer. I know this road you had to walk. It is not a happy road. It is always hard to give up someone that we love, no matter what the conditions.

    I have to tell you I am so in love with this little pink and white cottage. How precious it is Anne. I could live there most definitely.

    And the little windmill, can you believe it.

    Now that rainbow is my HOPE. I love it sweetie, and what a treasure to see at the end of the day. I believe your sweet MIL was telling you she was home at last. How very beautiful.

    I wish I lived close by and could go thrifting with you. I know you will have fun, and I can't wait to see your treasures.

    I will email you sweetie. I had another dr. appt. today. NOT a good one I am afraid. I was very disheartened.

    I know what I need to purchase with my CSN gift card. I need pink sheets. Go see my post sweetie. I found the perfect blanket, now I need those pink sheets. I have been looking and something told me to wait. Wait I did.

    Have fun tomorrow. I am keeping you in my prayers sweet friend.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  7. Anne...thanks for sharing the photos...that pink and white house is so cute!!! Also thanks for sharing those precious memories about your mother in law :) :) what a sweet lady and how blessed you are to have known her!!! I'm still keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  8. It sounds as if the Lord was shining down on you during your ride. Perhaps he was saying "I have her safe in my arms up here and she wants you to remember her (the pink house), be sad for a bit, (the rain) but mostly she wants you to be happy (the rainbow)
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all be remembered in service to others (cooking and holding babies) when we are gone.

  9. So very sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law this past week. Such a difficult time for your family. Blessings to you and yours on this beautiful PINK Saturday!

  10. Sorry to hear about the loss of your MIL. Wonderful memory tribute and good luck on your Pink Saturday shopping date!

  11. Well you made it through the last few can only see things heading up now..when we have all these earthly things weighing on us it so hard. MIL is in a happy place and that is comforting. That was her rainbow!
    Love the pictures, I could so see you in that little pink house..what used to bore me now thrills me..Love the little towns.
    Have a relaxing and shoppingful you,


  12. Thank you for sharing these moments and memories and pictures -during your family's loss. My husband's aunt just passed away - he will be doing the eulogy this afternoon. Everyone called her "Lady". He found out yesterday why, when first married to her husband one of his nephews asked, 'who's that Lady?" - from that point everyone called her Lady.
    She was a dear Christian woman and will be missed.
    Hope you have a terrific weekend!


  14. Beautiful posting! And I'm so sorry for your loss. The rainbow was beautiful and that house.... just precious! Thank you for the wonderful post and Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. So sorry for the loss of your MIL.

    Now that sweet pink house is the house of my dreams!!

    I hope you find lots of goodies on our shopping excursion!!



  16. Oh, you and your sister are gonna have so much fun, Anne! What a treat. I'm sorry you've lost your wonderful m-i-l...she will be missed.
    Have a Happy Pink Saturday~

  17. Hello Sweet Anne,
    So sorry about your mominlaw. How wonderful for you to tell us about her on Pink Saturday! I love the little pink and white cottage. Sooo cute! I think mom sent the rainbow to tell you she was finally home. My mom sends rainbows all the time.
    Hope you enjoy your thrifting day!!
    Sparkly Hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

  18. love the pictures! I want to see Eclipse, nice to know in a small town you can see such a good movie!

  19. Sorry about your loss and the long road trip. It is amazing even in times of death what catches our eyes. Regardless of the circumstances, you have a very nice post for today.

  20. Oh my you were not far from where I live- Pueblo is about 42 miles south of us on I25.

    I do love that little pink house!!


    bee blessed


  21. Hi Anne,
    I am so sorry to here about your loss. It is nice though that your husband and his sister were able to get together afterwards for lunch, I am sure they were happy to reminice.

    The pictures you took are beautiful. I really like the windmill. I myself have nerver been any farther west than Buffalo, but it does look beautiful.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for all your sweet comments, they really make me smile!!

    :) Michelle

  22. Thank you for stopping by my blog and mentioning mine! I LOVE the little white house with bright pink trim, I want to live there some day!


  23. Came by to see how you are and read this about your mother-in-law. I am so very sorry and my sympathy to all of you.
    She sounded like a lovely lady.
    I too love the little pink house. It is funny how now road trips are so much more fun than when we were young.
    Sorry I have not been over in a while.
    Not sure if you entered my giveaway but be sure and sign up for it before it ends on the 6th

  24. Hi, Anne,
    Your mother in law sounds like a wonderful lady. That she loved pink and red is perfect. Those are two of my favorite colors, too. That is the cutest pink house, and I, too, love those old movie theaters. The rainbow in the sky reminding us of God's promise was gorgeous. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, sweet friend~ Vicki

  25. Beautiful pink house ~ just perfect for a PS post. Love the rainbow, too!

    So sorry for the loss of your sweet mother-in-law.

    Hugs and Prayers,
    Angelic Accents

  26. Such a lovely pink house. It's too cute. Happy belated pink day.

  27. I can't say I have ever enjoyed a ride to a funeral as much as this one. I loved that pink house and the rainbow...oh my! I am so sorry for your loss. Please don't be a stranger. The backdoor is always open for a visit. Happy PS xo Lynn

  28. I smiled when I saw that pink and white house... I can see you smiling when you saw it.

