
Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hi everyone! Welcome to Spiritual Sunday and the hostesses Ginger and Charlotte. Please go to Spiritual Sunday and thank them here.

I have a request today. Shortybear over at Shortybears place is losing her eye sight and needing a GIANT print bible. She wants an NIV Application bible and is currently saving to buy one. I buy lots of used bibles but I recently saw an NIV Application bible on their site. It is an imitation navy leather NIV giant print Application bible. I think the cost for a used one is around $37 with shipping. Does anyone out there have any other ideas?

I know how valuable God's Word is to all of us and I could use some input. I know the Gideon's will give you a free bible but they are the motel/hotel quality bibles and the print is small. Any suggestions? In the meantime please pray for Shortybear. If you stop by her blog you can see her on a sweet little video. She also has another prayer request so please go visit.

I tell you about her today because God does work in His own way. My hubby and I had eye appointments on Friday. He needs cataract surgery for his right eye. Please pray all goes well as he will go to work tomorrow and look at the time off schedule so he may schedule this as soon as possible. It will restore his sight  to 20/20. Praise God! I was going to do this post about aging but perhaps another time. At my appointment I saw my right eye getting worse. I have horrendous vision anyway since the fourth grade when I started to wear glasses.  My doctor said I am starting a cataract in the right eye and I am not too worried as I will just have the surgery too when the time comes but they worry about a detached retina with my poor eyesight. I am very fearful of losing my eyesight and therefore I ask for prayer. As a small child of 8 I watched my grandmother lose her sight to this disease. But she was so fearless never wavering. I wish I had one tenth of her courage. She lived out the rest of her life with such grace and trust that God would always do the right thing. I watched her, sightless, cut hand made noodles paper thin for making soup and grating old bread on a hand held grater to make bread crumbs and she never once scraped her hands! I thought God really was miraculous because she never wavered. I have tried to close my eyes and imagine being sightless and it frightens me. I think I need to learn to trust God wholeheartedly and some days that is so difficult. I ask for prayer for peace and thank you today for joining me here. I also remind you to pray for our military and for the homeless and all the hurting in our world.
Thanks for sharing with me today.
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who follow Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Shorty Bear. She has had so many problems. I'm sorry to hear about your eyesight concerns as well. I will pray for both of you. Sometimes it is so hard to see how good can come from situations like this. It also amazes me how when a person loses one of their senses other senses are heightened and compensate to some extent. Thank you for sharing these prayer concerns.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Shorty Bear. She has had so many problems. I'm sorry to hear about your eyesight concerns as well. I will pray for both of you. Sometimes it is so hard to see how good can come from situations like this. It also amazes me how when a person loses one of their senses other senses are heightened and compensate to some extent. Thank you for sharing these prayer concerns.

  3. Must have clicked the publish button one time too many.

  4. My grandmother too lost her sight due to cataracts so I am hoping and praying that you keep your sight. It is a precious gift. Prayers for Shortybear also.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words.

  5. Have you tried Amazon? I just did a quick query using the terms you supplied and several options came up that were less than 37 bucks, although they may not be what you are looking for. Also, Amazon also lists sites where you can download free audio books. In addition, some local libraries offer the same.

    Another thought is to have your friend call the Assistive Technology Project/Center in her community. Usually, if you call into rehab at the local hospital, they can tell you where & who to call. Assistive technology focuses on adaptive equipment that helps one to live independently. For example, it can be as simple as using finger spelling or it can be as elaborate as a computer with speech output. They often have a variety of products for those with visual impairments. The advantage is that your friend can try some of those devices for free to determine which works best.

    This may be more info that you need, but I thought I'd pass it along in case you were interested.


  6. HI. I just read you comment my blog and it made me smile. Thank you so much for popping my button on your site and for being you. You rock. Totally rock.
    And I'm praying for both you guys and shortybear. I'll pop over and read her post and give her support too. You're the best. Have a great weekend ok.

  7. I wish I were able to assist you with data on your friends needs, but I know nothing of this nor technology that could help.

    It is amazing how these cataracts surgeries restore sight so quickly ... prayers lifting & may He guide the surgeons hands.

    Have a lovely summer day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  8. Praying for you and your husband and also for Shortybear. My mom was blind most of my life. I have just left Shortybear a message re options she has for assistance. Thanks for directing us to her. I hope I can be of help.

  9. What a beautiful post you've shared with us.

    My grandmother suffered in the dark with Glaucoma and lived the last 20 years of her life sightless. Although she never complained she never stopped asking God to restore her vision.

    He did, too! When she crossed over to the other side.

    I will be praying for Shortybear. I'm on my way to visit!

    Love to you~


  10. For you or any of your commenters who don't know about services available for those with limited sight, I have listed two links on Shortybear's blog post. You would be amazed at the resources available if you just ask.

  11. It sounds like commenters are leaving useful comments for Shortybear here and on her blog. I hope your eyes stay healthy; we had a scare in that area too, and it turned out fine, praises to Jesus.

  12. My Grandmother wore glasses for years. She had cataract surgery and didn't have to wear them anymore!

    Hugs & Prayers for all who are having problems with their eyes!


  13. My prayers go to you and Shorty Bear. I hope she gets the Bible she needs.

  14. I am so sorry to hear that your friend Shorty Bear is having eyesight problems.

    Awhile back, I was also in search of a large print NIV bible. One of the difficulties I found in searching is that there is not a standard for defining "large print". The best site I found for searching for your bible is Christian Book Distributors - CBD - - because they allow you to search by print size and version (and a bunch of other attributes as well!) They then clearly identify the font size of the print.

    The largest sizes I could find in a NIV print bible when I was looking was 14 point print (if you are looking at KJV I believe they make larger). The site currently has 2 NIV choices in a 14 point font:


    This is a softcover bible.


    This is an very attractive duotone imitation leather version which is also a 14 point font - I ended up purchasing this bible for myself and am very pleased with the font size!

    I strongly considered the NIV Application Bible before making my purchase as I have always been a fan of this bible, but the font size is smaller and the (it is listed as 11 point text) and the book is much heavier to lug around.

    I hope this information is helpful to your friend and anyone else in need of a large print bible!


  15. Shortybear could contact the Library for the Blind. Their services are free.
    perhaps they have bibles on CD that she could listen to.
    Large print books tend to be very thick. I image a large print bible would need to be in two or three books, otherwise too heavy to hold! Her public library may also have the bible on tape, which she could listen to in her car or on a cassette player at home.
    Another idea: At the pharmacy you can purchase square magnifiers that you hold over a page. It will enlarge the font considerably.

  16. Anne,

    What a wonderful way to reach out to our Christian family this way. Perhaps you might suggest just getting a magnifying page. I know it's the size of the standard Bible pages and when you lay it over the existing text, you can magnify the text to something much easier to read.

    I will keep checking and see if someone else has any other ideas.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  17. Dear Anne,

    I will head over to meet Shorty Bear now. So sorry to hear this news. Will keep her, as well as you and your husband in my prayers - the best medicine of all.

    You may want to look into the spoken Bible on CD. I use to listen to the classic Alexander Scourby tapes years agao in the car - it was the King James version, but I know they have many of the versions now on tape.

    Let us know. It is very swett of you to pass this along to us.
    Take care,

  18. Bless your beautiful heart. I greatly appreciate your kindness toward me, you have touched my heart. I am praying for you and your husband. Much love to you.

  19. Sorry to hear about your friend, will keep my eyes and ears open for the bible. And will keep you and your husband in my prayers also. We have a friend who recently had cataract surgery, and she said she had forgotten what it felt like to see perfectly. She did beautifully, and I know your husband will too. I know what you mean, losing my sight is one of my biggest fears. Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments. I hope you get a chance to join the Centus, it's alot of fun!

  20. Dear Anne, I just stopped by to say hello and I read about your fear of losing your eyesight. My prayers are with you to lift up your spirits and to ask for God to relieve you of your fears.

    Blessing and hugs,

  21. Shortbear, You & your husband will be in my prayers . Very sweet of you to bring others needs up before your own.
    Hugs & Blessings,

  22. I wonder if your church (or her's) would help if you just stood up and said what you wanted to do for her. I was in a church that would have handed you a check for $40 and told you, "make it so." has some deeply discounted ones.
