
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"E" Is For Eye

Give our teacher a hand for handling Alphabe Thursday like the stern and strict sister of Mrs. Matlock! You can find her here.
Today I want to talk about the letter "E". I thought, economy. Egads! That would be awful! Eels, slippery! East where the sun rises! "Edward" the name of my late father. But I would start getting too emotional and let me tell you, I am currently an emotional train wreck! Housing woes, car difficulties and worse than all of it hatefulness in the work place. So while I have one ounce of dignity left and half an ounce of emotional common sense let me proceed with my post.
I thought about posting about the ear, after all, I work for the ENT doctor but I find the eye a fascinating  member of the human body. Eyes tell a lot about a person. Look at Tony Romo and George H.W. Bush! Those two beady eyed guys look shifty to me! I like bright sparkling eyes. No offense to those that are fans of  Romo the qb for Dallas Cowboys football team and H.W. the former president of the USA but they do have beady little eyes! The eye is such an intricate member. Eyes are organs that detect light and convert it to electro-chemical impulses in neurons. You can research the eye and find out lots of interesting and scientific facts about the eyes and the differences with eyes from  humans to snakes! I will show you some eyes instead. Beady boy eyes belonging to HW Bush and Romo. Not a big fan of Patrick Dempsey but he sure has prettt eyes. My sweets favorite Barbie Benton, one time Playboy Playmate with gorgeous eyes. Cat eyes, dog eyes and my top pic owl eyes! Go visit all the other E posts today. Thank you.


  1. The eyes of my sweet little Precious, my Yorkie, looking up at me this afternoon, just broke my heart. She is suffering from Cushing's disease, and at age 14 cannot tolerate the medication. We are soooo sad! Those eyes tell the story!

  2. Sadly, I have beady eyes - especially when I smile. I am not shifty - I swear! LOL
    great post.

  3. Eyes sure do tell the story... windows to the soul. Although I'd say it's the message that radiates rather than the size or shape. Hope some of your Energy-zapping issues go away soon...

  4. My eyes are just tired...heading to bed..


  5. Some amazing eyes there! They are the parts of folks I go for too!

  6. Truly mirrors of the soul - so revealing! Great post!


  7. Wow! those blue husky eyes are Amazing!!

  8. EYES are the mirror of the soul! Love this post!
    Happy E Day!

  9. Hi , eyes are a window to your soul alright. Barbie Benton does have nice eyes , thanks for sharing them. This is a wonderful E post . One pair of eyes that I do not like are the popes. I can't understand that. His eyes are supposed to be beautiful but instead they look creepy , in fact his whole face looks creepy haha.

  10. I like your eye choices. They definitely are the windows to the soul, aren't they?


  11. I enjoyed this post thank you for sharing

  12. I like smiling eyes with crinkles around them. I like to think they came by them honestly and sincerely. Thanks for an effectively entertaining post!
    Su-sieee! Mac
    This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

  13. sadly i have little tiny eyes ... but i do love eyes ... especially those filled with love and a twinkle!

  14. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Thanks for stopping by my blog. ~Ames

  15. The eyes are the light of the body. So true :)

  16. All beautiful sets of eyes! I'm probably a bit partial to Patrick Dempsey's eyes, but those owl eyes were pretty stunning, too! My husband has the most amazing blue eyes, and my fourteen year old dog has dark chocolate brown eyes that just melt your heart....

  17. They are the mirrors to the soul, but blue-eyed, green-eyed folks have a genetic makes my brown eyes blue :-)

  18. Happy Aphabetursday and thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my post. Hope the kids do well in cross country. Sending some positive thoughts your way!

  19. Patrick Dempsey has my vote. Always has. Always will.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! And I'll be back!

  20. I am so sorry your eyes are sad from an overload of sorrows right now.

    My husband and I have this saying, "we're definitely gonna need another plate" based on everyone always saying "you guys sure have a lot on your plate!" and maybe I should send you a pretty platter.

    I hope things straighten out for you and your family soon...or at least ease off so you can exhale.

    Thanks for this lovely post about eyes.

    Eyes and teeth are the first things I notice in people...and you certainly shared some lovely (and interesting) ones here.

    Thanks for a wonderful stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

