
Sunday, October 31, 2010


I could not resist this sweet treat cake that I found on an internet image! It is perfect to celebrate my first blogaversary! One year ago November 1, 2009 I started this blog. My life long friend Barb encouraged me to do it. I started writing because my daughter Rebekah's little dog 'Tinkerbell' was diagnosed with liver disease. She passed away in May 2010. It was a sad time for us but we enjoyed that little girl right until the end of her life. She lived a long time and was treated like royalty here.
In celebration of my blogaversary I need to draw the winner of the Vintage Garden tea for one. I started that giveaway in honor of my 200 followers. Once I reached 200 I was going to draw the winner and lots of stressful things started happening around here. So I will draw the winner on Saturday November 6th 2010! You can still enter if you join my phamily blog. The following Saturday the 13th I will draw my dual winners for the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. I am giving two of them away. You just need to be a follower and tell me what you want for Christmas. I will draw a winner for my blogaversary celebration on November 20th. It will be a surprise and as soon as I get my photos to load I will share that with you! So come join the fun.  On my birthday December 3rd I will draw the winning name for the Colorado inspired postcard giveaway! I ended up with every state in the USA plus Canada, Switzerland, Greece, Norway, and many other fine countries. I will share them all with you soon. I love all of you here and enjoy visiting when I can. Please forgive me until this housing situation is settled. I will see you soon. Keep blogging.


  1. Happy Blogaversary! Wow, you have a lot of followers already. Blessings ~

  2. Congratulations on your blogaversary and such a grand group of followers.

  3. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary. Me too and I'm having a giveaway starting today. I will be posting the goodies later this morning. Be sure to stop by and enter. Hugs, Carol Mae

  4. Happy Blogaversary dear one, love you.

  5. So glad you are a blogging buddy. Happy blogaversary dear.

    Hope all turns out well in the house hunt!

  6. Happy Blogaversary Anne! Best wishes to you always, and I look forward visiting again in the year ahead! ~tina

  7. Oh Happy Happy Happy Blogaversary to you!!! Char

  8. HAppy Anniversary to you and your blog. I started aroun this time two years ago. When my sister was in the hospital and coming home, we offer her to stay with us. She got me blogging and I will follow some of her friends. THey all come to my blog before my sister went into the hospital. I have blogging ever since. I really don't blog too much but love the challenges. I did my first challeng at my new blog. My Entertainment Corner and I got one person playing along next to me. I don't have a deadline and you are welcome to play along. You can wait until next week. I don't have a linky set up yet.
    Have a good week.

  9. Happy 1 year Blog Anniversary! I am so glad we met Anne! My one year is Friday. I can't believe how the year has flown by and changed my life so much. Bless you sweet lady and take care!! Big Hugs! Linda

  10. Goodness Gracious, as my nana used to say, has it been a year?? Wow you took to blogging like a fish takes to water! I love it too, I have met so many awesome ladies who are now friends.

    Ok I am a follower, of course, and what do I want for christmas..for myself I would like a rotary cutter for fabric...thats all...
    I would rather give than take..

  11. Happy Blogaversary!!!

    Hope there are many more to come!
