
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Welcome to Alphabe Thursday.  I will choose the "G" word to go along with my giving post. Tell Mrs. Matlock here you participated in this Letter G meme this week. Hurry so she will give you a great grade!

I say G is for giving. I love to give! I am shameless in promoting my giveaways here in blog land. I like to give to the Goodwill, the ARC and the Salvation Army. I get great pleasure from giving. I don't brag about my giving but it makes me feel wonderful. I have done more giveaways here than I have won in a lifetime and it makes me feel terrific! Goodness giving is the grandest, greatest, gravy of all!

Stop by my blog here and look for all the giveaways I still have open. I am always ready to give more so I can get packed and move soon. I hope you enjoy giving too. It is always nice to see someone smile because you shared a happy slice of life with someone. A card, a flower, a simple thank you or word of good cheer. Remember to give a smile to someone each day. Giving is good. It is very good.

This has been brought to you by the grand letter "G"!


  1. GREAT post! Makes ya feel GOOD huh :)

  2. I love to give as well I have 2 bags of outgrown clothes ready for the off. I dont enter giveaways as most are in USA and Iguess people wont wantto post over here. But I love to read all about them
    God Bless

  3. Grateful to have Good friends like you..!

    Have a super duper Great day!


  4. Great G post~ I'm off to check out your giveaways :-)

  5. Giving beats receiving in my books too. Great for G post!

  6. It is so true Anne. You are one of the most Giving Gals in Blogland. Having a Giving nature is such a Good Thing! I love the Give a Smile thought....I think I do that alot. Thanks for visiting my G post...I wish I had seen the PO stamp with the wedding bands.

  7. Giving is indeed great! Lovely topic for G!

    I like to get my little son to share with the neighbours when we bake!


  8. Love this G post! Have a great day.

  9. Great Post! We all feel so blessed when we give! Blessings!

  10. It always seems like the more one gives the more one actually receives!!
    Doesn't it make your heart full?!
    great post : )

  11. It is a great time to give, isn't it. I gotta go through my garage and give away half the things on the south wall. Gonna check out your giveaway.

  12. It is the time of year for giving - and receiving graciously! thanks for the reminder!

  13. great post and I'm with you...I like to give too

  14. I had my car packed with donation items one afternoon, and told my 6 year old son to tell his dad we were leaving.

    "Where are you off to?"
    "Mom and I are taking stuff to Uncle Will!"
    Of course, he meant Good Will!

  15. I love giving to Goodwill -- although sometimes I seems to come out the other door with more stuff than I came in with! Have a great weekend!

  16. You are such a sweet, giving person..G is for GIVING...:))
    XO bj

  17. Gee,
    I agree.
    Giving is a great way to be.

  18. What a warm and wonderful stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "G".

    I'm with you on this philosophy.

    When I am feeling blue, I tend to think of things I can do to make the world brighter for someone else.

    Something in the act of looking outside our own misery makes our sadness less.

    Thank you for linking this.

    I am proud to know you!


  19. Great share
    A+ for GIVING :D
