
Thursday, November 11, 2010


Before I get ready for work on this snowy Thursday morning please stop with me for a moment and pray for our military. I am so shocked how many ignore the fact that today is reserved to honor those who have fought for our country. Given lives. Lost limbs. Came back not like the once happy go lucky kids many of them were. I can not even talk about this day or what it stands for without shedding tears. I am such a tremendous fan of our military. I talked about my mom's cousin, pictured in my header with my mom. Hedwig is the taller girl. She lost her only son James in the Vietnam war. Her life was forever changed. Many of my relatives served in WWII. My late father-in-law was a kid at Pearl Harbor when that fateful day happened. Today many of my kids friends serve us. My daughter Rebekah spent the last couple weekends helping her friend Amanda with her three year old. Now my girl is currently not loving little ones! She is a committed college woman with grand plans. But she loves her friend and stopped and watched Amanda's three year son while Amanda and her dad moved their things from Fort Carson to Denver. Yes, Jason, her husband was sent back to Afghanistan.  Her friend Dan serves in the U.S. Navy stationed at Norfolk, VA. My son Jeremy's friend Ben is in the U.S. Air Force. Matthew just graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. He is attending Stanford University.Many of our patients ask for prayer for their loved ones stationed all over the world. Many fighting the fight in foreign lands. So today please stop and reflect on what this all means. Remember those who serve you. Remember those who went before us. My friend Amy has not worked on Veteran's Day in 19 years. She was just a college kid and made a commitment to her own father. She told me yesterday if my dad served me so well in war and in peace it is the very least I can do. She said she caught her three year old daughter Ali singing the words to the "Red, White and Blue song she is learning at preschool. Her family will be spending their day with Amy's dad. So join Amy and myself today and thank a Vet. Send a prayer to them. Get involved and do more than enjoy a day off from work if you even have that luxury. Many of these Military families do not have that luxury. Enjoy your day and thank a Vet. God Bless America!

 30because he came close to death (BE)for the work of Christ, risking his life to (BF)complete what was deficient in your service to me. Philippians 2:30


  1. This is a beautiful tribute to those that served and those equally importan people behind them.


  2. My husband [who served in the Persian Gulf War] brought home a list of some establishments offering freebies. Sad to say, most are being offered to active duty military. I was thinking what about those who fought long time ago?

    It is sad..That true heroes are not known and not being acknowledged for the sacrifice they had done. Not that they expect that. But they deserved that recognition. A lot of vets now are even homeless.

    May God help and protect our troops, both active duty and those who had served...Blessings to you.

  3. This truely touched my heart and brought me to tears.
    Blessings always`

  4. Thank you Veterans and current service men and women! sandie

  5. A great posting.A heartfelt thanks to all veterans.

  6. Great post Anne! It is a day to remember and honor all veterans and active duty men and women to say thanks!

  7. This is a perfect post Anne, thank you so much for remembering today and what it means. God Bless America and all our men and women in service, Char

  8. What a beautiful post, Anne ;) :) Oh, I haven't been able to read any blogs for has me whipped ;) :) How is your housing situation? I've been praying for that...and I look at the calendar tyou gave me and can't wait to put it to use :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  9. Thank you for this heartfelt tribute Anne. I remember daddy telling me about all the folks back home that prayed for him when he was in WWII. Prayer is so very important. Thanks for another great post. Have a good weekend.

  10. I'm one of those crazy people who stop military in airports, on the street, in church, in grocery stores, etc. and say,"Thank YOU for serving!" At first, Dave thought I was crazy but since he's seen the faces light up, he now smiles indulgently. And he, a veteran of the Army.
