
Monday, January 31, 2011

Love is...

I hope you will join Marydon and Sherry and myself with this weekly Love is...
I just think this sweet Passport Love is...very precious. Tonight, with an icy, snow storm brewing and temps dipping below zero in the double digits we are snuggled in tight. Our electric blanket is working overtime with this maddening cold weather so dreaming aobut traveling with my Sweets is a beautiful thing. SOmewhere warm and tropical...ah....


  1. Too durn cute, Anne. Our electric blanket is 'smokin' out here, too. The ice is coming in now ... nasty night, tomorrow & Wed. I made meatloaf so if power goes out we can have deelish sandwiches .. yum!

    Thank you for that beautiful card, Anne, it is so sweet of you to think of me ... & so appreciated. From my heart to yours ... hugs.

    TTFN ~
    Hugs & love ..

  2. Hi! Thank you for stopping by my pink cupcake post on Pink Saturday!
    I live in upstate, NY and am bracing myself for the storm coming Tues and Wed. I may be home from work... hoping everyone will be safe and warm!
    I enjoyed your post about Barbies. I have some vintage and of course all the Barbies of my daughters. Love the vintage ones! Nothing like the way they were made!
    Wishing you warmth and safety in the snow!

  3. no electric blanket at our home. just warm bodies. rose

  4. It sounds terrible there! Stay cozy!
