
Tuesday, January 18, 2011


You know my blog picture?! The black and white photo of my sweet mother and her siblings? I have an 11 x 14 copy hanging in our bedroom next to my maternal grandparents wedding photo. I love those two together. I originally hung this photo of the siblings near my bedside and I was sad. I thought of my mother losing her dad and brother when she was the tender age of 13. A girl who loved her daddy and admired her older brother. Now that I have hung the two together they all look so happy.
My house is starting to look like a home. I need to get pictures posted but having trouble moving them from the new camera to the hard drive. Ah...
Stayed up way too late last night. Watching mindless T.V. Today we have a full patient schedule. I am going to get busy with my phone calls for tomorrow's even busier day. Grateful to be working. Grateful to have a job in this economy
Grateful to know all of you. Come visit more often. I need to do that too. Love visiting you. Everyone has so much to offer. I am very late posting my Love is... Watch for it tonight as well as my Tuesday Show and Tail.
My daughter Hannah adopted Roxanne or Roxie as she likes to be called. She is a princess chihuahua. Hannah and Markus's mom Bonnie even bought her a princess hat with the veil attached! Hee Hee! Markus says he is embrassed for poor Roxie! Men! They just don't understand fashion like girls do! But Roxie is styling in her beige hoosetooth sweather with the pink diamond pattern and heart shaped rhinestone buttons! I should own such a luxurious sweather!

I leave you today with this thought:

New International Version (©1984)

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver  2 Corinthians 9:7


  1. I'll be thinking of you when you're at work. Isn't it exciting to have a new home that is all yours? You can decorate however you want...and do whatever you want with the front/backyards!!! :) Have a great week, Anne! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Anne I am so glad your house is becoming a home! I know you are happier here then you thought possible.

  3. I'm with Linda - I am thrilled you have your home, it is getting settled, and it is home! Wonderful for you. sandie

  4. I am so glad you are settling in your new home!!!! How great for that. I love pictures of family all around. that is one of my goals is to put up more pictures of family around the house. We just don't have enough. I hope you have a good day at work.

  5. That is wonderful you're feeling more settled. Google reader ate my blog list so I just found out how to recover my followers.
