
Friday, February 4, 2011

"Q" is quietly the snow falls...

I received a wonderful Christmas from a dear blogging friend Iggy at He said the card reminded him of me and my Alphabe Thursday posts. So I borrowed a line from that sweet card, it is an Alphabet card about Christmas. I am sharing this today with you and Jenny. Please bare with me until I can get my new laptop set up (hasn't arrived just yet) and get my new camera to work in peace and harmony with the computer.
Please visit Jenny and visit all the participates at Alphabe Thursday too. Enjoy these  pics I borrowed from my November 2009 file. They are my photos.


  1. Wonderful photos and have fun learning a new computer. I am sure you will love it once you get used to it.
    Hugs- Tete

  2. Beautiful snow photos and have fun with your new computer.

  3. I got a new laptop for Christmas and I love it! Hubby and I have been on an lookout for ice formations and yours are great. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. :) Thanks for the shoutout. :)

    I hope your new laptop is a gem.

    I love that picture of the long icicles.

  5. Your snow looks similar to ours!! This winter seems endless but when the evergreens are covered it can really be a postcard can 't it?

    Read your story about how your pooch became part of the family. So happy to know another mistreated pup has found such a loving home. Good for you!

  6. OH, love your photos with all the snow!!! Lovely and quietly the snow falls and creates a scene of pristine beauty :) :) Have a great week, Anne. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  7. Oh Anne! What a beautiful snowy post to visit on my journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Q".

    I love that gray and white sky in the top photo.

    It's wonderful stopping here today. I miss winter sometimes!

    Thanks for linking.

