
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Funny Story

 These are five of the six suspects. I just re potted a houseplant. When I stopped by my house today from work at lunch my plant was stripped and shredded and littered throughout the upper level of the house! The weird thing is no one is sick and the plant had a thick stem on it! The roots were huge and it had been in the new pot for  four days! Now I can not get all my photos to load on blogger so I can not find a new photo of Roxie. You all know her with her cute chihuahua self! All five pounds of her and she seems like the most unlikely candidate to commit this wicked crime! My money is on Smokey and Stella. They are the largest of the six offenders. Rose could be a contender. She once undid a bag full of fried chicken and opened the box and fled with the contents! So never underestimate the power of a furry kitty! Boot appears to the least suspect. He is lazy and getting on in years. He is easily bored with the rest of the pets yet he is wicked in his own way. He is a cat to be contended with! Bandit is far too nervous and probably served as their lookout! So while we undo this crime let me make you smile. Last night as we were getting ready for bed my Sweets went to get a glass of water. He saw Rose sashaying down the stairs and Smokey, Stella and Bandit nipping her heels! Apparently she swiped at one of them and they banded together to corner her. She was lucky my Sweets came along. They may have worked her over without any witnesses!
I hope you will visit Angela and join her pet parade. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That's why we don't have any live plants inside. Things happen to them in the middle of the night...and they are all innocent in the morning...yep...that's their story.
    Hugs- Tete

  2. Sadly, we can't have plants inside. I have a cat that looks remarkably like the one pictured about the last black and white cat.

  3. They sound like some fun loving furbabies. Bet they keep you all in stitches.

  4. Oh that is funny. I cannot have live plants in the house - learned that years ago here as my cats would use it as a litter box!!! They just can't resist something new in the house, can they? Any of them. Loved your "line up". Ann

  5. Oh those furry children. They do keep us on our toes!

  6. Who do you think did it? lol

  7. Hey sister, Thank you for the sweet card I received today. And you can still visit me on my blog even though I have left Facebook you know!!! This is a funny story here and you could have a contest asking everyone to leave a comment on which one is the culprit. I'll go for the very unlikely Boots. Love ya sister, Mollye

  8. That top picture really made me laugh! I love how innocent they all look.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anne, sweetie, you have really been having a time lately. Hope everything has settled down & prayers for Mary are lifting.

    Thank you for the beautiful cards, you are so precious to remember us. Friends like you are worth more than gold.

    Love the pets ...

    Happy St. Patrick's Day ~
    Have a lovely eve ~
    TTFN ~
    Love ya!



  11. they 're all so beautiful....a full house for sure.

  12. Just found your blog. Love the photos of your fur-babies - especialy the kitties! Going to (hopefully) adopt a kitty tomorrow from the humane society!
