
Saturday, March 26, 2011


"We are not, as so many, peddling the Word of God." 2 Corinthians 2:17

Perhaps you have heard this story before but I want to share it here because it represents this verse from the Scriptures so well. On one of his voyages Christopher Columbus found that his crew's food supply had dwindled so much that if not soon replenished they would starve. While anchored off the coast of Jamaica he found the natives grateful to give them food. But as time went by they were not so eager to hand over their food supply. They crew began to starve. Columbus was a wise man and he read in astronomy books that a lunar eclipse would soon occur.  He called the islanders together and told them that God was angry with them for with holding food. He said God would blot out the moon. They laughed at first until seeing the moon sink back into darkness. The islanders quickly brought food. Columbus told them he would pray and God would bring back the moon.
We can all relate to Columbus. Sometime a situation makes us want to back others into a corner. But like Columbus, we should never be self serving.
We need to always pray that the Holy Spirit guides us and keeps us from situations such as this. We must never use God to get our way.
We must yield our hearts to God and listen to Him. We must use His word to help prepare others for everlasting life. But we can not use God to further our own gain.
Please thank Ginger and Charlotte for hosting Spiritual Sunday and  join us each week for some wonderful encouragement and spiritual soul feeding.


  1. I need to get in on Spiritual Sunday. This was wonderful! I have never heard that story before. It is so wonderful to know that God lives and loves us and watches over us!

  2. No, never heard it. Interesting. "We must not use God to further our own gain." It's good to be reminded of this truth.


  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder! Hugs and blessings, Nan

  4. That is a great illustration of how we can use God's word the correct way. Lovely post.

  5. Hi Anne, what an interesting story. And perfect timing as my granddaughter is studying this time period in school. I'll have to share it with her as well. :)

    And what great food for thought! You are so right that we must, indeed, yield our hearts and our selves to Him in daily surrender! Thank you for a vital reminder.

    Praying for you a blessed Spiritual Sunday and week! :)

  6. that colomus was a pretty smart guy....that's actually funny what he did.....☺☺

  7. I'm not sure God would actually let us get away with using him for our own gain unless it was also His will. :) Good point though! I know you mean from the human standpoint and our own hearts. Hope I said that right! LOL Thanks for sharing. Stopping in from Spiritual Sundays.

  8. I have never heard that story. "We must pray that God guides us and keeps us from situations like this."
    This is so true. Thanks for posting.
    This goes along with my post this week and confirms something I needed to be answered.

  9. Like the others here, I have not heard this story before. Interesting! Thank you for sharing.
    "We must yield our hearts to God and listen to Him. We must use His word to help prepare others for everlasting life. But we can not use God to further our own gain." Wise words, Anne!

  10. I hadn't heard this story - but yet it does make one stop and think about personal gain.

    Amen my friend!


  11. What a wonderful story! I had never heard it before.

  12. I'd never heard this story before. It's very interesting. I certainly agree with your conclusion. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Hello Anne, I came over from your comment on my blog. A wonderful post. It makes me think of the "name it and claim it" preachers on TV. Do you sew? Those little tea wallets are easy to make and they don't take much fabric. I happily share ideas, patterns and directions. Blessings to you.

  14. It's sad when some use the word of God for their earthly gain. After all- the word of God is free to everyone as well as salvation. Christ paid for it long ago.
    Hugs- Tete

  15. Great reminder especially at these times when there are so many ministers/pastors who twist His truth just so they are to benefit. Thank you for your encouragement. God bless.

  16. I just got home from our home fellowship gathering and we discussed this subject. Thanks so much for blessing me with your pretty post today.
