
Monday, March 21, 2011

Pets: Friends We Will Always Love

I was checking some blogs tonight and chuckling at some of the cute stories about pets I was seeing. Then I started to think about Tinkerbell. That sweet little "Tink" will be gone a whole year on May 26th. It made me sad and I know that Springtime is always tough for me. My late sisters birthday (March27), the day they also told me my unborn daughter was gone. My late niece Sarah's birthday, the loss of my dad on Good Friday 1985. But when I see the plants start to peek through the soil and when I read stories of the love of other peoples pets I start to smile. So I was going to share a favorite story of one of our pets  here.

This is Spats. He was my Sweets favorite pet. This little fellow lived on Grandma and Grandpa Balckwell's farm. His mother had been a show dog and she retired to the farm . She had a tryst with an unsavory character and produced Spats and his brother. He had some sisters but they all died at birth and his brother "Bubba" lived a short life. This sweet part black lab lived 4 months shy of 17! He was an incredible friend to the entire phamily and when grandpa B gave him to my Sweets it was heaven. We were newly married and I must tell you this dog rode shotgun while I sat behind him! This is my favorite photo of him. He was a tried and true Denver Bronco fan and he passed away after they won their first Super Bowl! He was very kind to the children when they were small and he was always just a terrific pal to hang out with. We still miss him terribly after all these years. He was a joy to know.
Angela is our hostess with the mostest for Tuesday Show and Tail. Please come join the fun.


  1. I am the same way with fall...when my mom died.
    Spats sounds like the most wonderful friend in the world. He sure was a cute guy. I have many that I miss, and more that I have now that I will miss when they go on.
    Wonderful post- Tete

  2. Spats had the lab look and sounds like that type of personality too. Hope you can get past missing your loved ones that have already moved on. It is hard to do, isn't it.

  3. What a sweet, adorable boy. Love those little white additions to his coat. Pets fill our heart every day they stay with us, and take a piece of it when they go...

  4. Our animals are just parts of our heart.

  5. What a wonderful story about Spats. I'm so glad you had him for 17 years. Springtime is such a beautiful time of renewal, but like you it brings a few memories of loss that makes me sad too. Have a great week! Ann

  6. We have been blessed with some wonderful animals too. We gave them a good loving home and they gave us so much more, we miss our former companions but take the opportunity to provide a home for more in their honor.
    Thanks for sharing Spats with us, it is a warm and loving story. (())

  7. He looks like a cutie pie and what a sweetheart. He rode shotgun - that is too funny! sandie

  8. Spats sure was a cutie! I'm glad he lived a very long and happy life. I'm glad you have such sweet memories of him and he lives on in your heart!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  9. What a cutie!!!! I can understand why spring would be hard for you. I will forever hate the month of October. It used to be my favorite, now it just reminds of me of losing my mother.
