
Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Pink Easter to everyone! I am showing you a few photos I took around my house.  The first one is my cuddly sweet lil lamb and crocheted bunny holding a tiny basket. As you can see, those Hershey's kisses don't lat very long in there! Then there are my sweet chicks. These girls are such fun Easter traditions. Mine are paper made.  Then I have a lead crystal Princess House bowl filled with pastel eggs that have sweet little flowers painted on them. I also have my Princess House Vintage Garden tea time holder with  a few Easter friends. Next I made the candy jars that I am seeing everywhere. The dollar store candlesticks work so well with a plain pickle jar.  Mine are painted pink and lavender. The E6000 glue works wonderfully to hold glass together very nicely.  Visit to see her candy jars.Then I have a sweet Easter sign  and my Princess House Christmas votive holder which I added two dollar store garlands to to give it a new look!. I also have the battery operated votive tea lights and they work well with pets! I hope you will visit Beverly and tell her how loved she is for hosting these weekly memes. I love participating in pink Saturday and have done this since January 2010. Come join the fun if you haven't already and visit the pinkies. There are lots of us out here in blog land!
Enjoy your Easter weekend and come back for a visit often. I love entertaining you here.


  1. Love all your pretties ! Wishing you a happy Easter and MORE Hershey's kisses :))

  2. You have some really cute items and I sure enjoyed looking at them. Happy Easter.

  3. The decorations are beautiful. I hope you have a joyful Easter!

  4. Happy Pinks Anne Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. Your home is all ready for the holiday. I only put out 1 bunny this year. The kids won't be here, and it is just to much work for me.

    I love the candle stick holders with the paint and the jars glued on. Now that is just to darn cute. You did a fabulous job sweetie. I love the pink and purple together, and filled with goodies, does it get any better than that?

    Have a glorious weekend sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. Thank you so much for stopping by. I guess I'll have to find a pre-made hat too. Not sure if it will happen in time for Easter, but I would still wear one around town. Let's bring back the hat! Thanks for sharing your pinks and HPS to you too!

  6. Gorgeous!

    Pink bonding at my page, come and see. Have a wonderful Easter celebration!

  7. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter to you! Hugs Marilou xoxo

  8. love those chicks the best but everything is so fun and colorful. Happy Easter Anne.

  9. Love this - the lamb is so sweet - Hershey Kisses don't last long here - the pickle jar is an inspired use!
    Hope you have a blessed day,

  10. Thanks for visiting. Oh to have a clean slate for a garden. My best advise is to have a plan and don't try to do it all at once. Work on the bones of the garden first...the big plantings. Get the biggest Lilac you can afford...they grow slow.

  11. It looks like you are more than ready for Easter! And I love your sweet candy holders! i'm gonna have to make me some.:)

  12. Happy Pink Saturday - I love the little ducks - and Happy Easter.

  13. Great use of pickle jars! I especially love the lamb out of all your nice decorations. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Connie

  14. love the lamb!!!! What a cute animal!!!!

  15. So love all your treasures but those little chicks steal my heart, Anne.

    We only put out the frosted eggs this year. Quiet year here.

    Hope you have a beautiful & loving Easter.
    Hugs, my precious friend

  16. Your Easter decor is lovely. I still have mine in a box in the garage... yep. The upside, they are already put away!!! LOL

  17. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment:)

    Your Easter treasures are lovely! Have a wonderful Easter:)

  18. Hi Anne, sending Easter blessings and hugs your way. Hope your day is filled with Peace and Beauty.

  19. Hi Sweet Anne,
    Thanks for your Easter wishes.
    I hope that you and your family enjoy a blessed Easter.

  20. Thank you for sharing ~ HPS & Happy Easter~

  21. what pretty Easter decorations you have! i have just realized that i don't have any (gosh, i'm wondering if i should go and buy something!)
    anyway, a blessed Easter!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  22. Oh your Easter decorations are so pretty. Happy Easter to you and yours. Hugs, Margie.

  23. Love the pickle jar/candle stick candy dishes. I can't wait to try that idea.

    Rejoicing in our Risen Redeemer!

