
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


If you have a moment stop by The Denver Zoo at
I am very fond of the big mammals! I love the great apes and the orangutans are no exception. But I am sad for them. If something is not done soon  in the wild they will become extinct within a decade.  Part of the reason they are becoming endangered is habitat loss due to logging, forest fires and timber clearing for agriculture.
Orangutans are solitary creatures except for females with offsprings. Their favorite food is fruit! These creatures are the largest tree living mammals in the world. In the Malay language orangutan means "person of the forest". Orangutans have the most mobile lips and mouths of all great apes. They have the capability of making many facial expressions There are two distinct species of orangutans,  Sumatran (only 9200 left in the wild) and Bornean.  They live on separate islands in the South Pacific and are very different looking.
Orangutans are hunted and killed for bush meat and  captured for the pet trade. They can live in the wild 35-45 years and up to 50 years in captivity.
I wanted to share a few facts about these highly intelligent primates with you. I hope you enjoyed it and you will stop by Angela's and join us for Tuesday Show and Tail! Enjoy your week!

"God made the beast of the earth according to its kind." Genesis 1:25

Please pray for Nick. He runs the two mile Wedesday and it looks like it could run late in the evening due to the weather and the fact that this is the regional championship. He is doing well with his new meds to contain the rabid cough he had.

“…. since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-3


  1. I love to go to the zoo and especially watch the monkeys. They are so entertaining. Thanks for telling us about these apes and their endangerment.

  2. I really wish I lived close to a zoo! It's a good 8 hour drive to the one in DC where we used to go when we lived in Maryland before kids. Then I think the next closest zoo is in Columbus, Ohio. Probably 4 hours to get there. I'm sure the kids would love it. I loved the orangutans too!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  3. I am so grateful to live near a zoo! Angela I wish you could come visit here. The kids would love it. We spent so many wonderful times at the Denver Zoo. Even the little zoo in my hometown of Pueblo had a beautiful Monkey Mountain years ago.

  4. we haven't been to a zoo in many years. Looks like Don & I will have to do a "road trip". All God's creatures are beautiful. Loved your post.

  5. Oh my goodness - I thought I was looking in a mirror for a minute.

    Hey prayers for Nick.

  6. Anne, How is Nick doing today ... did the race go well?

    I am not a fan of primates at all. Dad brought one home, it terrorized all us kids, tore up g'ma Cora's home & about destroyed the Greyhound bus depot office.
    Laughnow, not then.

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~

    5-Day GIVEAWAY, pop over

  7. Cute pic! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment. Much appreciated. :)

  8. I like the orangutangs hair style. I used to wear mine like that but I suspect it wasn't nearly as cute.
