
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lobster Bisque

What to post for Pink Saturday! I love pink so it was easy showing off lots of pinks I have around the house! I think the summer sun bakes a persons brain! I can not think and I am posting later on Saturday.
Before I continue my Pink Post please accept my heartfelt apology. I was suppose to draw the winner of my Love is...."A Wild Ride" book last night. But that trip to the dentist turned into a horror show! His hygienist was angry because I have a tongue that refuses to stay put. When someone is angry and trying to force a metal plate and x ray film into my mouth while I was sick with bronchitis and I gag so violently that the whole thing shoots out of my mouth twice! I would think you would say, hey this isn't working! Instead she continued to berate me and try to force the stupid thing inside my mouth belly aching that my tongue was driving her mad! They called the doctor in and instead of saying sorry to me he comforts her! Then they talked about growing up in the 70's and all the old furniture the doctor acquired from his folks to fill his house and the hygienist should borrow, blah,blah blah. for her 70's party she is planning! She finally stabbed my gums repeatedly with her dental tools trying to clean my teeth! I am never going back there! She talked indignantly to me and acted as though I was stupid! I was so upset.  Then had the nerve to use up my entire dental benefit for a cleaning and had the nerve to say I would have to come back another day because we ran out of time and the front desk said I would have to pay $78 out of pocket for the cleaning! If that was not bad enough I could not eat and today my teeth are so sensitive I could scream! My gums have bled for nearly 24 hours.
Because of this horrendous experience I was sick with a migraine and was unable to draw the winner! Again I am so sorry. I hope you will forgive me and come back by nine o'clock (MDT) to see who the lucky winner is!
Now I want to calm down and share a wonderful recipe with you. I hope you will try this delightful soup sometime. It is pretty in color, pink and it tastes divine! They serve this soup on the salad bar at Texas de Brazil!

Lobster Bisque
1 cup chicken broth
2 medium slices of onion
2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of all purpose flour
2 cups of milk
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 pound of cubed crab meat
1/2 teaspoon of Worchestershire sauce
pinch of cayenne pepper
1. In a small frying pan add 1/4 cup chicken brother with the onion. Cook over low heat 5- minutes
2. In a medium stock pot add the butter until melted, than add the flour whisking until gently blended into a creamy mixture.
3. Gradually pour in the rest of the broth whisking until mixed well. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk until well blended. Heat to near boiling but do not boil as the milk will curdle.
4. You may serve inside a hollow bread bowl. Serve immediately.
Serves 4, Calories: 241 Total fat: 8.9g Cholesterol `07 mg.
Now visit Sweet Beverly and all the wonderful participating pinkies!


  1. I do believe I'd be filing a complaint against this establishment, Anne. I would be challenging the oop expense also.

    So hope you are feeling better,my friend.

    Have a beautiful PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Thank you, Anne. Mason is just a charmer & we appreciate your prayers for he, & all soldiers.

    Hope you get to feeling better quickly, sweet friend.
    Hugs, Marydon

  3. That sounds like one of those horror stories you would hear about but never really know the person it happened to. OMGOSH- It's too bad that you couldn't have gotten up and left but at that point you were kind of a captive audience! So sorry this happened to you~

    However, the lobster bisque looks wonderful- my hubby would love it. xo Diana

  4. What a terrible experience. I would have probably gotten up and left her holding old tools. It is bad enough going to the dentist for any reason, but this ridiculous.

  5. Glad I had my teeth cleaned Wed before reading this. My teeth are VERY sensitive and I require lots of hand-holding AND nitrous. Change dentists, no need to put up with that there are lots of dentists who would love to have your money!

  6. Gosh, what a horrible experience. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

  7. What an ordeal. :(

    A nice big bowl of Lobster Bisque would only start to make up for it... but it would be a start.

    Sounds like your Dentist needs a "bedside manners improvement seminar (or three)"
