
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Scrapbooking Colors

Good day! Welcome to my contribution to Pink Saturday. I would hope you will stop by and thank Beverly for her generosity in hosting this lovely meme each week. We just celebrated three years of pinkness. I hope you like what I have today.
My oldest daughter is currently looking for different employment and they will be moving closer to us. It is such a wonderful but bittersweet time. Sometime you need to make choices that will make you happy and leave those things behind that have made you miserable. I hope she and I will have many days of scraping fun! I selected some wallpaper above to use because the summertime at our house is filled to the brim with birthday celebrations. I have lots of photos that need to go into our phamily album. You can tell I like pink because so many of these papers have pink in them. I also love butterflies and can see them here.
Enjoy and then go visit a few pinkies. Jeanne is one of my favorite stops each week. She always has some kind of wonderful to share with us. She is the kind of backyard neighbor that we would all love to share some summertime pink lemonade with. Go visit her today.


  1. Great papers, and I love butterflies.

  2. I love the papers you chose. That's smart to get those ready ahead of time :) :) Oh, I pray your daughter will find something perfectly suited for her. I can identify a bit with what she's experiencing. I don't want to go back to my old job, if I can help. It was really making me very unhappy this past year. So we'll see what God has in store ;) :) Enjoy scrapbooking ;) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather ;)

  3. It will be so great to have your daughter closer. Just think of all the fun that awaits you.
    Love the papers and I must say, the lavender color is so pretty, Char

  4. such bright, fun, happy colors for scrapbooking; which happens to be my all time favorite past time!!! Hope you have many crops with your daughter. Have a fun pink weekend.

  5. What fun colors! My DD did some scrapbooking for 4H. It was her first time. Don't know if she will pick up the habit.

    HUGS Anne. And YES, I do have the lovely teapot still and all is in working order. I just made a small quanity the other day and used my stand-by personal cup. ;-)

  6. Oh what pretty paper!!! Happy hugs to you!! and a Happy Pink Saturday!!


  7. I can see pretty creations coming on, Anne. So love the design & colors you have selected.

    What fun, your daughter is going to be near to you.

    Have a fabulous weekend, sweetie.

  8. Anne, will say a prayer that she gets a job closer to you..what a lot of fun you two have in store! Love your papers..I am still waiting to get my hobby room in order after living here 2 years, ugh!


  9. Anne~ I am so excited that your daughter is coming to live closer to you. I know there are times when things take a turn that we never expect...but usually it all works out in the end-better than we hope sometimes. I hope you are able to spend lots of time with her after the move.

    I LOVE your scrapbook papers. I have a whole set of stuff I have never used. Isn't that awful? I just don't seem to have time for anything anymore. xo Diana

  10. Pretty and elegant... both you and the paper...

  11. It is such a bright, fun, happy colors for scrapbooking. Which happens to be my all time favourite past time. I hope you have many crops with your daughter.
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