
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Z" is for Z words

I usually get to Alphabe Thursday and the letter "Z"! Then I cheat and do something like Zzzzz...for sleepy heads or another  semi "Z" word!

I started thinking about names that start with the letter Z. I worked with a gal named "Zena"! I know two teenagers named "Zander". One of the most handsome German Shepherd dogs I knew was named "Zeus"! One of my dearest friends from my entire life since the tender age of 3 has the Italian last name of "Zinno". She lives in the St. Charles Mesa which is farming  country in the town  where I grew up. There is a street there named after her dad who was a prominent farmer there years ago. It is called Zinno Blvd. When I was married in 1984 my honey and I bought our wedding rings crafted by Zales at a local jewelry store called Jack Armstrong Jewelry! My dad owned his first color T.V. which was made by Zenith! Zoological Gardens is a fancy term for a "zoo"! While raising five children my house was often  a "zoo"! Zoom is a car going too fast! Zany is a crazy sense of humor. Zip it, something I often say to myself in order not to conform to the ways of others! I am a very open person and I often am too helpful! My energy is "zapped" so I decided to back off and not offer too much info! Zachary Taylor was the 12th president of the US. He died in office (1784-1850). Zabaglione is a light, foamy custard-like dessert served hot or chilled. A zebra is a black and white striped animal found in the wild! Zinfandel is a dry fruity red wine from California. Zinfandel is a small black grape grown chiefly in California, transplanted form Europe. Zinc is an essential mineral! I take zinc tablets daily because I have a crummy cold and feel like a zombie! The day before payday I usually have "zilch" in my wallet or bank account! Zinnias are brightly colored flower heads. My zip code is 80233. What's yours?

Join Ms. Jenny and all the "Z" participates this week!

I hope you won't mind me sharing something Secret, Something Gift Giving and Something so sweet! Come over to Suzanne's and join the fun! It is will a secret gift giving time to share!


  1. Great post for Z's!! Hope you are feeling better real soon! My zip is 76112!!

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon. I think you should ZIP yourself into a Zsnuggy and Zap yourself with a good old Zippy cocktail and go count some ZZZZZs. Please don't be picking any zits though... xo Diana

  3. Wow! What a collection of Z words. Great post!

  4. Mister has an Aunt Zella.
    That's all I got.

    Get rid of that yukky cold. Bummer!

  5. There used to be a candy bar called Zero. I can't remember what it tasted like. You did a great job with the Z's.

  6. An entry z full of pretty good glass of wine, splendid.

  7. Wow. What a zillion cool Z's you had to share here Miss Anne!

    I'm impressed!

    You totally zipped through this list and amazed us all!

    Thanks for linking up!

    Happy ThurZZday!


  8. We got our wedding rings by Zales too! Zip is 63072 (MO, near STL)
    Hope your cold gets better, try Zinc tablets. (hey, that's a Z too)

  9. Wow, you've got this letter covered for sure--from "Z" to "Z" in a big way! What a great post!

  10. I'm impressed. I think you covered quite a few Zzzz and maybe didn't leave any for the rest of us! :) Just kidding!~Ames

  11. Great z post, get some zzzzzzzz to feel better!

  12. Hello.
    Who knew "Z" could be such fun!
    Miss Jenny sure knows how to get our creativity kicking into gear.

    Thanks for sharing & for the visit. Much appreciated.

    Feel better's no fun being unwell.

    The Evening Zephyr

  13. You really zipped through a lot of Z's!

    My favorite one is Zzzzzz.


    19403 -

  14. Hmmm.. for a minute there I thought you must live in my zip code, 'cause I know a kid named Zander.

  15. Hi again!

    Great ‘Z’ post! Happy Alphabe-Thursday!

    Have a great weekend too & look forward to *seeing* you again next time,


  16. you have so many fabulous reasons to appreciate the letter Z. I love all the examples in your pics......
    Happy fall....

    The French Hutch

  17. I think you came up with more Z words than anyone else this week!


  18. I think you win the prize for having the most z's.

  19. Gracious - you have really made me aware of all the wonderful Z words I couldn't think of!! Love that Italian dessert and frequently drink Zinfandel - silly me.

    A fun posting for our final letter.
    Well done!

  20. Ya sure put the pizzazz in "Z"s today girl. There's a gazillion of wonderful Z~words here.

    Great job. I wouldn't want to play Scrabble with you!!! I like to win...Heeehehhe!

    God bless your day sweetie!!! :o)

  21. I could have sworn that I left a comment earlier, but it disappeared!!! Anyway, this is a fun "Z" post! You win!!!

  22. Lots and lots of Zs here. We don't have Zip codes here in Canada, ) We have postal codes///not very imaginative is it?

  23. I'm sorry you were under the weather. I hope you're all better now!

    I liked all the zippy words you shared here...mine is 85203!

    Hope to Z you again soon.

