
Friday, November 11, 2011


Come visit Beverly. Thank her for the time and effort she puts  into Pink Saturday so we all may enjoy each others company each week.

"I'm leavin on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again..."
 Words and Music by John Denver

Actually we are leaving in our cute little car to travel to Mesa, Arizona to watch our son Nick run in the Nike Invitational. He will be leaving on a jet plane! We waited too long to get a flight and the prices are too high so Sweets and I are driving there with our middle daughter Rebekah.

While Nick travels by plane we will be adventuring in our car. We plan to travel Wednesday night to our hometown of Pueblo and spend the night with my niece Karla and her crew, hubby Aaron, sons Ryan, Troy and Matt.  We love visiting phamily and it is a two hour trip to their house. We will leave bright and early Thursday morning and travel as far as Albuquerque or Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Friday morning we will hit the road and travel to Mesa and stay at the same hotel our team will be at. They arrive Friday early A.M. Hopefully I can visit with or at least talk to some blogging friends. On Saturday the race Nick runs in will start at 1 P.M. I am hoping Sherry will be able to join us at the meet. Her grand girl Izzie is a runner too so hoping she can join Sherry and come cheer with us!

Any Arizona bloggers are welcome to join us at the Toka Sticks Golf Course in case you like cross country! I would love to visit with Jenny, Judie,Charlotte,Chara, Julie and Ames.  I would love to visit with these ladies and Laura.I know our trip will be lots of car travel but it is an opportunity to see our baby run in the national cross country meet, something we have missed the past three years. It will also be a time to enjoy some time away from my busy job and my Sweets can always use a break from standing on his poor feet all day long!

We will leave Sunday early as we both have to work Monday and our college girl has to return to college classes. Her schedule is perfect, it allows her to come and join us without missing any classes. She will give up a couple shifts at work. But she is a great driver and has maneuvered  the back roads of Nebraska and Kansas to visit friends, driving solo.

I am hoping you will join our featured blogger here. Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget my Pay it forward giveaway til November 30th. is a surprise giveaway but I think you will love it!


  1. Good luck Nick and safe travels!


  2. I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip. And, good luck to Nick! I hope you have fun and aren't too tired from all the traveling to enjoy yourself when you get there.

  3. I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip. And, good luck to Nick! I hope you have fun and aren't too tired from all the traveling to enjoy yourself when you get there.

  4. This sounds like a grand adventure and fun to cheer Nick on and see friends and relatives along the way.

  5. Can't wait to see the photos of your trip Anne.

    My Pink, have a nice weekend!

  6. Sounds like some fun adventures are heading your way. Have a safe trip and enjoy being able to cheer Nick on. Nothing like a break away from the norm and especially spending time with family and friends.

  7. Wow! It sounds like this will be a whirlwind trip! My fingers and shoe laces are crossed that your son will have an amazing race.

    We are getting ready to head to D.C. to have Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg.

  8. I just know that you will have a great trip heading west.
    Am hopeing your son's team wins and they all have a lot of fun.
    We are celebrating an early Thanksgiving Dinner that weekend.
    Because my daughter in laws whole family is here, we have our dinner a week early so they don't have a conflict or have to eat two turkeys in one day. HA.
    Please email me at and I will give you my phone number. We can at least talk to each other and I can hear all about the race.
    Best wishes and good luck to your son and the team. I would have loved to get in touch in person, but talking to you would be great. Be safe and enjoy.
    I have missed you too,

  9. Sounds like a fun but whirlwind trip. I hope your son and team do well in the race. I think it is great your family can be there to cheer them on. I'm fixing a birthday dinner for our son tonight. Hard to believe he's 49 years old.
    Prayers and blessings,

  10. Sounds like loads of fun to me:) Riding across the beautiful country and enjoying time with your Honey... visits with bloggy sisters AND seeing your Cross Country Star! FUN!

    Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  11. Anne, be safe traveling and good luck to Nick. I know you will have a wonderful time.

    I love the luggage. smile!
    Travel mercies and blessings to you all.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  12. Hi, Yes, it's a long way to go, but when it comes to family it's sure worth it. Good luck to your son and I hope you have a fun and safe trip. My youngest just moved to Mesa last Thursday. Missing her and her hubby terribly. Hopefully the weather will hold out for you.

  13. I sooooooooooooo wish I could have met you while you were here :( I had to work today and this is the only time I have had to be on the computer today :( I hope he did well in his race... and I hope you have a safe trip home!! I am hoping to meet you someday :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  14. Hi :) I'm so glad to see that you had stopped by and visited my blog to enter my Holiday Giveaway ~ I will keep my fingers crossed for you :)

    Wishing you a safe & super fun trip!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  15. Go Nick!!

    Hope you'all have a safe and enjoyable trip!

  16. Glad you are getting to go see your son in the relays. What we parents want to do for our children. Just be very careful and fill your autograph book full of blogger friends.I really like the way you changed your blog page.

  17. Love Is... having a safe trip & enjoying your sons race. Hope Nick did well.
    Hugs sweet friend ~
    TTFN ~

  18. I'm awaiting your call!

    I'm excited!

    Travel safe.

    And enjoy our sunshine!

    We'll B having coffee soon!

    Thanks for linking up to the letter B.


  19. G'day Anne ~
    How did Nick do? So hope the run was great for him.

    I so hope that you had a marvelous safe trip & got to meet all the bloggers you desired. Nothing better than hugs & chats.

    Anxious to hear all about the trip.

    Take care, sweet lady & have a beautiful Thanksgiving

    TTFN ~
