
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Writing from the Heart

Please come join this fabulous project.  When Suzanne asked us to join her by sending a birthday card to a senior and include a one bill if we could I was happy to make someone smile! But I have gotten so much more out of this. My phamily got involved and at first they acted like I was trying to make them give their personal history to a stranger! LOL! Then they started signing the cards with me. Now they look forward to each new month so we can sign the cards, include a dollar and get great joy from the project!
I started writing letters to friends and phamily and sending more personal cards to them too. It is giving me something so joyful that I am at a loss of words to describe it! Just ask LV. She knows I can be a chatter box! Ha Ha!
I am a gifted Gabbie. I love to chat. I love talking with friends. I want to hold your hand if you are sad, send you a simple wish if you need a lift.  I could talk to you until you tire of hearing my voice. But I care and I pride myself in being an honest and open person. If I like you it is genuine. If we can agree to disagree that is great!
My whole life I always loved opening the mail on my birthday and seeing the cards and thoughts being sent my way. I save cards and letters and grateful that I do. I have some precious memories with my mom and aunts hand written cards because they are no longer with me.
I have been sad and miserable  this past week. Too many tears, not enough smiling. But I wear my hear on my sleeve and I really take a lot to heart.
So I have found that this project of writing letters and cards and even sending messages to strangers is making my heart light.
I think secretly everyone would like to open their mail box and see it overflowing with good thoughts and wishes. I am a very humble person. I don't have a lot of glitter and glamour! But my heart is generous for you and filled with love and appreciation for your friendship here.
Join me by sending a hand written note or card to someone you care about today.


  1. Great post Anne. Glad you chat myself and I am sure the person receiving your cards can read that into your writing. I am blessed doing for others and so are you.

  2. So well said my Dear. I just love getting cards in the mail and I too have saved some letters from long ago. I guess writing letters has become a lost art. I think it's wonderful that you have taken on that project. Love it.

    Wow, I could not believe I won your giveaway, oh my, I'm doin the happy dance. Thank you so very much. I'm excited and there are no words to express my gratitude.


  3. A wonderful reminder. I just picked a card up for my life-long friend..and it says...I Miss You~Being weird isn't as much fun without you here to see it. I used to write cards and letters so much more than I do now. I am going to try to do it more often.

  4. What a wonderful challenge and what a loving, caring, lovely person you are Anne. I hope unexpected joy and blessings find their way to you and that next week is a time of lifted burdens.

  5. It is always so sweet to receive a card or letter in the mail! I mail cards and letters most every day to Justin in Afghanistan! It gives me great joy to picture his smile when he opens them:) What a wonderful post! Have a blessed day and hopefully next week will be better! HUGS!

  6. I'm glad you had such a wonderful experience. And I think being able to chat is a real talent. sandie

  7. You are one precious lady Anne! You always make my heart smile. God knew I needed you in my life!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  8. Beautifully written, Anne. Keep them coming!

  9. Those old folks must really smile when they see a card from you - to know that while their lifes may seem "over" - they aren't forgotten - which is worse.

  10. Great post. Having someone know they're thought about is always the best. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  11. I really love this idea! I need to tie her link up to my Serving Others Thanksgiving one.

  12. As convenient and easy as emailing and texting can be there's nothing quite like REAL mail. Getting a card or a letter in the mail always makes my day. This is a fabulous idea

  13. HI sweet friend,
    I miss written correspondence as well, but I admit I send fewer and fewer cards every year. A few of my sisters still send my birthday cards and it is so much fun.
    We have turned into an 'instant' society.
    If we ever met in person, there would not be one moment of silence!!!

  14. I send so many cards a month! It really gives me great joy! This is certainly a lovely project!

  15. Sounds really great. I would love to join you guys........

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