
Monday, December 5, 2011

Hello Blue Monday

I will have to add my photos this evening but did not want to miss the fun of Blue Monday! With temps dipping into the single digits and below zero hitting us all weekend long I decided blue Monday would be so appropriate for us! We will all turn into blue popsicles if we don't bundle up and layer properly!

I think a warm tropical beach would suit me just fine about now. Even another trip to Phoenix/Mesa in the sun! :)

My secret pen pal Nikki in Washington state, come visit and reveal yourself here too! Hee Hee Do you drink coffee, tea or cocoa? What us your pleasure!

Marilyn my first giveaway winner watch your mail later in the week as your package went out this morning!

Now hurry over to Sally and get happy here. Once I am home again I think my photos will load so come back tonight!


  1. BRRRRR!
    Bundle up and stay warm - we don't want YOU to turn into a blue popsicle!

  2. oh just thinking about snow and ice and cold makes me shiver ! Anything below 70* is a no no :))
    stay warm !

  3. Oh a chill is in the air... NOT HERE! It is 70 degrees today! Too warm with the Christmas decorations everywhere! It is supposed to rain tomorrow and cool off again! Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  4. With temperatures like that, you are probably blue enough without pictures. We may get our first freeze Tuesday.

  5. I wish I was at the beach, awwwwwwwww.

  6. Perhaps I'll regret this later, but right now I can't wait for chilly weather. Here in CT today it was 62 and I was putting up outdoor decorations!...:)JP

  7. WOW that really is super COLD! I was complaining when ours reached 19! Can't wait to see your pictures!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  8. In this cold weather, I'll check the mailbox as I drive in the yard when I get home from school. A good reason to come right home.♥♫

  9. I don't know girl... it snowed in Scottsdale today!! LOL!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  10. Hi Anne,

    I'm so glad you were able to play today.

    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  11. Bundle up! I am not a fan of frigid temps and anything below 50 gets me worked up.

    What a fun blog; thanks for stopping by for Jenny's alphabet series.

    It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising

  12. When I was 11 years old I had my tonsils removed. My next door neighbor brought me a blue ice was the only thing that made me feel better. Your picture triggered that memory. Stay warm...we are having unseasonable warm weather in Jersey!

  13. oh, my! single digit? you should move to San Antonio....:)

  14. Maybe you need to come to Alabama, we've had daytime temps in the 60's and 70's for the past few days. But it's raining today and cooler air is on its way, so you'd better hurry!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  15. Perfect for Blue Monday:)

    Visiting for BM! Hope you can visit mine too..

  16. GULP! Did you say SINGLE DIGITS!


    Okay, I won't tell you how cold it is here in the 40's tonight then.

    Stay cozy.
