
Friday, December 9, 2011

Pink Charm Bracelets

I am having a good day! I am participating in the Secret Santa Soiree with Colorado Lady. I received my swap partners gift box today! Let me say this I L O V E every single thing she sent me! So tomorrow when I announce the winner of my birthday giveaway I will post all my treasures. This was a sweet partner who showered me with some many pretty wrapped gifts! I was tickled pink!
So hop over to visit Beverly and thank her for her gracious hosting of this fun fest each week! Thank you Beverly! I don't think I tell you enough!

So today I want to share one of my passions with you, charm bracelets. I found some pretty pink images and unique designs on google image but I have to say I am a bit out of touch! In the 1970's and 80's I worked next door to a jewelry store! They offered a layaway plan! I am pretty sure you can figure the rest out from there! Ha Ha Ha! If that wasn't bad enough there were two other jewelry stores on the main street where I worked!  I purchased a beautiful sterling silver charm bracelet and when I clear out my storage/garage I will put some photos up! I had so many beautiful charms and back then I paid between $5 and $20 per charm.  I had to catch my breathe when I saw sterling silver charms for sale on line for (gulp) $50, $85, $245 !!!! Y I K E S ! I know the cost of precious metals has skyrocketed but goodness!

I also started a 10k-14k gold charm bracelet with a few charms on it. I am afraid to see the cost of those today! I am not even sure if you can purchase real gold charms today! Unless, of course, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet is covering the tab!

I have a bracelet that my late aunt's sister Katherine gave me when I was in high school. It is a charm bracelet covered with real sea shells. I also have a ten commandments charm bracelet. I will share some photos when I dig my jewelry boxes out of storage!

You have seen some of the things I like so come share your passions too. Make sure you visit some pinkies today and enjoy the weekend!


  1. I loveeeeeeeeee these!! Just GORGEOUS!!! I love to see what your passions are! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Sweet charm bracelets:) Love the cupcake one! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  3. WOW!!!!! I just love them all. I am so a charm person myself that whenever I see something like that I just have to click on it to see it. Love it!!!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday to You and Yours!!!Have a wonderful and blessed holiday!

    Love, Light, & Harmony, CindyLew

  4. Anne, I have always loved jewelry. Have more than I ware now. However, as I have aged, seldom wear it. Just not as important anymore. Looking forward to seeing what Santa brought you. Stay warm.

  5. I love charm bracelets and I love pink. Your charm bracelet is wonderful. Laura

  6. These are all very pretty. Lucky you!~Ames

  7. Hi,

    I am visiting you for the first time on Pink Saturday.

    I like your pink bracelet. Secret Santas are fun.

    Please stop by my cottage too.


  8. Oh how cute! I love that pink bracelet! What a fun Secret Santa party! xo Diana

  9. Hello.
    Your gift is lovely as are all the other charm bracelets.
    Pink is such a happy color.
    Thanks for sharing.

    For ref:
    Eleven Roses And You

  10. Your bracelets are whimsical and fun! Beautiful colors too!
