
Friday, December 30, 2011

Pinks and a Happy New Year To All!

How about a trip to the Bahamas so you can sit on this fabulous pink beach?
Some pretty pink bubbly beverages in pretty flutes. Ah...bring the new year in with style.

Pink Champagne Cupcakes. You can find these at Betty Crocker's website.
Stop by Beverly's and thank her for hosting our weekly Pink Saturdays. I will be a participate for three years! Happy New Year Pink Saturday!

 One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this:  To rise above the little things.  ~John Burroughs

We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched.  Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.  ~Ellen Goodman


  1. Such pretty pinks, happy new year my friend.

  2. Soo pretty!

    My PINK, please come and see. Have a happy new year!

  3. I love the pink cupcakes!

    The quotes are very inspiring.

    Have a lovely New Year!

  4. Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!


  5. Thanks for the beautiful pinks and the words of inspiration.

    hugs and Happy New Year.


  6. I'll take the pink champagne and the beach in the Bahamas. Happy Pink Saturday and happy new year.

  7. Happy New Year to you & yours from Normandy!

  8. Such pretty pinks! Happy New Year to you!..Christine

  9. Great, yes, the first is precious. I wish you a happy 2012.

  10. Happy Pink New Year! Blessings- xo Diana

  11. Loveeeeeeeeeeee it!! Happy New Year! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  12. Hi Anne,

    The pink cupcakes look so tasty!

    Happy New Year! I hope you have an amazing year.

    Blessings, Kerrie

  13. I would love to be sitting on that warm beach enjoying a cupcake right now. Happy 2012!

  14. Happy New Year to you! I will be looking around my life making some lists:) Hope you have a blessed day and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!!!

  15. How very nice to meet you!!!

    Thank you for leaving a comment; I so love knowing who stops by!

    Enjoy your new year! Anita

  16. Happy New Year to you! I just came from Suzanne's blog where I discovered that you were my Secret Santa. (I hope I figured out the numbers correctly and you are the right person!) I just loved everything that you sent and I've been pouring over the cookbook and hope to be cooking like a Jewish grandmother very soon. I came down with a cold on Christmas Day, so I've been taking it easy and haven't been online much over the holidays. There were three columns of names on Suzanne's site and I went through most of the first two columns trying to figure out who my Secret Santa was, but I never got to the third column. You really did your homework and put together a wonderful package for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You were a wonderful Secret Santa. Betty

  17. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by! Just wanted to let you know you're included in my ephemera give-away. Good Luck!

