
Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Post/A Giveaway Winner and More!

I am posting late tonight! W had a snow storm and we had a difficult time getting to work today. We are exhausted. When we got home our oldest daughter started to cook us breakfast for dinner! It was yummy but we had dishes to do and you know that drill! So here I am posting late!
I love this sweet little Love is... I personally am not a camping out kinda girl! My late Uncle Tom use to say "My idea of camping out is a five star hotel with room service!" That is my idea of camping out too! But I do love this sweet little sentiment! So although today is not Love I wanted to share it anyway!
 I had to borrow this sweet  image from google because I have to announce the winner of my 2 year blogaversary giveaway! It is sweet Marilyn a Colorado blogger! She is one of the nicest ladies I know and a school teacher. Please visit her blog and congratulate her. She will receive a special surprise from me and she can show it off when it arrives! I ask when you win a giveaway here you repay a kindness by paying it forward! Nothing extreme where it is  out of your budget! Just make someone else's day! Horray for Marilyn! I know she was fighting the snowy roads today too! Blessings to you Marilyn.

 It is cold and snowy here. So I have a question for all of you here! When you leave a
comment tell me your favorite beverage. Coffee! Tea!Juice. What is your favorite drinking pleasure!
 Please remember to leave a comment regarding my birthday giveaway! I will draw that lucky winner early Saturday December 10th. I am running the giveaway until that date. It is also a surprise but I am quite creative in gift giving so I know you will love it!
I was searching google images and found this. I was looking for something to post regarding prayer. I need prayer for Mickey who recently had a biopsy and may have cancer. Also pray for Mary who is experiencing a difficult financial crisis. I think this sentiment is perfect.  Please join me in praying for these folks. Always remember  our military who give so much and get so little in return.

 Let my prayer be set forth as incense before You, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141: 2
Please go back to my previous post. It is my "D" post for Alphabe Thursday. I was happy to showcase my city where I have lived since 1983.
I currently hold a full time day job but the next photo shows my true love. It is the job I do love the most!

The Stages Of Motherhood
Here is a light hearted presentation of what we all think about our moms, at different points of our lives. Don't get surprised because we all have the same tendency towards our mothers!
4 Years Of Age - My Mommy can do anything;
8 Years Of Age - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot
12 Years Of Age -My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 Years Of Age -Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either
16 Years Of Age -Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned
18 Years Of Age -That old woman? She's way out of date
25 Years Of Age -Well, she might know a little bit about it
35 Years Of Age -Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion
45 Years Of Age -Wonder what Mom would have thought about it
65 Years Of Age -Wish, I could talk it over with Mom


Cook a man a fish and you fed him for a day.

But teach a man to fish and you get rid of him for the whole weekend!

It is time to get some much needed rest and shout TGIF tomorrow! My doc will be busy at surgery all day long! A chance at last to get some work caught up and take a break from the crush of patients that have come in all week long. I am grateful to be working but somedays it is just too much! I need some rest and relaxation!


  1. Hi Anne! I've been so swamped since we met up. I've been wanting to post some pictures but time has certainly goten away from me!

    It was soooo fun meeting you and your lovely daughter. Your husband seems like wonderful guy, too!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeee this post!!!! And I got my package yesterday birthday twin!!! Thank you soooooooooooooo much!! You are soooooooooooo sweet!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):) My fave drink (AKA my vice! lol!) is Diet Mountain Dew!!! Stay safe on those roads! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Oh my goodness, SNOW! I saw that on the news!!!! Congratulations to the WINNER, LUCKY Marilyn!

    Birthday giveaway... YIPPPPEEEEE! I will join you in praying for these folks! Prayer changes things!

    Enjoy your day my friend, STAY safe and WARM:)

  4. Oh ya...I read where Denver and the front range is getting arctic cold and snow. Just keep it there, willya?!! After so many years of fighting the traffic and the 'idiot drivers' who think their 4 wheel drive vehicles are 'snow and ice proof'...yep, I'm glad I'm away from Denver and the foothills. Awwwwwwwww, I can relax with the 40 degree lows we have and the balmy 60-70 degree winters. But ooops....wait, we are expecting to get what you have had here also....but without the snow.

    While reading this post, I was thinking of the same thing...roughing it is having a trip and leaving without room reservations at a plush hotel suite. Yep, that's me too.

    Loved the stages of motherhood.

    A link to my Friday post: Part 1 of our Road Trip

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  5. I saw ya over at Jenny's and just had to pop in!

    It's so great that ya'll got to meet up and have a fun day together!

    A very happy, happy birthday to you sweetie. A giveaway??? Ya know how I love a great giveaway!

    Congratulations on your two year adventure in Bloggiville!!!

    Here's sendin' a great big congratulations to your Marilyn, lucky gal!!!

    Yep, I'll join forces in prayer with the need listed here my friend. We serve a mighty God!

    Have a blessed and beautiful weekend sweetie!!! :o)

  6. Happy 2 year anniversary!!

    Congrats Marilyn!

    Happy upcoming Birthday!!

    Hmm... favorite drink? Bailey's Irish Creme... not had any in several years! Day to day? Iced Tea and Diet Coke/Pepsi/Cheapo brand.

  7. Happy Birthday! I joined you in prayer for Mickey and for Mary.

  8. Hey, Anne...I've been without internet for 6 wks and have missed everyone...Happy Birthday/anniversary...:)JP

  9. HI Anne,
    Happy 2 year blogiversary :) :) Your post was really sweet and funny, too :) :) Oh, what's my favorite drink? Well, in pre-gluten free days it was a frou-frou coffee drink from The Human BEan. Now it's an herbal coffee alternative called Dandy Blend. I love that stuff, especially on a cold day :) Have a great weekend. Love andhugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  10. my favorite drink is Diet Coke!!! Happy 2 year anniversary of your blog!


  11. I do understand about that snow slowing us down!! My favorite drink is WATER!! To a farmer's daughter and late farmer's wife, water is more precious than gold or diamonds. Especially out on the plains of Colorado! And that means I can make my tea whenever I need it. BUT, when it's a 5-day school week, I'm ready for a Mountain Dew on Friday.

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I'm blessed to be your winner! And I have already started a stash to have a give away after Christmas! January will be a nice time for it as it will be my daughter's birthday and we can celebrate two things at once!

    When you are out in our next storm, drive carefully!♥♫

  12. Hope your birthday was wonderful! I was out of town and just caught up reading.

    Fav drink?? TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA! knew that. ;-)
