
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I nearly did my post about "ice", rocks, jewelry! Woo Hoo! I L O V E diamonds! I thought about jewelry and thought an I.D. bracelet would be great too! Then  decided to go "incognito"! Ha Ha!
Here are a few  famous folks and not so famous  incognito!
Victoria Beckham in her trench coat and sunglasses with wide birmmed hat! I N C O G N I T O !
A silly pup!
Ryan Reynolds trying to go incognito!

Incognito is an adjective that means unidentified, unknown, disguised, concealed.

Let's use it in a sentence: The Federal Witness Protection Program  makes its charges permanently incognito.

So stop by Ms. Jenny's and visit the "I" crowd, er...I mean, "In" crowd today! 


  1. I would recognize Ryan Reynolds anywhere!! Cute post ANNE! The Other Ann.

  2. Wondering how many bloggers are "incognito"???? Not me that's for sure!...:)JP

  3. Now that's what I call a perfect I post! :) You always come up with the best words -- I wouldn't have thought of incognito in a thousand years. ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog the other day -- it's always lovely to welcome you there. (And I bet you always think of "Tangled" then. Well, it could be worse! ;) )


  4. My supervisor was Incognito, yesterday, I did not recognize her dressed in good humor! :0)
    God is amazing....the Lord is teaching me how to love when my own feelings desire to hate...isn't he the best!

  5. I am going incognito this morning... glasses, housecoat and NO make-up:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  6. I've found that when my hair is a mess or when I'm wearing really bad jeans, and wish to be incognito I'll invariably meet lots of people I know and I'll wish I'd taken more time with my appearance!

  7. What a great word! I love this post!

  8. How cute! I like being 'in', too...and I love beautiful jewelry! ♥

  9. What a cleer post, Anne! When one lives in a small city such as Tucson, it's hard to go incognito! People have seen me at my worst and at my best,and they always recognize me for the crazy woman that I am!!

  10. Ryan Reynolds can't hide from me!

  11. Good word for 'I' with great examples. Some of the stars aren't really hiding.

  12. Perfect word LOL! Like minds. Hee hee!~Ames

  13. Perfect - I really enjoyed that and looking at Ryan! sandie

  14. Great post! I actually didn't recognize VB ... but i doubt if there is anything RR could do to disguise his natural gorgeousness ...

  15. I try to go incognito all the time. Oh wait a one knows me, so that's easy to do! LOL

  16. Great share, Anne. Are you in Kansas or back ... I've lost track.

    We got snow today, FINALLY! & ICE, ugh!

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  17. Hello.
    I would never have guessed that was Victoria Beckham...doesn't look like her....face seems too full.
    Nice post.
    Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for your kind comments on my post. They mean a lot to me.

    Into Nothingness...

  18. What a fun post!

    This is an "I" word I never thought!

    I love your humorous approach to incognito! What a fun word.

    Thanks for sharing it.

