
Friday, February 3, 2012

Pink Saturday is Red Saturday

I am joining Beverly today for Pink Saturday! Today is Friday and I am celebrating wearing red! Now I won't show you my red pajamas because I have been a slug all day long but please join me regarding Red Friday and the American Heart Association. Let's celebrate women and get involved to stop heart disease. Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women? It beats out all cancers and statistics show 1 in 6 women will suffer from heart disease. So in honor of this day and the fact that I was unable to get to work due to this terrific snow storm we are having I stayed put in my red pajamas!

My dad had heart disease as well as one of his sisters. My aunt Steph passed away from heart disease. Two friends in their forties died from the disease. My sis and brother both have a form of heart disease.
Mark Sanchez is a favorite quarterback of mine! He did this commercial for heart disease during Super Bowl 44. The heart beating is his own! What a beautiful man!

Many women never have chest pain but rather suffer from interrupted sleep(48%), indigestion (39%), anxiety (35%), unusual fatigue (70%), shortness of breath (42%). These are the most common syptoms before a heart attack.

These are symptoms that occur during a heart attack:
Shortness of breath (58%)
Weakness (55%)
Unusual fatigue (43%)
Cold sweat (39%)
Dizziness (39%)

Please continue to pray for baby Tenlee (see my right sidebar) and her new heart which recently replaced her bad heart! My nephew Brian was born with heart disease. The facts are clear, this disease does not discriminate.  Please take care of your heart!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. Heart disease has touched both my husband's and my family. It's all too often a silent killer, simply because many people don't realize the symptoms.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. HI Anne :) :)
    Oh, thanks for posting about this. It's so important for us women to take care of our health!!! You are right, the symptoms of heart problems in women are so different than they are in men.!!! Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  3. Bless you for sharing such great, useful information. Prayers continue for baby Tenlee.

  4. What a huge eye opener. Thank you for sharing I hope and pray everything goes well. Grace

  5. Heart disease is such a scary, silent killer of women (more than men). Great educational post! xo Diana

  6. Thanks for sharing these facts... praying for that sweet precious baby....

  7. I hope everything goes well!

    I popped over from Pink Saturday and took her challenge of selecting a blogger and including a mention to her in next week's Pink post and I selected you. So check next Saturday!!

  8. This is for you since you mentioned having a perfect cup of tea!!

  9. Heart disease runs in my family - my dad has had two bypass surgeries in 20 years and is still fit and active thanks to timely care. I have had angioplasty already, despite a lifestyle and diet that should result in clear arteries - it's hereditary. My Size Two Sister has a cholesterol reading that makes doctors quake. It's important to know your familial risks!

  10. Keeping all in my prayers.

    A friend sent me an email about surgeons using Fluorescent lights to locate cancer and tumors. It is a fascinating medical break through. Just more radical mastectomy's! Hugs~Ames♥

  11. Anne, I had a heart attack when I was only 46. Your post is just so important!!

    Could you post your baby photo on your blog, so I can download it from there???

  12. My hubby had a heart attack last year and we have been so aware of what can go wrong now. Wearing red and being aware is SO IMPORTANT. thanks for sharing.

  13. Great post and a reminder that we ALL need to watch our hearts! I have two friends UNDER 50 that just had to have heart surgery! It doesn't matter how old you are these days, heart disease strikes us down! Have a blessed day my friend!


  14. You've won my heart with your blog and connection to Judie.

    Thanks for finding me so I could join your following.

  15. Thanks for the wonderful reminder about heart disease. I lost my dear uncle to a heart attack many years ago. He was in his 50s. I still miss his smile and gentle nature.

    Thanks for stopping by today.

  16. I'm one of those touched by Heart Disease... 6 years ago woke to saran wrap in my lungs!! The EMS took me away! Heart Failure! I now have a pacer/defib in my chest and I'm so thankful to be alive!
    Wonderful post
