
Thursday, April 5, 2012

"T" is for Tea Time

When I participated in a tea cup swap I received this beautiful violet flowered tea cup and saucer. It is a favorite of mine.
How about a birthday celebration with a teacup cupcake? A sweet gift from a lovely friend.

A tea server with cups and saucers and a bunny with Easter cupcakes!

An elephant teapot. It is on my wish list!

Do you have a favorite tea? I love jasmine tea for special occasions. It is so rich I can't drink it each day! I am a fan of peppermint! It soothes an upset tummy! Earl Grey, Darjeeling, English breakfast, a few more favorites. A bedtime favorite is Celestial Seasoning Sleepy Time Tea! I drink it most evenings before bed. I prefer honey over sugar to sweeten my tea. In the summer we drink lots of Sweet Tea!

I am sharing the letter T today with the terrific team at Ms. Jenny's Alphabe Thursday. I am a tea loving blogger! I hope you are too!


  1. Oh I would want that elephant teapot on my wish list too!

  2. I'm more of a coffee girl but those cups and pots are lovely -- esp. the elephant you wish for.

  3. Love the teacup you received! And the elephant teapot -very creative!

  4. Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s T-Party, great post –and Happy Easter!

  5. A Very Blessed Easter to You & Yours!!

  6. Lots of cute tea things! Nicely done for T!

  7. What a tea-rific post. I adore tea.

  8. My favorite tea is cinnamon spice.

  9. What a TEA-RIFFIC post! I would love that little elephant teapot, too. How cute is that? Easter blessings- xo Diana

  10. Ah, such magical makings at your house!

  11. I'm an English Breakfast girl... love it! Love the bunny cupcakes - they're so cute :).

  12. I enjoy green ice tea in the summer. This year I bought myself a mint plant so I can pick fresh mint for my tea.

  13. I am an earl grey girl. I like biglow's decaffienated tea. it is the only earl grey that is decaffienated that I like. otherwise regular works just fine.


  14. Delightful post for A -T.
    Our everyday tea is P&G tips, a classic British blend that has been around for years.
    I also enjoy chamomile tea when I feel stressed or as a nightcap to help me sleep.

  15. In spite of being English, I don't much like tea. If I drink any, it is Earl Grey.

    I do, however, love the elephant tea pot. I hope you manage to find one!

  16. Beautiful teacup you received. I have never done a tea swap and would love to know more about them.

  17. Yummy, BLUE peeps..

    Visiting for Blue Monday-hope you can stop by:)

  18. Oh wow. What terrific tea pots! That elephant one is really especially neat!

    I am off to make a cup of vanilla nut creme decaf tea now! I shall think of you as I sip it!

    Thanks for linking up.

